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Medicine Sections, Clinical Services


Medicine Sections, Clinical Services Doctor

Department Overview

Wei-Chun Wang

Wei-Chun Wang

Attending Physician
Stroke, dyskinesia, peripheral neuropathy and general neurology
Hung-Yu Huang

Hung-Yu Huang

Attending Physician
Acute treatment of stroke and related chronic disease control, dementia, and movement disorders.
What do you want to say to everyone: suspect a stroke, call 119 immediately!
Wei-Shih Huang

Wei-Shih Huang

Attending Physician
Doctor Wei-Shih Huang has been working at the hospital for over 20 years, since first graduating. After the establishment of the department of neurology wards 2000, Doctor Huang was appointed the Director of hospice and was the communication bridge between doctors and nursing personnel. He shares friendly relationships with nurses and patients alike and is rare doctor of good standing. His specialization lies in Physical Examination, logic thinking; and focuses on strokes, vascular ultrasound sonography, and integrated medical treatment. Aside from work, he has a whole variety of interests including tennis, swimming, movies and strives to achieve a balance between work and family life.
Kang-Hsu Lin

Kang-Hsu Lin

Ward Director
After graduating from School of Medicine at National Yang-Ming University, Doctor Kang-Hsu Lin received traning at Taipai Veterans General Hospital and in 2002 acquired Neurology Specialist qualifications. In 2006, he acquired Department recognized instructor qualitifications. He started servicing in the hospital in 2007 and was responsible for looking after ICU patients. In addition he was appointed the Stroke & Neurology ICU Director in 2009. Doctor Lin specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of headache diseases.
Yuh-Cherng Guo

Yuh-Cherng Guo

Doctor Yuh-Cherng Guo graduated from Kaohsiung Medical University and then received Neurology training at Taipei Veterans General Hospital Neurology Centre. Doctor Guo specializes in neuromuscular diseases, multiple sclerosis, neuro-optic myelitis, severe myasthenia and other peripheral neural immunology diseases. In addition, Doctor Guo also specializes in clinic, electrophysiology, neuromuscular disease abstraction and genetic diagnosis of genetic neuromuscular disease, cerebral atrophy, Motor Neuron Disease and other rare diseases. Doctor Yuh-Cherng Guo was the committee of the Taiwan Neurological Society and is currently the Director of the Department of Neurology’s Neurologic Examination Room. In the recent years, he has conducted diagnosis and treatment research on the neurological immunology related encephalitis and epilepsy.
Tzung-Wei Shiu

Tzung-Wei Shiu

Attending Physician
Doctor Tzung-Wei Shiu specializes in juvenile mind and psychology health, Psychiatric diseases. Doctor Shiu received 5 years of Psychiatric treatment in England and are one of the few experts who have experience in both theory and practice. Doctor Shiu’s treatment items include: clinics, day-time services and different treatment group. Her patients ranges from school age children to juvenile ages. Examples include infant movement, language, cognition or social development problems (e.g.autism), to mental troubles of juveniles, learning difficulties or mood disorders (lack of concentration, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, sleep disorder)
Po-Lun Wu

Po-Lun Wu

Attending Physician
Doctor Wu Bo Lun specializes in the treatment of depression, obessive compulsive disorder and impulse control diseases; including medical treatment, psychiatric treatment and emerging therapy research. Doctor Wu is one of the few physicians capable of providing evaluation and treatment of patients with obessive compulsive disorder and provide research therapy for difficult obessive compulsive disorder patients. Doctor Wu also engages in Psychiatric services, teaching and training; including tumor psychiatry, organ transplant, rare infant diseases and suicide prevention evaluation services. Doctor Wu also provides psychiatric consultation services.
Chun-Hui Liao

Chun-Hui Liao

Attending Physician
Doctor Chun-Hui Liao has abundant experience in psychiatric in addition to internal clinic experiences. In caring for patient’s mental condition, she also cares for the patient’s physical condition. Doctor Liao acquired a master degree from Graduate Institute of Environment Medicine and treats common psychiatric diseases (schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, insomnia etc.) and also engages in psychiatric and drug addiction treatment. She also participates in assisting medical institutes in dementia, depression and anxiety disorder for the elderly.
Yu-Jhen Huang

Yu-Jhen Huang

Attending Physician
General psychiatry, depression, bipolar affective disorder, psychosis, anxiety disorders, dementia, and community rehabilitation psychiatry
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