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Screening for Dementia 失智症篩檢


Screening for Dementia 失智症篩檢


The AD8 Dementia Screening Interview is used to detect the early signs of dementia. Please use the items in the form to check whether you or your relatives or friends have similar symptoms, so as to detect and treat them as soon as possible.

AD8 Dementia Screening Interview

Perhaps you didn't have the following problems before, but the following changes have occurred in the past few years

Problems with judgment, such as falling for traps or scams, poor financial decisions, and buying inappropriate gifts for recipients
□Y □N □No idea
Decreased interest in activities and hobbies
□Y □N □No idea
Repeats the same questions, stories and statements over and over
□Y □N □No idea
Trouble learning how to use tools, appliances and gadgets, such as televisions, stereos, air conditioners, washing machines, water heaters, microwave ovens, and remote controls
□Y □N □No idea
Forgets correct month or year
□Y □N □No idea
Trouble handling complicated financial affairs, such as personal or family balances, income taxes, bills
□Y □N □No idea
Trouble remembering appointments
□Y □N □No idea
Persistent problems with thinking and/or memory

□Y □N □No idea

If you find that you or your relatives or friends have two or more yeses in the above items, you can seek the assistance of neurologists and psychiatrists for detailed examination and diagnosis.

Source: Yang YH, et al. American Journal of Alzheimer’s & Disease & Other Dementias, 2011;26(2); 134-138

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