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Health Education
Health EducationEndoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) 什麼是內視鏡逆行性膽胰管攝影術?
2024/1/30ERCP is performed by using a duodenoscope. The scope is inserted through esophagus to the stomach and into the second portion of duodenum. Once the papilla of Vater is identified, the bile ducts and pancreatic ducts are injected with contrast material through a small plastic catheter, and x-ray pictures are taken. When these x-ray pictures show stones or obstructions, they can often be treated during the same ERCP examination.
Paracentesis for Ascites 做腹腔穿刺術,我該注意什麼?
2024/1/30Indications of paracentesis : (1)to collect ascitic fluid to aid in differential diagnosis and decision making,(2) to do needle drainage to help decompress the pressure and relieve the discomfort
Pancreatic Cancer 胰臟癌
2024/1/30Pancreatic cancer is the eighth leading cause of cancer deaths in Taiwan, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2017.
Liver Biopsy 肝臟切片會危險嗎?我該注意什麼?
2024/1/30A liver biopsy is a procedure to remove a small piece of liver tissue by using a biopsy needle, and the pathologist can examine this tissue by using a microscope and check if there are any signs of damage or disease.
The prevention and health care of hepatitis 黃疸(肝炎)的預防與保健
2024/1/25Sleep early with plenty of rest helps to decrease liver loading and to deliver more nutrients to liver to promote liver cell regeneration and recovery of liver function.
Chinese medicine-- prevention and healthcare of liver cirrhosis 臌脹(肝硬化)的預防與保健
2024/1/25Liver cirrhosis happens when there is hepatic fibrosis to substitute normal destructed liver cell.
Prevention and Health Care for Constipation 秘結(便秘)的預防及保健
2024/1/25It is easier to defecate if you drink a cup of warm water when you wake up in the morning.
The prevention and healthcare of hemorrhoids 痔瘡的預防與保健
2024/1/25Hemorrhoids are triggered by the increased pressure around perianal area; engorged vascular cushions is then caused by decreased venous return.
Prevention and healthcare for stomachache 心下痛(胃痛)的中醫預防保健
2024/1/25Stomachache is a common clinical symptom. Although there are many causes of stomachache, the major pathogenesis is poor intestinal peristalsis and poor Qi-blood movement.
Prevention and health care for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease 呃逆(胃食道逆流)的預防保健
2024/1/25The disease often coexists with chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, or hernia of esophageal hiatus; but it may also exist alone.