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Complications after the Procedure for Prolapsing Hemorrhoids 痔瘡環切吻合手術併發症


Complications after the Procedure for Prolapsing Hemorrhoids 痔瘡環切吻合手術併發症


According to our statistics, the possible complications after the procedure for prolapsing hemorrhoids (PPH) are as follows:

  • Difficult urination (13.3 %). The symptom is most common on the day after surgery, possibly due to severe wound pain or discomfort caused by gauze tucked at the anus. Nurses may be asked to assess and give analgesics to relieve pain, which can be improved by removing the gauze the next morning after the surgery.
  • Severe pain around the anus (21.1 %). During the postoperative hospitalization, inform the nursing staff to administer analgesics. If the patient still feels pain and discomfort at the time of discharge, the uncomfortable feeling can be eased by a warm sitz bath.
  • Wound hematoma (11.1 %) and wound swelling (2.2 %): After a sitz bath with warm water, apply ointment at least 4 times a day with a depth of 2-3 knuckles, and the swelling will gradually improve.
  • Narrow wound (3.3 %). This situation can be avoided if you have a normal diet, develop a normal defecation habit, and change dressings on time.
  • Severe bleeding (1.7 %). It is normal to ooze a small amount of blood. You can rest assured but strenuous exercise and hard stool defecated should be avoided. If there is severe bleeding, please return to the hospital immediately.
  • Wound infection (0.6 %).
  • Diarrhea (24.4 %).
  • Readmission (0.6 %).

If any of the above symptoms occur, please rest assured that your doctor will treat them for you.

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