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Health Education
Health EducationThe Prevention and Therapy for Periodontal Disease 牙周病之治療
2024/3/22Periodontal disease, also known as “ gum disease ”, is a chronic dental problem which can lead to bad breath, receding gums, mobile teeth, and tooth loss eventually.
Root Canal Therapy 根管治療
2024/3/22Root canal therapy is the procedure involving removal of diseased pulp tissues, cleaning and filling the root canals with special dental tools and materials. The aim of endodontic treatment is to maintain the health of periapical tissue and keep the tooth in function.
Post-extraction Care Instructions 拔牙手術後病人之注意事項
2024/3/22Bite down on gauze pack for 30 minutes and refrain from spitting out blood.
Post-local anesthetic instructions in pediatric dentisty 兒童牙科局部麻醉術後之注意事項
2024/3/22Dentists use local anesthetics ( numbing medicines ) to help the patients get rid of pain during the treatment.
Preparatory Work of General Anesthesia for Children 兒童牙科全身麻醉注意事項
2024/3/22For the sake of anesthetic safety, please follow the rules listed here.
Parental Guide for Children Dental Care 照顧孩子的口腔衛生
2024/3/22It is best to establish an oral preventive care plan for your child prior to his/her birth.
Stainless Steel Crown FAQ 什麼是乳牙套?
2024/3/22Stainless Steel Crowns ( SSCs ) are commonly used in pediatric dentistry.
Prevention of Baby Bottle Tooth Caries 如何預防奶瓶性蛀牙
2024/3/22Finish the bottle-feeding work within 20 minutes to shorten the exposure time of baby’s teeth to milk.
The effect of fluoride on tooth decay prevention 氟在預防齲齒上的功效
2024/3/22Fluoride is important for teeth, especially for the developing ones.
Prevention of Oral Complications Induced by Radiotherapy 頭頸部放射治療口腔併發症之預防
2024/3/22Learn the proper tooth-brushing method and brush the teeth after every meal.