親愛的_______________先生( 病歷號碼_______________):
- 建議檢查後 2 週內避免騎乘機車或腳踏車,以降低發生血尿及尿瀦留(尿不出來)的風險;亦避免行房及從事劇烈運動。
- 飲食方面避免刺激性食物,如:酒精、辣椒。
- 依醫囑按時服用抗生素。
- 依醫囑按時返院追蹤。
- 如果有服抗凝血劑(例如:阿斯匹靈)則在攝護腺切片後停藥3 ~ 5 天,以減少檢查後出血。
- 備註:停用抗凝血劑,會有栓塞的危險,如有問題請儘速與原主治醫師聯絡!
- 您的主治醫師:_______________
- 您下次門診時間為:_____年____月____日 □上午 □下午 □晚上
- Gorin, M. A., Meyer, A. R., Zimmerman, M., Harb, R., Joice, G. A., Schwen, Z. R., & Allaf, M. E. (2020). Transperineal prostate biopsy with cognitive magnetic resonance imaging/biplanar ultrasound fusion: description of technique and early results. World journal of urology, 38(8), 1943–1949. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00345-019-02992-4
- Mottet, N., Bellmunt, J., Bolla, M., Briers, E., Cumberbatch, M. G., De Santis, M., Fossati, N., Gross, T., Henry, A. M., Joniau, S., Lam, T. B., Mason, M. D., Matveev, V. B., Moldovan, P. C., van den Bergh, R. C. N., Van den Broeck, T., van der Poel, H. G., van der Kwast, T. H., Rouvière, O., Schoots, I. G., … Cornford, P. (2017). EAU-ESTRO-SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. Part 1: Screening, Diagnosis, and Local Treatment with Curative Intent. European urology, 71(4), 618–629. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eururo.2016.08.003
- Islam, M., Da Silva, R. D., Quach, A., Gustafson, D., Nogueira, L., Clark, N., & Kim, F. J. (2021). Are outpatient transperineal prostate biopsies without antibiotic prophylaxis equivalent to standard transrectal biopsies for patient safety and cancer detection rates?A retrospective cohort study in 222 patients. Patient safety in surgery, 15(1), 28. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13037-021-00303-8
製作單位:泌尿部檢查室 編碼:HE-T2061
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