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Getting to know Artificial Hip Joint Replacement Surgery 認識人工髖關節置換術


Getting to know Artificial Hip Joint Replacement Surgery 認識人工髖關節置換術


Brief introduction to the Artificial Hip Joint Replacement Surgery

Artificial Hip Joint Replacement Surgery is a kind of orthopedic surgery that uses artificial supplement to replace ill or scathing hip joint with a simulated ball-shape joint to connect femur, and to perform hip joint function.

To know about the human hip joint

The hip joint is consist of pelvis and the femoral head, surrounded at all directions with strong joint capsule, and is responsible for holding up the weight of the whole human body; it is also the joint that takes the heaviest loading of the whole body.

What is Degenerative Arthritis?

Degenerated arthritis is pathological changes caused by abrasion of the cartilage. The following are factors that affect pathological changes of the hip joint:

  1. Abrasion, often derived from inconclusive factors like the elderly carrying heavy objects;
  2. Avascular necrosis of the femoral head, often resulting from patients taking steroids and heavy drinking for a long period for time;
  3. Fractures of the femoral head and the femoral neck, caused by external injury;
  4. Tumors.

Symptoms of pathological changes derived from hip joint diseases

  1. Pain resulted from hip joint
  2. Restricted limb motions
  3. Difficulty walking, more like crippling
  4. Leg length discrepancies


Physicians often prescribe medications for patients to curb the mild condition during the early stage and if the condition deteriorates, they would implement Artificial Hip Joint Replacement Surgery.

Things to be aware of after the surgery

  1. A pillow should be placed between legs, for keeping the hip joint from opening outwards to prevent dislocation of the artificial hip joint.
  2. One day after the surgery, raising bed-head to no more than 60° angle is good for simple routines like combing hair, washing and refreshing, eating, and reading newspaper.  
  3. Intake foods with balanced high protein, fiber, and vitamins.
  4. To get your feet off the bed, you will be requested to do the pelvic floor muscle exercise and active exercises for toe, ankle, and knee joints.
  5. You will use a cane to assist your walking around for up to 3 months because such a surgery does not allow your condition to walk with the full load of your body weight.
  6. Rehabilitation exercises.

Watch out for the lists mentioned below for your daily routines:

  1. Make sure to follow the contraindicate postures and proper postures in your daily life. 
  2. Continue all rehabilitation exercise instructed at the hospital during your stay as an inpatient.
  3. Continue using the cane or walking stick until your next visit to your attending physician for further instructions.
  4. When taking baths, it would be better to take shower instead of bath.
  5. Increase exercise volume gradually and attend to plenty of rest.
  6. Returning to work is allowed only when your physical conditions permits; start with jobs that require simple light tasks with short duration.
  7. You may start driving and return to sexual activities 6 weeks after the surgery.
  8. Return to the hospital immediately once you observe any redness, swollen, painful conditions of your hip; also return for further examination when you fall on your legs, when you sense any reduction on your ability to move around, or when you hear abnormal nose coming from your hip.
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