Health Information
Health Education
Health EducationThe treatment for residual milk with nasogastric tube feeding 小兒鼻胃管灌食餘奶之處理
2024/3/21Use syringe to draw out the feeding tube. If there is some indigestive milk, that is residual milk.
Speech delay 語言發展遲緩
2024/3/21Verbal function is for the purpose of communication, which includes verbal comprehension and verbal expression.
Otitis Media 小兒中耳炎
2024/3/21Otitis media is inflammation of the middle ear, or middle ear infection.
Hearing Impairment 聽障
2024/3/21Any developing child who has difficulty in hearing recognition is identified as having hearing loss through appropriate hearing testing.
Visual Impairment in Children 兒童視覺障礙
2024/3/21Visual impairment refers to the inability or considerable difficulty for the eyes to perform normal visual functions. Some of these visually impaired children are completely blind, unable to see clearly, but most of them are with low vision (formerly called amblyopia),
Newborn Hearing Screening 新生兒聽力篩檢
2024/3/21The auditory nerve of the baby is functioning since birth. According to statistics, the incidence of congenital moderate and severe hearing impairment in both ears is about 1-2 out of 1,000 newborns.
Chinese Medical Care for Children’s Allergic Rihnitis 兒童過敏性鼻炎中醫照護事項
2024/2/16Step One: Stay Away from the Allergen (dust mite, pet dander, cockroaches, mold, and pollen)
Xerostomia in Patients with Advanced Cancer 癌症末期病人口乾的處理注意事項
2024/2/7Physical weakness, treatment and drug effects reduce salivary secretion and make it sticky.
Postoperative Health Education Instructions for Nasal Implants 人工鼻骨術後衛教說明
2024/1/30As one of the methods for rhinoplasty, nasal implants are often used for facial appearance adjustment or post-traumatic rhinoplasty for the purpose of assisting in the recovery of nasal shape. Whether to use it or not is decided after full discussion with the doctor.
The health care of allergic rhinitis 鼻鼽(過敏性鼻炎)的日常保健
2024/1/25Patients who have allergic rhinitis may suffer from sneezing, running nose, nasal congestion, nasal itching or eye itching.