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Health EducationPrecautions for Vasectomy 輸精管結紮注意事項
2024/1/29The procedure takes about 30 minutes. Local anesthesia is administered on scrotal epidermis. Two tiny openings about 1 cm each side will be cut for vasectomy.
Prosthetic Mesh Surgery Care 人工網膜術後衛教說明
2024/1/29Prosthetic mesh is a mesh substance made of polypropylene material, used for tensionless hernia repair. This material and the surrounding tissues form fibrosis to create a new layer of strong structure.
Artificial Urethral Sphincter Surgery Care 人工尿道括約肌術後衛教說明
2024/1/29Artificial Urethral Sphincter (AMS 800®) is consisted of three parts, including artificial sphincter made of silicide. This artificial sphincter is a bag that can be filled with water with the size of a watch belt.
What Is Urinary Incontinence? 什麼是尿失禁?
2024/1/29What is urinary incontinence? Forget about the complicated, wordy medical definition. Urinary incontinence is urinary leak at the wrong time and wrong place. The types of urinary incontinence include the following:
Urethritis 尿道炎
2024/1/29Urethritis is urethral infection, which occurs when bacteria get into the urethra. A normal urethra is bacteria free. When bacteria get into the urethra, the urethra will be infected. Bacteria can get to the bladder through urethral orifice, and even get up to the kidneys and cause pyelonephritis.
Prostate-Specific Antigen Interpretation 攝護腺特定抗原PSA判斷說
2024/1/29Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) is a protein that exists in epithelium in prostate only and can be tested easily through blood test.
Overactive Bladder 膀胱過動症
2024/1/29The prevalence rate of urinary incontinence in adult women is between 10-30%. According to the survey conducted in 1998 in 11 countries in Asia by APCAB (Asia Pacific Continence Advisory), about 15.1% of women and 5.8% of man suffered from urinary incontinence.
Screening for Prostate Cancer through A Digital Rectal Exam 攝護腺癌篩檢 肛門指診
2024/1/29The prostate is a male organ, located under the bladder, about the size of table tennis. Its main function is to secrete the prostate fluid and maintain sperm motility after ejaculation.
Retrogradepyelography 逆行性腎盂攝影術檢查說明
2024/1/29To detect renal, ureteral, cystic, and urethral lesions by using contrast medium and X-ray.
Cystoscopy Instructions 膀胱鏡檢查須知
2024/1/29Drink more water before examination to increase urination during examination.Follow physician advice before examination to give local anesthesia perfusion.