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Preventive Care for Menopausal Syndromes (Menopause) 更年期症候群(經絕)的預防保健


Preventive Care for Menopausal Syndromes (Menopause) 更年期症候群(經絕)的預防保健


Menopausal Syndromes refers to the period when women experience declining ovarian function, which usually starts since few years prior to menopause and may continue for few years after menopause. 

Amenorrhea means the absence of menstrual bleeding. Menopause is defined as amenorrhea for at least twelve months which is related to the poor ovarian follicles development and reduction in estrogen production.

The age of occurrence takes place between 45-55 years old. Moreover the fast change in society with increasing stress, the age of amenorrhea shows a downward declining trend while many women aged less than 40 years old have visited the outpatient for amenorrhea.

Clinical physicians can apply the measurement of FSH and E2 concentration as the diagnosis of estrogen deficiency. However,  physicians still need to exclude the possibility of pregnancy, thyroid dysfunction and hyperprolactinemia.

Lasting time for menopause

  • 2~5 Years.

Common Symptoms

  75 % of patients have such symptoms.

  • Dry mouth, dry eyes and itchy skin.
  • Neuropsychiatric symptom s: Fatigue, insomnia, moody, anxious, depressed, memory and attention loss, reduced sexual desire, agitated, abnormal extremity perception.
  • Genitourinary symptoms : Breast atrophy, atrophic vaginitis, menstrual abnormalities, frequent urination, difficulty with sexual intercourse, incontinence.
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders : Osteoporosis, frozen shoulder, joint and muscle pain, lower back pain.
  • Cardiovascular disease : Cold sweat, palpitation, hot flash on the face and chest, and easily fatigue.

Viewpoint in Chinese Medicine

In Chinese Medicine, it is believed that women aged over 50 years old are around menopause. During this period, the vital function ages and ovarian function declines which mean essences and blood decreased and unbalanced organ function. Consequently the menstrual period starts to become disordered in addition to encountering a series of syndromes from the aforementioned menopausal syndromes.

Women experiencing menopausal syndromes mostly include weak waist and knees, fatigue, tinnitus, dizziness, blurred vision, dry mouth, dreamy, palpitation and anxiety, panting, cold sweat, frequent urination and other symptoms known as “kidney deficiency” in Chinese medicine. Hence the therapy for menopause is mainly focused of consolidating kidney and adjusted according to the different syndromes individually. After menopausal symptoms alleviation, the patients may stop the medication without any side effect.


  1. Vitamin B Complex, vitamin C and vitamin E can improve the frequency and severity of hot flash.
  2. Food with high content of calcium:  sesame, wild spikenard, ai-yu jelly, dried black moss, dried tofu, tofu, small dried fish, fish floss, shrimp, meat floss, black fungus, and dairy products.
  3. Eat more food which could nourish “Yin”and rich in colloid: fruit, green vegetable, seaweed, white fungus, black fungus, sweet potato leaves, Red amaranth, Heartleaf Madeiravine, okra, Lotus root juice, kelp, kelp bud, chicken feet, pig knuckle, sea cucumber.


  • Exercises generally consist of gymnastic, walking and swimming. The adequate intensity should make people mild sweating.

Psychological Therapy

The tolerance and mental support of family is the strongest motive for women to go through menopause. However, self-adjustment is also the best way to psychological counseling and correction.

  • Evaluate one objectively.
  • Learn to relieve emotion from work.
  • Enthusiasm in charity and develop hobby.
  • Value leisure and avoid emotional suppression. 

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