What is end-stage renal disease?
When renal function declines to below 10% of the normal capacity, the kidney can not handle metabolic wastes and water efficiently. Then uremic symptoms, such as edema, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and dyspnea would appear. In addition to diet modification and medical treatment, renal replacement therapies are eventually mandatory for maintenance of homeostasis and prevention of life-threatening complications.
What treatments are available for ESRD?
- Conservative treatment
Symptomatic treatment with medication and diet restriction offluid, salt, protein and some electrolytes are simple and easy to carry out, but may not be enough for those with advanced renal failure.
- Renal replacement therapies
Renal transplantation:After renal transplantation, lifelong use of immunosuppressant is necessary to prevent rejection. In addition to cadaveric kidney, kidney from a living related donor is also an option.
- Hemodialysis
- Peritoneal dialysis
How do I make the choice of renal replacement therapy?
- Accept the condition of renal failure and try to adapt for it, discuss with your physicians about your feeling and planning.
- Think about what kind of lifestyle you want after initiation of dialysis.
- Discuss with nephrology specialists about what is the most suitable choice for you.