Paper王怡寬 I-Kuan Wang 居家透析科主任
期刊論文/Journal Paper (作者群,論文題目,期刊名稱,出版年月,卷號(期別):頁次起迄) |
日期 | |
1 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、陳振業、林星帆、游棟閔、顏宗海、賴彬卿(Ping-Chin Lai)*、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)*、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chung J Sung)*,The impact of icodextrin on the outcomes of incident peritoneal dialysis patients,PLoS One,2024 Mar,19(3):e0297688-e0297688 | 2024 . 03 |
2 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、游棟閔、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)、賴彬卿(Ping-Chin Lai)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chung J Sung)*,The glucose-sparing peritoneal dialysis dialysate, icodextrin: Eexperience from Taiwan,臺灣腎臟醫學會雜誌,2023 Oct,37(4):182-186 | 2023 . 10 |
3 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、游棟閔(Yu, Tung-Min)、(Tzung-Hai Yen)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)、許傑閔(Chieh-Min Hsu)、(Tsung-Hsun Tsai)*、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chung J Sung)*,Comparison of the risks of renal cell carcinoma or urothelial cancer between hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients,INTERNATIONAL UROLOGY AND NEPHROLOGY,2023 Sep,55(9):2267-2274 | 2023 . 09 |
4 | (Shih-Ting Huang)、(Ting-Fang Chiu)、(Chih-Wei Chiu)、(Yu-Nong Kao)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)、(Chung-Shu Sun)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、游棟閔(Yu, Tung-Min)*、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Denosumab treatment and infection risks in patients with osteoporosis: propensity score matching analysis of a national-wide population-based cohort study,Frontiers in Endocrinology,2023 May,14():1182753 | 2023 . 05 |
5 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、(Tzung-Hai Yen)、蔡崇豪(Chon-Haw Tsai)、(Yu Sun)、(Wei-Lun Chang)、(Po-Lin Chen)、(Ta-Chang Lai)、(Po-Yen Yeh)、(Cheng-Yu Wei)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、許凱程(HSU KAI-CHENG)、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)*、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chung J Sung)*、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu),Renal function is associated with one-month and one-year mortality in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage,PLoS One,2023 Jan,18(1):e0269096 | 2023 . 01 |
6 | 李忻(Li, Xin)、(Hitesh Singh Chaouhan)、王耀明(Yao-Ming Wang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、沈德群(Shen, Te-Chun)*、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)*、孫國丁(孫國丁)*,Risk of Periodontitis in Patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: A Nationwide Retrospective Cohort Study,Biomedicines,2022 Nov,10(11):2980 | 2022 . 11 |
7 | (Kun-Lin Wu)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、(Hui-Yin Chang)、(Chih-Hsun Wu)、(An-Lun Li)、(Chien-Lung Chen)、(Jen-Chieh Tsai)、(Yi-Fan Chen)、(Chiung-Tong Chen)、(Chin-Chung Tseng)、(Jin-Bor Chen)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、(Yu-Juei Hsu)、(Shih-Hua Lin)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*、(Nianhan Ma)*,Peritoneal effluent MicroRNA profile for detection of encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis,CLINICA CHIMICA ACTA,2022 Sep,536():45-55 | 2022 . 09 |
8 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、游棟閔(Yu, Tung-Min)、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)、葉晞彤(YIP HEI-TUNG)、賴彬卿(Ping-Chin Lai)*、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)*、孫國丁(孫國丁)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chung J Sung)*,The impact of multidisciplinary pre-dialysis care on the outcomes of incident peritoneal dialysis patients,BMC Nephrology,2022 May,23():173-180 | 2022 . 05 |
9 | (Hitesh Singh Chaouhan)、李忻(Li, Xin)、孫國丁(孫國丁)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、游棟敏、余紹華(Shao-Hua Yu)、陳坤堡(Kuen-Bao Chen)*、林維勇(Wei-Yong Lin)*、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)*,Calycosin Alleviates Paraquat-Induced Neurodegeneration by Improving Mitochondrial Functions and Regulating Autophagy in a Drosophila Model of Parkinson’s Disease,Antioxidants,2022 Feb,11(2):222 | 2022 . 02 |
10 | 徐珏璿(HSU CHUEH-HSUAN)、徐?琳(Chueh-Lin Hsu)、徐煜能(Yu -Neng Shiu)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、黃虹毓(Hung-Yu Huang)、林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、游棟閔(Yu, Tung-Min)、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)*,Risks of central nervous system infections and related mortality in patients undergoing dialysis,SEMINARS IN DIALYSIS,2022 Jan,(): | 2022 . 01 |
11 | 蔡尚峰(Shang-Feng Tsai)、林明彥(Ming-Huang Lin)、許志成(Chih-Cheng Hsu)、吳明儒、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)*、陳呈旭*,Trends of kidney transplantation from 2020 Annual Report on Kidney Disease in Taiwan,JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION,2021 Dec,(): | 2021 . 12 |
