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Breast Reconstruction 乳房重建手術


Breast Reconstruction 乳房重建手術

Breasts functioned as not only breast feeding but female body image maintaining for women. To the patients of breast cancer, remove the tumor cells is not enough. A complete treatment should include physique reconstruction. Therefore, it appeared to be important for the patients to do breast reconstruction in the right time.
The timing of breast reconstruction
The principle is that the timing of reconstruction should not interfere the course of cancer treatment. The timing of reconstruction can be divided into two types:
  1. Instant reconstruction: breast reconstruction is done immediately after breast surgery
  2. Delayed reconstruction: reconstruct the breast when you hope to or wait until the operation and treatment completed.
The methods of breast reconstruction surgery
There are three kinds of breast reconstruction, saline bag implantation, cohesive gel implantation and autologous tissue implantation.
Sources of autologous tissue include:
  1. Latissimus Dorsi muscle and the skin lie above.
  2. Rectus Abdominis muscle and fat, skin lie above.
  3. Gluteus Maximus muscle and fat, skin lie above.
To be aware
  1. Prevent wound infection.
  2. Actions that lead to trauma of affected side.
  3. Seeking for medical help immediately if the wound become reddish, swollen, or giving out of heat.
  4. After operation, you should wear specially made clothes.
  5. Stop Smoking.​


On account of decades of development, therefore mature surgical skill has been accomplished. For patient who received immediate reconstruction after breast cancer surgery, they can diminish frustration and regain self-confidence. Hence breast reconstruction is an important treatment for patient to acquire a fine life quality.

  • Maurice Y. Nahabedian, Peter C. Neligan, Daniel Z. Liu. (2018). Breast. Plastic Surgery by Neligan. Retrieved date, January 13, 2022, from Plastic Surgery by Neligan: (Volume 5), 4th Edition.
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