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Health EducationMyopia 近視
2024/3/28"Doctor, I forbid children to watch TV and take them outdoors on holidays. Why is he/she myopic? "Myopia, is it real or pseudomyopia? Does he/she need to wear glasses? A barrage of questions are fired by anxious parents at the clinic.
Classification and Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy 糖尿病視網膜病變分類及治療
2024/3/28The causes of diabetic retinopathy are linked to retinal hypoxia, vascular wall dysfunction, microvascular wall cell reduction, agglutination and proliferation of blood cells and platelets. Diabetic retinopathy can be divided into three categories:
Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment 裂孔性視網膜剝離
2024/3/28There are three important factors that cause rhegmatogenous retinal detachment: first, retinal tear; second, tension to open the tear, and third, moisture infiltrated into the tear for retinal detachment.
Allergic Conjunctivitis 過敏性結膜炎
2024/3/28Allergic conjunctivitis in children may have many different symptoms, including itchy eyes, water-borne or viscous secretions, eyelid swelling, red eyes, corneal edema and even visual impairment when it occurs. The diagnosis usually depends on inquiring the patient's history and physical examination.
Treatment and Prevention of Glaucoma 青光眼治療與預防
2024/3/28After examination by a doctor, if glaucoma has been confirmed, early treatment should be received to avoid further damage to the optic nerve. Therapeutic methods include drug therapy, laser or surgical treatment.
Postoperative Care of Serous Otitis Media 漿液性中耳炎手術後如何照顧?
2024/3/28Serous otitis media is a common disease in preschoolers. It can occur for many reasons. Sometimes it lasts only a few days, but it may last for several years. The main symptoms of serous otitis media are blockage or congestion in the ear and hearing loss.
Floaters 惱人的「飛蚊症」
2024/3/28Most people's floaters are actually just normal physiological phenomenon, but stories are circulating that some people with floaters go blind following retinal detachment! So, there are some medical knowledge you should know about floaters.
Precautions for Home Care After Eye Surgery 眼睛手術後居家護理注意事項
2024/3/28Apply eye drops according to a strict schedule, such as: 4 times a day after meals and before going to bed; 3 times a day after meals; twice a day in the morning and evening.
Diabetic Retinopathy 談糖尿病視網膜病變
2024/3/28Diabetic retinopathy is a disease caused by changes in the vascular circulatory system in the eyes of diabetics. It can make the small blood vessels in the retina vulnerable and prone to bleeding, which can be divided into several stages according to their severity, and in severe cases may eventually lead to complete blindness.
Prevention and Treatment of Myopia in School Children 學童近視的預防與治療
2024/3/28With regard to myopia, we should first understand its causes. There are many causes of myopia, including hereditary and environmental factors and living habits.