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Health Information
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) 重複性顱外磁刺激術
2023/11/8Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a technique that does not invade the human body while stimulating specific parts of the brain.
Exercise for Amputees 截肢病人的運動
2023/11/8Amputation is the surgical removal of all or part of a limb. After surgery, wound swelling and pain often lead to muscle atrophy and joint contracture of the residual limb. Patients should start exercise as early as possible to train muscle strength before or after amputation.
Aphasia 失語症
2023/11/8Aphasia is a common syndrome that occurs after brain injury, such as stroke, head trauma, brain tumors, degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and brain infections.
Tendinitis 肌腱炎簡介
2023/11/8The end of the muscle forms a long and thin band structure attached to the bone, which is the tendon. If the tendon is inflamed for various reasons, it is called tendinitis.
Spinal Cord Injury 脊髓損傷
2023/11/8A spinal cord injury (SCI) is an acute traumatic injury that invades the spinal cord and nerves, resulting in motor, sensory and fecal dysfunction.
Traction Therapy 牽引治療簡介
2023/11/8Pulling the joint apart by external force is called traction, for the purpose of using mechanical or non-mechanical devices for continuous or intermittent traction.
Shortwave Diathermy 短波治療簡介
2023/11/8Shortwave is a deep thermotherapy. It is one of the tools of diathermy because it can generate alternating magnetic fields through electric currents at high frequency and produce heat energy when penetrating human tissues.
Ultrasound Therapy 超音波治療簡介
2023/11/8Ultrasound, a kind of high-speed vibration, is a high-frequency sound wave produced by the current passing through the crystal.
Torticollis Treatment 斜頸治療簡介
2023/11/8Torticollis is a painful and uncomfortable neurological condition. About three out of every 10,000 babies have torticollis.
Rehabilitation for Osteoarthritis 退化性膝關節炎的復健
2023/11/8The knee joint is composed of the cartilage, joint capsule, joint fluid and ligament, with the upper part connected with the thigh bone (femur) and the lower part with the calf bone (tibia).