Doctor Introduction
Childrens HospitalDoctor
Childrens Hospital
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Dr. Chang-Hai Tsai has been appointed as the chairman of China Medical University and Medical System since 2001. Chairman Tsai won the Taiwan Medical Model Award in November 2008, and won the National Public Welfare Award three years later. The chairman believes that the pace of innovation and change in the hospital must be fast, and high efficiency can lead to high quality. The ability to complete communication and coordination in one piece, let all colleagues at the meeting once again see the extraordinary leadership of this white-robed CEO
Doctor Fu-Jen Tsai is the Director of the Hospital’s Department of Research and Genetic Medicine. He is also an Attending Physician of Division of Pediatrics and is a Distinguished professor and Vice Principal of China Medical University. Dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of Pediatric Genetic & Metabolism diseases
Dr. Chung-Hsing Wang is currently in charge of Children's Genetics, treating diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases and endocrine and metabolic diseases. Committed to molecular diagnosis of rare diseases, to establish the genetic database of special diseases for people, for the academic diagnosis and treatment of reference platform.
Doctor Chien-Chung Kuo has a doctorate degree in Institute of Biomedical Engineering , National Taiwan University and received advanced training at Aichi Prefecture Pediatric Hospital, Oxford Scientific Engineering, Nuffield Orthopedics Center, University of Washington Mechanical Engineering, Seattle Harborview Medical Center etc. He has undergone movement analysis and artificial joint replacement surgery related research. Doctor Kup specializes in 1) Pediatric orthopedics: Cerebral paralysis, Genu varum, Genu Valgum, abnormal footsteps; 2)ankle orthopedics: Hallux Valgus, artificial joint replacement surgery and 3) General trauma orthopedics
Doctor Kuo-Ting Sun specializes in pediatric dentistry, Juvenile Orthodontics and dentistry for mentally and physically impaired. The American Association of Orthodontists suggest children to undergo initial professional Orthodontist specialist evaluation at the age of 6 and to undergo frequent check-ups. The specialist shall provide expert evaluation and treatment suggestions. Adjustments may include: 1) The gap between incisors is too large; 2) open bite; 3) anterior bite; 4) Premature loss or defect of milk tooth; 5) Severe open bite, anterior bite and mandibular prognathism; 6) Lateral Deviated Mandible etc.
Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine
Early intervention of Child development
Taiwan Association of Child Development and Early Intervention (TACDEI) 9th National Golden Palm Tree Award
Assistant Professor Kuo-Liang Chen has surgery and urology specialist qualifications and specializes in pediatric urology, erectile dysfunction; kidney stones and prostate diseases. Doctor Chen has repeatedly received treatment from Boston Pediatric Hospital, Harvard Hospital Tissue Engineering Cell Treatment Laboratory, Wake Forest Medical Center Restorative Medicine Department for tissue engineering and restoration medicine. His specialty is rare within the country and is currently a member of the TUA, Pediatric Urology Committee.
Tourette syndrome (Tics)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Traditional Chinese Mßedicine
黃高彬醫師長期從事感染症的專長訓練和研究。1982 起更開立寄生蟲病特別門診,對於台灣南部特有的廣東住血線蟲病和中華肝吸蟲病的臨床和研究有相當成就,除小兒科和感染症外,亦著力於醫院感染管制工作。 1987 登革熱在台灣南部的高雄流行,他在謝獻臣院長的指定下,辦了很多場的國際會議,也代表台灣發表登革熱的研究成果,近年來也從事輪狀病毒、腸病毒和肺炎鏈球菌等研究,發表的論文達 180 篇