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Post-surgical off-bed activities 外科手術後早期下床活動方式


Post-surgical off-bed activities 外科手術後早期下床活動方式



Within 24 hours after an operation, you can start with bedridden exercises like taking deep breath, coughing, turning-over body, limb exercise, abdominal, and buttock contraction exercise. These exercises would improve circulation and prevent any muscle atrophy common with bedridden patients. Within 24 to 48 hours after the surgery, try getting off the bed to prevent any post-operation complications and to decrease sores incurred by long-term bedridden.


Early exercise can prevent potential post-op deep vein thrombus formation, improve intestinal motility and circulation, and decrease complications.

Post-op exercises

  1. Deep breathing exercises

Method: raise the head of the bed to 45°~60°, place neck support, bend your knees, relax your foot, cross your hands to secure wound. Slowly inhale through your nose until you notice your distended abdomen, hold your breath for 3 seconds, slowly purse your lips and exhale, and then count 1 to 6. Exhalation to inhalation ratio is 2 to 1; repeat the exercise every 1 to 2 minutes for up to 5~10 minutes.

  1. Coughing exercise:

Method: work on this exercise after deep breath exercise. Lean forward with hands securing the wound. Exhale deeply and hold your breath for 3 seconds. Use abdominal strength to let out sputum. Cough at least once every 1 ~ 2 hours after the operation.

  1. Turning over exercise :

Method: Use the railing of the bed to turn your body to left or right. When awake, turn your body every 2 hours until you are able to get out off the bed.

  1. Limb exercise :

Method: Stretch and flex any joints of your body (e.g., shoulder, elbow, wrist, ankle, and etc). Joint exercise helps improve venous return. Start limb exercise anytime after the surgery for up to 4 times a day.

  1. Off-bed exercise :

Method: Raise the head of the bed, sit on the side of bed for 5 to 10 minutes, and then use the bottom of the foot to see if you are able to balance, then stand up and walk around. There is no particular restriction over the time limit depending on your physical strength. Early off-bed exercise is beneficial to early recovery. When permitted, exercise 4 times a day.

A day for at least 30 minutes each time.

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