12 | 李忻(Xin Li)、(Hitesh Singh Chaouhan)、李景浩(Ching-Hao Li)、游棟閔(Tung-Min Yu)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)*、孫國丁(孫國丁)*,Higher risk of gastric Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with periodontitis: a nationwide population-based retrospective cohort study in Taiwan,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2021 Nov,18(11678): | 2021 . 11 |
13 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、游棟閔(Yu, Tung-Min)、(Tzung-Hai Yen)、(Lu-Ting Chiu)、Li-Ming Lie、(Yu Sun)、(Cheng-Yu Wei)、許凱程(HSU KAI-CHENG)、賴彬卿(Ping-Chin Lai)*、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)*、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chung J Sung)*、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu),Renal dysfunction is associated with lower odds of home discharge for patients with stroke,POSTGRADUATE MEDICINE,2021 Nov,133(8):865-872 | 2021 . 11 |
14 | 李景浩(Ching-Hao Li)、卡拉蘇菲(Kalaiselvi Palanisamy)、李忻(Xin Li)、余紹華(Shao-Hua Yu)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)*、孫國丁(孫國丁)*,Exosomal tumor necrosis factor-α from hepatocellular cancer cells promote osteoclast differentiation,JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY,2021 Jul,(): | 2021 . 07 |
15 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、(Yu-Cih Yang)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang)、徐武輝(Wu-Huei Hsu)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林嘉德(Chia-Der Lin)、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Increased Incidence of Dysmenorrhea in Women Exposed to Higher Concentrations of NO, NO2, NOx, CO, and PM2.5: A Nationwide Population-Based Study,Frontiers in Public Health,2021 Jun,9():682341 | 2021 . 06 |
16 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、(Tzung-Hai Yen)、(Pei-Shan Hsieh)、(Hsieh-Hsun Ho)、(Yi-Wei Kuo)、(Yen-Yu Huang)、Yu-Lun Kuo、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)、林鴻志(Hung-Chih Lin)、王志堯(Jiu-Yao Wang)*,Effect of a Probiotic Combination in an Experimental Mouse Model and Clinical Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: A Pilot Study,Frontiers in Nutrition,2021 May,8():661794-661794 | 2021 . 05 |
17 | (Shih-Ting Huang)、(Tung-Min Yu)*、(Ya-Wen Chuang)、(Cheng-Hsu Chen)、(Ming-Ju Wu)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Pneumococcal pneumonia in adult hospitalised solid organ transplant recipients: Nationwide, population-based surveillance,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE,2021 Feb,0():e14126 | 2021 . 02 |
18 | 余紹華(Shao-Hua Yu)、卡拉蘇菲(PALANISAMY KALAISELVI)、孫國丁(Kuo-Ting Sun)、李忻(Li, Xin)、(Yao-Ming Wang)、(Feng-Yen Lin)、陳坤堡(Kuen-Bao Chen)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)*、游棟閔(Yu, Tung-Min)*、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)*,Human antigen R regulates hypoxia-induced mitophagy in renal tubular cells through PARKIN/BNIP3L expressions,JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE,2021 Jan,25(5):2691-2702 | 2021 . 01 |
19 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、(Kalaiselvi Palanisamy)、孫國丁(Kuo-Ting Sun)、余紹華(Shao-Hua Yu)、游棟閔(Yu, Tung-Min)、李景浩(Ching-Hao Li)、(Feng-Yen Lin)、周安國(An-Kuo Chou)、汪貴珍(Guei-Jane Wang)*、陳坤堡(Kuen-Bao Chen)*、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)*,The functional interplay of lncRNA EGOT and HuR regulates hypoxia-induced autophagy in renal tubular cells,JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY,2020 Nov,121(11):4522-4534 | 2020 . 11 |
20 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、游棟閔(Yu, Tung-Min)、(Tzung-Hai Yen)、林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、(Chia-Ling Chang)、賴彬卿(Ping-Chin Lai)*、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)*、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chung J Sung)*,Comparison of patient survival and technique survival between continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis and automated peritoneal dialysis,PERITONEAL DIALYSIS INTERNATIONAL,2020 Nov,40(6):563-572 | 2020 . 11 |
21 | 蘇群琳(Chun-Lin Su)、張耕閤(Geng-He Chang)、蔡麗茹(Li-ju Tsai)、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、張長正(Chang-Cheng Chang)*,Factors Impacting Survival in Patients with Major Burn-induced Acute Kidney Injury Post Renal Replacement Therapy: a Nationwide Study with 15 Years Follow-up in Taiwan,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2020 Oct,(): | 2020 . 10 |
22 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、楊育慈、張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang)、徐武輝(Wu-Huei Hsu)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、江長城(Chang-Cheng Jiang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林嘉德(Chia-Der Lin)、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Association of fine-particulate and acidic-gas air pollution with premenstrual syndrome risk,QJM-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICINE,2020 Sep,113(9):643-650 | 2020 . 09 |
