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The Must Knows for Antipsychotic Use 服用抗精神病藥物的注意事項


The Must Knows for Antipsychotic Use 服用抗精神病藥物的注意事項


The types and actions of the medications

  1. Antipsychotic drugs (oral and injectable)

These drugs can stabilize mood and reduce wandering thoughts. They are effective in about 70% of patients with symptoms of aggression, hyperactivity, nervousness, hostility toward others, insomnia, withdrawal, unrealistic thoughts, Significant improvement in symptoms such as auditory hallucinations. This helps patients adjust better to family, social life or work.

  1. Anti-side effect medications ( oral form and injection form )

Taking antipsychotics may sometimes accompany with side effects, such as rigidity, tremor, or akathesia.  When taking with anti-side effects medication, these uncomfortable  symptoms may be alleviated.

  1. Hypnotics

Indicated for those with insomnia, fragmented sleep, disrupted sleep, early awakenings.

The must knows about taking the medication

  1. Hypnotics should be used before bedtime. Antipsychotics and anti-side effect medication can be taken according to individual life style and occupational situation. If patients forget to take medication in the right time, medication can be taken when recalling it. But pay attention to the time of supplementation and the time that the medicine should be taken, not more than two hours; If you have difficulty taking medication according to doctors’ advices, please feel free to discuss with your doctors.
  2. It is not recommended to take medication from two different psychiatric medical units at the same time due to the risk of drug overdose and polypharmacy.

How long antipsychotics should be taken?

There is no definite guideline for this question so far, since psychiatric pharmacological intervention is very individualized, depending on various disease conditions and individual situations. However, generally antipsychotics should be taken for a period of time to prevent relapses. Long-term medication is especially indicated for those with multiple relapses and repeated hospitalizations .

How important regular drug compliance is in prevention of relapses of the disease?

According to recent studies, the annual relapse rate is approximately 30% among those who are regularly medicated. As for those with poor drug compliance, the relapse rate is even 70%. Patients’ social and occupational function will decline with each relapses. Long-term interpersonal relationship will be hard to maintain. Therefore, it is not a wise way to adjust the medication by yourself when you have doubt with it. It is encouraged to discuss your doubt regarding how much and how long the medication should be taken.

When female patients are planning for a pregnancy or find herself pregnant, discuss it with your doctors regarding medication use.

Medication side effects and management

Both Chinese and Western medication have side effects.  Appropriate and adequate use of the medication minimizes the chance of side effects.  The occurrence of side effects may vary from individual to individual. 

If you suspect that some of the discomforts you are feeling are due to medication side effects, you should discuss with your physician. To reduce the symptoms of side effects. The following is the possible side effects possibly occurring and the management.

Side effects
Transient, short term sleepiness, it could be tolerated for a period of the time.  But if the sedative effects are intolerable, discussion with the doctor about changing the time the medication is taken may be needed.
Parkinsonism, hypersalivation, muscle rigidity, shuffling gait, involuntary movements, tremor, masked face, bradykinesia, psychomotor retardation
Mild symptoms :
discomfort maybe reduced by rest and slow exercises (walking).
Tremor could be minimized by putting hands in your pockets, crossing your arms and crossing your legs.
When your discomfort persisted or aggravated, it’s time to discuss with your doctor about medication adjustment.
Orthostatic hypotension
Rest for a moment when you change your positions ( sitting up or standing up for example ), started walking or moving when the dizziness subsided.
Dry mouth
Use few amounts of water to cleanse your mouth, or hold water in your mouth, or chewing non-sweetened gums.
Encourage intake in fluids and fibers ( vegetable, fruits ) and adequate exercises
Blurred vision
Transient, reversible
Restlessness, akathisia
Allow one to walk around, and give appropriate rests.
Amenorrhea or irregular menses for the women
Transient and not affecting the fertility issue or health.  If still concerned or planning for a pregnancy, please discuss with your physician.
Impotence,ejaculatory problems and difficult urination for the men
Transient, reversible
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