Health Information
Health Information
For safety – correct hand-wash can effectively prevent the spread of contagions 手部衛生:保護病人、避免感染
2024/9/3Washing hands properly and frequently is good personal hygiene, and it is the single most effective way to prevent and reduce the spread of communicable diseases, if it is done correctly.
Preoperative Bathing or Showering 手術前沐浴
2024/9/3Bathing or showering with soap or antibacterial bath/shower agents on the day before or on the day of operation can effectively reduce the bacterial colonies on the skin and the rate of wound infection after operation.
Notes for TB Patients 結核病病人注意事項
2024/9/3Tuberculosis (TB) is a curable disease when treated with anti-TB medication for at least 6 months.
Latent Tuberculosis Infection 潛伏結核感染
2024/9/3Tuberculosis (TB) is an Airborne transmitted infectious disease. Symptoms can be minor in the early course of the disease. The symptoms include cough (lasting for more than two weeks), fever, loss of appetite, body-weight loss, fatigue, night sweats, chest pain, etc. People who live together or have close contact with confirmed TB cases are the most vulnerable to TB infection.
Recommended time for discontinuation of antihypertensive/hypoglycemic drugs before surgery 手術前降血壓/降血糖藥建議停藥時間
2024/8/12According to the relevant medical guidelines, the recommended time for discontinuation of antihypertensive/hypoglycemic drugs before surgery is as shown in the following table.
What is pleural effusion? 什麼是肋膜積水?
2024/8/8Pleural effusion refers to the abnormal fluid accumulation within the pleural space, the cavity between the pleural layers surrounding the lungs. Under normal condition, the pleural cavities contain serous pleural fluid (approximately 5-15 mL) to help with the normal operation of lungs.
Health Education Instructions After Double-J Stent Placement 雙J導管術後衛教說明
2024/8/8Keep the ureter unobstructed to avoid renal edema caused by ureteral stricture, obstruction and mucosal edema, such as ureteral pressure caused by tumor compression, which prevents normal urine drainage.
Health Education Instructions After Intravascular Stent Placement 血管支架置放術後衛教說明
2024/8/8Vascular stents are mainly used in the condition of vascular stenosis or vascular rupture and bleeding. They must be placed in the diseased vessels through the endovascular catheter.
Postoperative Health Education for Vascular Coil Embolization 血管金屬線圈栓塞術後衛教說明
2024/8/8The coil can be used for embolization of bleeding vessels or aneurysms, which should be placed in the diseased vessels through the endovascular catheter.
Lower Gastrointestinal Barium Enema Study 下消化道鋇劑攝影術
2024/8/8To examine the large intestine’s shape, function, and presence or absence of obstruction, ulcer, polyp, tumor or diverticulum by barium enema under X-ray.