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Health Education
Health EducationQuit Chewing Betel Nuts 拒嚼檳榔
2024/3/29According to medical research, betel nut chewing causes leukoplakia and oral submucous fibrosis and other symptoms, which are likely to lead to oral cancer.
Acute Otitis Media 了解急性中耳炎
2024/3/29Acute otitis media is defined as acute inflammation of the middle ear within the first three weeks. Common acute symptoms include earache, fever, general fatigue and hearing loss.
Common Salivary Gland Diseases 常見的唾液腺疾病
2024/3/29Acute suppurative parotitis: When squeezing the swelling parotid gland, if the purulent secretion can be found at the opening of the parotid duct in the mouth, the diagnosis will be confirmed. Oral or intravenous antibiotics are the main treatment.
Treatment of Articulation Disorders in Children 小兒構音異常治療
2024/3/29Communication is a multi-level dynamic process, which enables human beings to form a communication pattern with their environment. Difficulty in articulation results in the inability to communicate with others.
Sedation Examination of the Ear, Nose and Throat 耳鼻喉部鎮靜檢查
2024/3/29If you have any medical history, including drug allergy and asthma, please inform the medical staff.
Postoperative Health Education Instructions for Middle Ear Ventilation Tube Insertion 中耳通氣管置放術後衛教說明
2024/3/29The middle ear ventilation tube is placed on the eardrum to establish an artificial passageway for communication between the middle ear cavity and the outside world, so that the water accumulated in the middle ear can flow out and the tube can replace the original ventilation function of the eustachian tube.
Postoperative Health Education Instructions for Ossicular Implants 人工聽小骨手術後衛教說明
2024/3/29Artificial stapes or total artificial auditory ossicles are implants inserted in the middle ear cavity to replace the original non-functional or worn auditory ossicles for sound transmission.
Speech Therapy for Articulation Disorders in Children 兒童構音異常語言治療
2024/3/29A child with an articulation disorder has problems forming speech sounds properly.
Postoperative Health Education Instructions for Tongue Suspension Sutures 舌根懸吊手術後衛教說明
2024/3/29The implanted temporary anchorage device (TAD) is fixed to the mandible, and then the suture on the TAD is pulled back through the to fix the tongue root forward, prevent its posterior part from falling back during sleep, alleviate the respiratory arrest and hypoxia caused by the collapse of the respiratory tract, clear the airways during sleep on one’s back, and further treat snoring and sleep apnea.
Snoring and Sleep Apnea Syndrome 打鼾與睡眠呼吸中止症候群
2024/3/29Snoring is a common phenomenon that most people consider normal. Is snoring a disease? Does snoring need treatment?