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Common Lower Extremity Foot Problems in Children - Flat Feet 兒童常見下肢足部問題-扁平足


Common Lower Extremity Foot Problems in Children - Flat Feet 兒童常見下肢足部問題-扁平足


What is flat feet?

Flat feet is a medical condition in which the arches of the feet collapse, so the effect of the foot bearing weight becomes worse, resulting in the inability to stand or walk for too long.

Generally speaking, flat feet can be divided into two categories: 99 % for the restorative flat feet, 1% for rigid flat feet.

Restorative flat feet

It means that there is a normal arch under the condition of no bearing. Once with bearing, the arch collapses. The causes include:

  • Normal physiological development: the fat in the inner foot arch of the infant is relatively thick, which leads to flatfeet. Normal children aged 4-6 will also have flatfeet due to physiological ligament relaxation.
  • Excessive relaxation of joints: Excessive relaxation of the ligaments supporting the arch of the foot.
  • Muscle weakness and incoordination.

Rigid flat feet

The arch of the foot is flat regardless of weight bearing of the foot. The causes include:

  • Vertical talus
  • Tarsal coalition
  • Talipes deformity


Before the age of 3, because the development of skeletal muscle system is immature, the arch of the foot has not been formed, and will gradually develop with the increase of age.

Most of them can improve after 7 years old, but a few children still have to be treated according to its severity.

  • Muscle strength training for specific muscle groups: children can be arranged to do some muscle training, such as pulling toes, stepping on toes, clamping marbles between toes or sitting beside a safe pool to kick water, etc., to help the development of muscle system.

  • Wear corrective shoes and shoes with hard insoles: in the process of treatment, wear them every day for adequate time, especially when the feet are on the ground and bear weight (such as walking or running), to achieve the best corrective effect.
  • Surgical correction: surgical treatment is considered only for serious rigid flat feet, and only a few of cases need surgical treatment, accounting for about 1%.
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