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Health EducationAsperger Syndrome 亞斯伯格症候群
2024/2/21Children with Asperger's have many of the same characteristics as children with autism. The only difference is that children with Asperger's don't have significant language delays.
Mood Thermometer(Brief Symptom Rating Scale)心情溫度計(簡式健康量表)
2024/2/21Please reflect on the extent to which the following statements have troubled or distressed you during the recent weeks (including today).
Head Injury 頭部外傷治療出院後注意事項
2024/1/30Head injury occurs when patients suffer from head and brain tissue injuries of violent forces, car accidents, or falling conditions.
Brain Tumor 了解腦瘤
2024/1/30Brain tumors are tumors inside the skull, often named differently by their types and parts which could generate different neurological symptoms.
Precautions against Increased Intracranial Pressure 頭外傷預防顱內壓升高注意事項
2024/1/30The number of patients with head injury have increased recently, so intracranial hypertension is rather common; therefore, it is crucial to learn how to cure as well as prevent it.
Hydrocephalus 水腦術後護理
2024/1/30It yields 500 milliliter cerebrospinal fluid and it is absorbed after circulation. When cerebrospinal fluid is congested and absorbed abnormally, such accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid is deemed hydrocephalus.
Gamma-knife Treatment 了解加傌刀治療
2024/1/30Gamma knife is an advanced radiation surgical treatment. It introduces advanced stereotactic surgery. Gamma ray aims faultlessly at healing the nidus part of the brain.
Care after Deep Brain Stimulation Procedure 腦部深層刺激器術後衛教說明
2024/1/30Deep brain stimulation therapy implants precision electrode into the target areas on both sides of the deep areas of the brain for long-term high frequency electrical stimulation to regulate the abnormal activity messages in the brain to control motor symptoms.
Care after Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Procedure 腦室腹腔引流管術後衛教說明
2024/1/30Poor circulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain causes hydrocephalus that presses the normal tissues. There are communicating hydrocephalus and obstructive hydrocephalus possibly caused by degeneration, clog, or diseases.
Care after Artificial Meninges Procedure 人工腦膜術後衛教說明
2024/1/30Artificial meninges are often used for patients with head trauma, intracranial hemorrhage, and severe cerebral edema caused by cerebrovascular event.