Doctor Introduction
Surgery Sections, Clinical ServicesDoctor
Department of Surgery
Related Department
1. Combined head and neck cancer resection and cervical lymphadenectomy 2. Nasal allergy, nasal hernia and sinus endoscopic surgery 3. Surgical treatment of snoring and sleep-disordered breathing disorders 4. Head and neck mass, salivary gland surgery and thyroid surgery 5. Hearing impairment, dizziness, tinnitus and treatment of chronic otitis media
Head and neck cancer, salivary gland tumor, thyroid surgery snoring, sleep apnea surgery sound hoarseness, vocal cord nodules, vocal cord atrophy (throat microsurgery, vocal cord injection surgery) sinusitis endoscopy surgery Intranasal hernia, allergic rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis minimally invasive surgery Hearing disorder, otitis media
Doctor Shih-San Chang specializes in pediatric urology and general urology. He has extensive experience in urology image diagnosis, urology endoscope examinations, image diagnosis of urinal tract dynamics and common urology procedures such as prostate gland removal, kidney stone removal, ureter stone removal, urethral surgery etc. Ureter endoscope is a commonly used examination and treatment procedure that does not leave any visible foreign scars and greatly reduces that number of days in hospitalization and the occurrence of complications.
Doctor Yeh Chin-Chung has complete surgery and urology qualifications. He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney transplant and related surgery, general urology diseases. Common Urology procedures include: Circumcision, dorsal prepucectomy, urethral orifice opening, Suprapubic cystostomy, hernia treatment, hydrocele treatment, vasectomy, High ligation of varicocele, urethrostomy, Urethra endoscopic Cystolithotripsy, ureter endoscope examination, ureter endoscopic cystolithotripsy, testicular removal/fixation, ESWL etc.
Assistant Professor Kuo-Liang Chen has surgery and urology specialist qualifications and specializes in pediatric urology, erectile dysfunction; kidney stones and prostate diseases. Doctor Chen has repeatedly received treatment from Boston Pediatric Hospital, Harvard Hospital Tissue Engineering Cell Treatment Laboratory, Wake Forest Medical Center Restorative Medicine Department for tissue engineering and restoration medicine. His specialty is rare within the country and is currently a member of the TUA, Pediatric Urology Committee.
Professor Chieh-Lung Chou has received advanced training from University of Rhineland and Cornell Medical Center. Doctor Chou specializes in urinary function treatment, including: female aconeresis, bladder prolapse, prostatomegaly, neuro based bladder. Doctor Chou uses Midurethral Intra-vaginal Sling to treat aconuresis, with outstanding effect and a satisfactory rating of over 90%. Prostatomegaly is treated with Ureter prostate surgery (electric razor or laser treatment). He is currently a Director of the Taiwan Urological Association.
Doctor Chi-Shun Lien completed Urology Specialist training at China Medical University Hospital and is an attending physician who specializes in urinal tract stone surgery, urination dysfunction, treatment of prostatic hypertrophy (drugs, traditional electronic razor or laser treatment removal), urological tumor, hernia treatment (traditional or laparascopy), circumcision, vasectomy, Varicocele, sexual dysfunction.
Dr. Hsieh completed his specialized training in the field of urology at the China Medical University Hospital and currently serves as an attending physician.
Doctor Guan-Heng Chen completed Urology resident physician training at China Medical University. During his residency, Doctor Chen actively participated in different domestic Urology and laparoscopy seminar camps. He specializes in urological tumors (including kidney cancer, Urothelial carcinoma, bladder cancer, prostate cancer and testicular cancer), kidney stones, Prostatic Hyperplasia, laparoscopy, sexual dysfunction, circumcision, hernia treatment, vasectomy, etc.