Health Information
Health Education
Health EducationPediatric Hearing Disorder 早期發現兒童聽力問題
2024/3/29It is estimated that some degree of hearing loss exists in 1/100 of live births, in which 1/1000 ( 0.1 % ) has severe hearing loss.
Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infection 急性上呼吸道感染
2024/3/29Upper respiratory tract infection ( URI ) is the most common acute illness in outpatient setting.
Nasal bleeding 流鼻血
2024/3/29Epistaxis, or bleeding from the nose, is common in its frequency and varies in its manifestation.
Disorder of Smell 了解嗅覺異常
2024/3/29An earlier study found that 66 % of people reported they had smell disorder in some periods of their life.
Oral Cancer 了解口腔癌
2024/3/29The oral cavity includes lip, buccal mucosa, gum, retromolar area, mouth floor, hard palate, and anterior 2/3 of tongue.
Eustachian tube function test 耳咽管通氣檢查
2024/3/29Lead air into middle ear cavity via eustachian tube to modulate middle ear cavity pressure and drain out middle ear exudates.
Glycerol Dehydration Test in Meniere's Disease 梅尼爾氏症之甘油試驗
2024/3/29Patients with cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, or who have undergone gastrectomy.
Operative Precautions for Otitis Media 中耳炎手術與注意事項
2024/3/29Otitis media surgery is performed by cutting open the skin and ear canal in front of or behind the ear, and then repairing the eardrum with the removed myometrium.
Serous Otitis Media 漿液性中耳炎
2024/3/29There are many synonyms for serous otitis media, such as otitis media with effusion or glue ear.
Quit Chewing Betel Nuts 拒嚼檳榔
2024/3/29According to medical research, betel nut chewing causes leukoplakia and oral submucous fibrosis and other symptoms, which are likely to lead to oral cancer.