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Migraine Prevention and Care 偏頭風(偏頭痛)的預防與保健


Migraine Prevention and Care 偏頭風(偏頭痛)的預防與保健


Migraine is a complex disorder with genetic predisposition. It involves moderate-to-severe unilateral or general headaches, often accompanied by symptoms like nausea, sensitivity to light, and noise. The most prevalent form of migraine is the type without aura. Migraine is the second leading cause of disability worldwide.

The cause is currently unconcluded, as food, season, stress, genetics, and changes in female hormones can be inducement. Autumn and winter are recurrent seasons while the incidence for women often occurs in puberty with periodic onset. The ratio of women to men is approximately 3:1.


The 54321 of migraine

  • At least 5 attacks before seeing the doctor.
  • Each attack lasts for at least 4 hours.
  • The symptoms will be relieved in 3 days.
  • The headache has at least 2 of the following characteristics:
  1. unilateral location
  2. pulsating quality
  3. moderate or severe pain intensity
  4. aggravation by or causing avoidance of routine physical activity
  • At least 1 of the following symptoms is accompanied with the headache:
  1. nausea and/or vomiting
  2. sensitive to light and noise

Common Symptoms

  • Headache: intense headache usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fever and other neurological symptoms.
  • People with migraine might experience photophobia, visual hallucination, loss of vision of one side and anticipation of brief interruptions in brain activity.

Causes Inducing Migraine

  • Food and Drink:
  • Food containing rich content of tyrosine such as cheese, red wine or food containing nitrate such as pepperoni, sausage and hotdog.
  • Alcoholic drinks such as red wine and caffeinated drinks such as tea and coffee.
  • Others: MSG, yogurt, chocolate, tangerine and fruit.
  • Allergy: Allergic to certain food, animal or other things, and asthma.
  • Changes in daily life also induce migraine, for example the migraine occurs during holiday, making one difficult to relax during relaxing time. The approach to avoid the inducement is to keep regular routines during rest days.
  • Natural environment: Changes in weather, work environment, smell, and smoke.
  • Fatigue and stress; poor health condition such as hypertension, anemia and cold.

Precautions for Daily Life

  • Try to identify foods that induce migraine and avoid them.
  • Consume foods rich in vitamin B, such as grains (brown rice and oatmeal), beans (soybean), peanut, and milk, which help stabilize the nervous system.
  • Since low sugar might cause headache to some people, it is recommended to eat small meals more often and have good control of the blood sugar.
  • Stress adjustment. Do not over work.
  • Balanced diet plus proper exercise: develop normal and regular lifestyles.   

Treatment and Nursing of Western Medicine

  • Temporary nerve symptoms do not have special treatment. Minor migraine can be given painkiller for alleviation. Take the medicine immediately when there is premonition for better effect. 
  • Keep the environment quiet and comfortable. Slightly tilt up the head when lying down in the bed to alleviate the headache.
  • Use ice patch or wet patch on the forehead to alleviate the pain.
  • Restrict food and drink by avoiding eating food that contains migraine boosting substance.
  • Instruct self-relaxing skills; help patients identify the main causes that lead to stress in life, tension, and nervousness and the solutions.

Chinese Medical Nursing

  • Persons with minor migraine shall take a rest and do not over work. Persons with severe headache shall lie down and rest to avoid excessive brain use.
  • Give psychological comfort to patients so they can relax and receive treatment for their disease.
  • Keep the room environment quiet with mild lighting, slightly dark without too much radiance.
  • Pay attention to nutrition in food and drink. Reduce the intake of stimulating food.
  • Pay attention to help patients take comfortable lying position. Patients with severe headache should reduce activities.
  • Patients with headache can also take partial massage in order to circulate the meridian and blood, which will reduce the pain. During an attack, acupoint message may ameliorate the symptoms by freeing the channels and quickening the network vessels. You are advised to apply acupressure on Fengchi acupoint (GB20), Shuaigu acupoint (GB8), and the temple area.

If the headache lasts and even becomes more severe with the appearance of mouth and eye skew, inconsistent size between pupils, paralyzed limbs, shivering or paralyzed, or abnormal skin perception, and other abnormal performance, notify the doctor immediately to conduct further inspection and diagnosis, which will avoid the incidence of other major diseases.

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