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Introduction to Frailty 衰弱症簡介


Introduction to Frailty 衰弱症簡介


What is Frailty?

Frailty is a syndrome with conditions in loss of physiological functions. It is companied by a series of clinical conditions, including:

  • Lowered activity
  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue

Influence of Frailty

Frailty has major impact on the physical, psychological, social and functional dimensions of elderly. Due to lower physical reserve and easy to get injured, frail elderly often could not maintain body homeostasis under stress and are likely to encounter falls, bone fracture, dependence, disability, admission institute, death, and other poor prognosis. Meanwhile, frailty could trigger vascular diseases, high blood pressure, cancer and other risks. For any concern, please seek for medical advice at specialist clinic for elderly in order to provide comprehensive care for elderly group.  

How is frailty defined?

  • Without deliberate intention to lose weight, having lost 3KG or 5% of weight or more last year.
  • Could not get up from the chair five times (without supporting with hands).
  • Could not be charged up to do things in the past one week (feeling at least 3 times this way in one week).

Frailty applies if two or more conditions are met.

Treatment for frailty

  1. Appropriate intake of food  with high biological value protein. Includes bean products, fish, egg, and meat. You can refer to the ingredient substitution chart and dietary guidelines from the Ministry of Health and consult with Professional nutritionist to receive personalized dietary advice.
  2. Enjoy sunlight for 15 minutes in the morning or at dusk daily to facilitate the biosynthesis of active vitamin D3, which will improve the muscle function and mass, and prevent osteoporosis.
  3. Exercise is the key to maintain vitality and healthy body. Encouraged to exercise at least 3 times a week, such as aerobic exercises, walking, flywheel riding, swimming, muscular training and stretch exercises for lower extremities to prevent muscle stiffness. If the patient experiences any discomfort, seek assistance from professionals to prevent accidents.

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