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Health EducationDeviated Nasal Septum & Chronic Hypertrophic Rhinitis 鼻中膈彎曲與慢性肥厚性鼻炎
2024/3/29Nasal septum deviation is a common physical disorder of the nose, involving a displacement of the nasal septum.
Tinnitus 耳鳴
2024/3/29Tinnitus is a kind of sound only without meaning. It may come from ear or structures nearby, but sometimes it comes from intracranial lesions.
Otitis media 中耳炎
2024/3/29Middle ear cavity means a small isolated space between tympanic membrane and inner ear. In short, otitis media means inflammation of the middle ear.
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 鼻咽癌介紹
2024/3/29Nasopharynx lies in central skull, between posterior to nasal cavity and superior to oropharynx. Superior nasopharynx is skull base, with orifices of eustachain tube on both sides. Neck major vessels pass through surrounding with many lymph tissues.
Articulatory disorder 小兒語言遲緩或構音異常
2024/3/29Communication is a multidimensional dynamic process that allows human beings to interact with their environment. Articulation disorders are difficulties in the way that sounds are formed and strung.
Chronic suppurative otitis media 慢性中耳炎
2024/3/29Chronic suppurative otitis media involves a perforation (hole) in the eardrum and active bacterial infection within the middle ear space for several weeks or more.
Otitis Media with Effusion 中耳積水
2024/3/29Oral antibiotic and local treatment of nose are the primary treatments. The course is about two to three weeks.
Preauricular fistula 耳前瘻管
2024/3/29Preauricular fistula is a congenital lesion. During fetus, first and second bronchial arches fuse mutually and thus form the auricle.
Salivary gland disease 了解唾液腺
2024/3/29Human’s salivary glands include parotid glands, submandibular glands, sublingual glands and minor salivary glands.