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Health Education
Health EducationDisorder of Smell 了解嗅覺異常
2024/3/29An earlier study found that 66 % of people reported they had smell disorder in some periods of their life.
Oral Cancer 了解口腔癌
2024/3/29The oral cavity includes lip, buccal mucosa, gum, retromolar area, mouth floor, hard palate, and anterior 2/3 of tongue.
Eustachian tube function test 耳咽管通氣檢查
2024/3/29Lead air into middle ear cavity via eustachian tube to modulate middle ear cavity pressure and drain out middle ear exudates.
About glaucoma 認識青光眼
2024/3/28Glancoma has been recognized as a progressing pathological change of optic nerve in the era of the 21st century.
What is the cause of Retinal Detachment? 為什麼會視網膜剝離?
2024/3/28Retinal detachment is one of the acute diseases in ophthalmology and must be treated in few days or else the vision will deteriate and the patients may be blind.
LASIK Surgery 近視雷射手術
2024/3/28Ever since LASIK offers another option for patients with myopia, it also draws the concern from some people: Why do ophthalmologists always wear glasses and is there unknown risk to the surgery itself.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration 老年性黃斑部病變
2024/3/28Age-related macular degeneration is a gradual central retinal degeneration that appears as one ages.
What is the cataract? 什麼是白內障?
2024/3/28There is a lens inside our eyeball located in the back of our pupil. Its function is to focus light and project image onto our retina to generate clear images.
Postoperative Care of Serous Otitis Media 漿液性中耳炎手術後如何照顧?
2024/3/28Serous otitis media is a common disease in preschoolers. It can occur for many reasons. Sometimes it lasts only a few days, but it may last for several years. The main symptoms of serous otitis media are blockage or congestion in the ear and hearing loss.
Instructions for Cataract Patients After Surgery 白內障病人術後須知
2024/3/28Do not wash your face within 7 days; wash your hair at least 4 days later at a beauty parlor in a lying-down fashion, in which small drops of water falling into your eyes are not allowed to avoid eye infection.