Department Introduction

Chinese Diagnostics Medicine | Excellence



Modernization of Chinese medicine

Before the 1970s, although Chinese medicine had accumulated considerable experience and achievements in the process of scientization, its theory was still kept in the framework of traditional Chinese medicine without further forming a complete set of scientific theories with systematic and empirical evidence. After the founding of the hospital's Department of Chinese Medicine in 1970, there have been remarkable achievements in the modernization or scientization of Chinese medicine.

The hospital's professor Shu-you Wang has begun to develop a pulse wave instrument since 1976. He combined the pulse wave diagram with the computer using pulse sensors, pressure transducers, and multichannel recorders to synchronize the pulse wave diagram and electrocardiogram (ECG). Moreover, he gave the pulse diagram a derived function to see the slope, recording Cun, Guan, Chi and Fu, Zhong, and Chen and laying down a set of criteria for the interpretation of pulse waves to make great strides in the scientization of Chinese medicine pulse diagnosis. In combination with electronic technology, computer science, and modern physics, the pulse diagnosis instrument displays pulse wave diagrams on the computer screen, which can serve the purpose of clinical practice, teaching, and research. Currently, the pulse diagnosis computer-aided system is composed of the patient data management system, pulse wave and ECG signal acquisition system, pulse wave signal analysis system, pulse wave signal identification system, spectrum analysis system, and pulse diagnosis database system.

Since 2001, director Chin-ming Huang of Chinese internal medicine has begun to develop Huang's pulse wave instrument, which was granted a category control number by the Department of Health in 2012. Its functions include: 1) instant analysis of pulse condition, time domain, and high and low frequency spectra; 2) measurement of derived functions and radial artery augmentation indices, and 3) image teaching for 28 kinds of pulse condition. It is able to fully present the characteristics of pulse manifestation—position, number, shape, and potential—so as to assist  Chinese medicine clinical pulse feeling and pulse diagnosis teaching.

The development of the hospital's auscultation-olfaction instrument began in 1995. It was professor Heng-hung Chang who proposed the original idea and worked with professor Chuang-chien Chiu of automatic control engineering at Feng Chia University. Using speech analysis technology, they completed the speech analysis of qi deficiency, yin deficiency, yang deficiency, and blood deficiency, so that Chinese medicine diagnosis could be further developed in terms of scientization and modernization.

The development of the tongue diagnosis instrument is also a diagnostic indicator of scientific and objective Chinese medicine. The instrument is derived from dean Heng-hung Chang's ideation and was jointly developed by professor Chien-chung Chen, director Hung-jen Lin, and professor I-wu Chiang of Sun Yat-Sen University more than a decade ago. In recent years, with the collaboration between dean Heng-hung Chang and professor Lun-chien Lo, the instrument has been continuously updated to be closer to the use and interpretation by clinicians of Chinese medicine. Moreover, they developed a computer-aided tongue diagnosis and interpretation system to push the Chinese medicine diagnostic apparatus to a higher level.

Through observational studies on scientific pulse feeling, auscultation and olfaction, and tongue observation, it set up a universal platform for Chinese and Western medicine to diagnose diseases in patients via science mapping.

Paper publication

巫漢揆(Han-Kuei Wu)、(Yu-Shien Ko)、(Yu-Sheng Lin)、(Hau-tieng Wu)、(Tung-Hu Tsai)、張恒鴻(CHANG,HEN-HONG)*,The correlation between pulse diagnosis and constitution identification in traditional Chinese medicine,COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES IN MEDICINE,2017 Feb,30():107-112

(Hau-Tieng Wu)、巫漢揆(Han-Kuei Wu)、(Chun-Li Wang)、(Yueh-Lung Yang)、(Wen-Hsiang Wu)、(Tung-Hu Tsai)、張恒鴻(CHANG,HEN-HONG)*,Modeling the Pulse Signal by Wave-Shape Function and Analyzing by Synchrosqueezing Transform,PLoS One,2016 Jun,11(6):e0157135

羅綸謙(Lun-Chien Lo)、(Tsung-Lin Cheng)、(Yi-Jing Chen)、(Sainbuyan Nastagdorj)、(John Y Chiang)*,TCM tongue diagnosis index of early-stage breast cancer,COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES IN MEDICINE,2015 Oct,23(5):637-645

羅綸謙(Lun-Chien Lo)、(Yung-Fu Chen)、蔣依吾(John.Y Chiang)、(Tsung-Lin Cheng)、(Natsagdorj Damdinsuren),Education of Chinese Medicine Tongue Diagnosis by Automatic Tongue Diagnosis System,Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine,2015 May,21():1-10

羅綸謙(Lun-Chien Lo)、(Chia-Yun Chen)、(John Y. Chiang)、(Tsung-Lin Cheng)、(Hong-Jen Lin)、張恒鴻(Chang, Hen-Hong),TONGUE DIAGNOSIS OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE FOR RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS,African Journal of Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicines,2013 Aug,10(5):360-369

(Wen-Hsiang Wu)、(Jia-You Liu)、張恒鴻(CHANG,HEN-HONG)*,Latent class model based diagnostic system utilizing traditional Chinese medicine for patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus,EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS,2011 Jan,38(1):281-287

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