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Weight-loss Diets 減重飲食原則


Weight-loss Diets 減重飲食原則


Weight loss is a lifetime battle, requiring patience. The most important thing is to have a correct diet concept and balanced nutrition. You should have a long-term plan to lose weight, preferably with the support of family members or peers, and consult a professional dietitian for guidance when encountering problems.

Maintaining ideal body weight and avoiding obesity can prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, and is beneficial to health.

  • Ideal weight: [height (meter)2 × 22] ± 10%
  • 10% above ideal weight is overweight and 20% is obese.

Dietary principles

  • Eat a calorie-restricted and nutritionally balanced diet, with three meals in set amounts of food at regular times. Six categories of food should be consumed in moderation, and unhealthy low-carbohydrate, high-protein or long-term high-fiber diet (>50 g/day) should be avoided to prevent harm to the body.
  • Taking constant and appropriate exercise can burn excess calories to achieve weight loss.
  • Don't eat salty foods to prevent weight loss from slowing down.
  • Avoid high-calorie or concentrated foods, especially sweet, salty, fried, deep fried, crispy foods, such as candy, egg rolls, Chinese and Western sweet and salty snacks (moon cakes, baked scallion-stuffed sesame biscuits) and nuts with high fat content (peanuts, roasted seeds, cashew nuts, pine nuts, walnuts, etc.), as well as pigskin, chicken skin, duck skin, fish skin.
  • The speed of weight loss should not be too fast, with currently required calories minus 500 kcal per day, hence 0.5 kg of weight loss a week.
  • Foods should be boiled, steamed and stewed, rather than deep fried, fried, and stir fried; it is advised to prepare meals at home to avoid long-term eating out.
  • Slow down the speed of eating, and eat food with lower calories, such as soup and vegetables.
  • Avoid refined foods high in calories and sugar and habitual drinking.
  • Curb your appetite and distinguish between being hungry or being greedy (choose foods that are large and low in calories).
  • Don't shop on an empty stomach because you may buy excessive amounts of food nor store food at home, which will stimulate your and your family’s appetite, and change the habit of looking for something to eat as soon as you get home.
  • Don't use eating as a way to vent your emotions or stress; instead, look for alternatives.
  • Learn to say no to foods that are not part of your dietary plan.
  • Keep a detailed record of all the types, amounts and times, places and motivations of foods eaten during the week. Itis advised to find a dietitian to correct your diet on a long-term basis.
  • Overweight children, adolescents, pregnant women and lactating women should consider their special physiological conditions and make appropriate dietary adjustments.
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