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Home-based Medical Integration Program—Home-based Medical Care 居家醫療整合計畫-居家醫療


Home-based Medical Integration Program—Home-based Medical Care 居家醫療整合計畫-居家醫療


What is the home-based medical integration program

The home-based medical integration program includes three stages of care: home-based medical care, severe home-based medical care and hospice care.

People targeted by home-based medical services

People who live at home and have medical needs assessed by a care team, and who are unable to go out for medical treatment due to incapacity or disease characteristics.

Benefits of participating in home care

  • Provide medical care for patients who are unable to go out and relieve the pressure on caregivers.
  • Provide an alternative to hospitalization to reduce the number of days in hospital or reduce unnecessary hospitalization.
  • Reduce the time for patients and their families to travel back and forth to hospitals and waiting for outpatient service.
  • Medical team case management provides medical consultation and health management.

How to charge for home care?

Five percent of the medical expenses shall be borne by oneself, and prescription medication shall be charged according to the provisions of the copayment for outpatient medicines, while transportation expenses shall be paid according to the distance to home.

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