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Precautions for Post-Invasive Treatment of Department of Pain Management 疼痛科侵入式治療後注意事項


Precautions for Post-Invasive Treatment of Department of Pain Management 疼痛科侵入式治療後注意事項


Instructions for post-surgery home care on discharge day

  • Invasive treatment refers to the treatment or diagnosis performed on patients with injection needle, radio frequency probe or other syringe. 
  • Injection Needle Pore Care: Needle pores from injection without cut or wound does not require dressing change.
  • Please remove the gauze used for covering the needle pore on the second day.
  • Avoid showering or bathing on the day of treatment. Restore normal routines starting from the second day.
  • To apply cold compress on the needle pore, please follow the instructions given by the nurses that day.
  • Wound with cut: To change dressing or remove stitches, please follow the instructions given by the nurses that day and for return visit.

Precautions for Home Care and Medication

  • Please follow the original prescription for continual drugs administration.
  • In case oral medicine or external medicine is prescribed on the day of treatment, please follow the instructions and precautions on the prescription medicine bag.
  • Medicine Consulting Hotline: (04)22052121 EXT#3154.

Motion Precautions

  • The root of injection wound may continue to ache for about 24~48 hours and is regarded as normal reaction. 
  • Regardless of local anesthesia or general anesthesia, avoid driving, scooter riding, or climbing to a high altitude on the day of treatment.

Food Precautions

  • With the exception of special medical advice, patients may maintain normal diet after home.

Special Precautions

In case of the following circumstances, please consult us via ( 04 ) 22052121 EXT# 5235, 5236 to determine if a return visit to the hospital is necessary.

  • New numb or weak perception on the lower limb for over 24 hours.
  • Continuous fecal and urine incontinence for over 24 hours.
  • Continuous headache or vomit for over 24 hours.
  • Loss or significantly weakened vision for over 12 hours.
  • Dyspnea, or chest pain/tightness.

Instructions for Emergency Return Visits

  • Unusual excessive bleeding.
  • Significant changes in consciousness (e.g. coma, confusion of consciousness).

Next Return Visit

  • Under normal circumstances, please return visits according to the appointment hour.
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 15235、15236
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