2022 National Biotechnology and Medical Care Quality Award & Symbol of National Quality(SNQ) Comprehensive Intelligent Anti-Microbial System (CiAMS) - Epochal Fast Digitally Precise Prediction and Therapy Intelligent Anti-Microbial System (i.A.M.S.)
2023/3/10Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that can lead to a dysregulated response to infection. Sepsis impacts and causes millions of deaths annually worldwide, including Taiwan, resulting in mortality rates of up to 29.2%.
CMUH 2022 The Symbol of National Quality Awards
2023/3/7Symbol of National Quality - 1 Silver Medal. 1 Bronze Medal. 16 Certification marks
「中西醫整合照護,全面守護過敏兒」榮獲「國家品質標章」(Symbol of National Quality Award, SNQ) 認證
2020/1/2中國醫藥大學附設醫院中醫兒科是兼具中西醫臨床、研究與教學的兒童醫療團隊。今年以「兒童生長發育,中西醫聯手把關」獲得醫療特色組「國家品質標章」(Symbol of National Quality Award),是全國第一個獲得SNQ的中醫兒科特色醫療。
CMUH Colorectal Cancer Excellence Team's. Remarkable achievement in 95% anal preservation rate; minimally invasive interdisciplinary integration offers personal treatment for patients
2017/9/20Cancer has a terrifying reputation in many people today. In particular, colorectal cancer accounts for the first place in cancer diseases. There are many people, including well-known celebrities and movie directors suffering from colorectal cancer and even have
減重合併糖尿病治療 18歲憂鬱胖少變陽光型男
2017/2/15依台灣健保資料庫的大數據得知,糖尿病患者增加罹患癌症的風險。 飲食習慣改變,國人除了肥胖之外,因肥胖引起的糖尿病亦漸趨向年輕化。中國醫藥大學附設醫院(中國附醫)減
Weight-Loss and Diabetes Treatment: 18 Year-old Depressed Teen turns into Sunshine Boy
2017/2/15According to the big data produced by Taiwan’s NHI (National Health Insurance), diabetes patients have a higher risk of getting cancer. Due to the changes in daily diet habits, not only have many people become obese but the age of obesity induced diabetes patients are also becoming younger.