23 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、(Tzung-Hai Yen)、(Chih-Hung Chen)、(Shih-Pin Hsu)、(Yu Sun)、(Li-Ming, Lien)*、(Wei-Lun Chang)、(Ta-Chang Lai)、(Po-Lin Chen)、(Chien-Chung Chen)、(Pai-Hao Huang)、(Ching-Huang Lin)、(Yuan-Chih Su)、林美辰(Lin, Mei-Chen)、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)*、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chung J Sung)*、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu),Intravenous tissue plasminogen activator for acute ischemic stroke in patients with renal dysfunction,QJM-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICINE,2020 Jul,(): | 2020 . 07 |
24 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、徐武輝(Wu-Huei Hsu)、林嘉德(Chia-Der Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、謝明翰(Ming-Han Hsieh)、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Association between angiotensin receptor blockers and suicide: nationwide population-based propensity score matching study,JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS,2020 Jul,276(7):815-821 | 2020 . 07 |
25 | 王捷賢(Jie-Sian Wang)、(Wei-Shan Chen)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、沈明毅(Ming-Yi Shen)*,Risk of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome after Parathyroidectomy in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease: A Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan.,MEDICINE,2020 Apr,(): | 2020 . 04 |
26 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、(Tzung-Hai Yen)、郭育呈(Yuh-Cherng Guo)*、(Yu Sun)、(Li-Ming, Lien)、(Wei-Lun Chang)、(Po-Lin Chen)、楊育慈、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chung J Sung)*、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu),Antiplatelet agents for the secondary prevention of ischemic stroke in patients with or without renal dysfunction,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY,2020 Mar,27(3):572-578 | 2020 . 03 |
27 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、徐武輝(Wu-Huei Hsu)、林嘉德(Chia-Der Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Association between Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Lung Cancer—A Nationwide, Population-Based, Propensity Score-Matched Cohort Study,Cancers,2020 Mar,12(3):747 | 2020 . 03 |
28 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、徐武輝(Wu-Huei Hsu)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、鄭隆賓(Long-Bin Jeng)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Risk of Biliary Tract Disease in Living Liver Donors: A Population-Based Cohort Study,PLoS One,2020 Mar,15(3):e0230840 | 2020 . 03 |
29 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、(Tsung-Hsun Tsai)、張詩聖(Shih-Sheng Chang)、林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、(Tzung-Hai Yen)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chung J Sung)*,Icodextrin is associated with a lower risk of atrial fibrillation in peritoneal dialysis patients,NEPHROLOGY,2019 Dec,24(12):1273-1278 | 2019 . 12 |
30 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、(Weishan Chen)、(Tomor Harnod)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、徐武輝(Wu-Huei Hsu)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、張耘綸(Yun-Lun Chang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Sleep apnea and risk of traumatic brain injury and associated mortality and healthcare costs: a population-based cohort study,Annals of Translational Medicine,2019 Nov,7(22):644 | 2019 . 11 |
31 | 卡拉蘇菲(PALANISAMY KALAISELVI)、蔡宗訊、游棟閔(Yu, Tung-Min)、孫國丁(Kuo-Ting Sun)、余紹華(Shao-Hua Yu)、(Feng?Yen Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)*、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)*,RNA-binding protein, human antigen R regulates hypoxia-induced autophagy by targeting ATG7/ATG16L1 expressions and autophagosome formation,JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY,2019 May,234(5):7448-7458 | 2019 . 05 |
32 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、(Tsung-Hsun Tsai)、洪逸芷(Yi-Chin Hung)、王子源(Tzu-Yuan Wang)*、(Tzung-Hai Yen)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chung J Sung)*,Increased risk of new-onset type 2 diabetes in people with chronic kidney disease,INTERNATIONAL UROLOGY AND NEPHROLOGY,2019 Apr,51(4):707-712 | 2019 . 04 |
33 | 邱芝維(Chih-Wei Chiu)、蔡宗訊(Tsung-Hsun Tsai)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)*、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li),Icodextrin is associated with a lower risk of stroke in peritoneal dialysis patients,NEPHRON,2019 Mar,141(2):11-118 | 2019 . 03 |
34 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chung J Sung)、張兆祥(Chao-Hsiang Chang)、吳錫金(Hsi-Chin Wu)、陳汶吉(Wen-Chi Chen)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、陳朝榮(Chao-Jung Chen)*、周安國(An-Kuo Chou)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Risk of subsequent health disorders among living kidney donors,MEDICINE,2019 Feb,98(7):e14494 | 2019 . 02 |
35 | 吳宜樺(Wu Yi-Hua)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)*,糖尿病腎病之治療方法,腎臟與透析,2018 Dec,30(4):187-192 | 2018 . 12 |
36 | (Tzung-Hai Yen)*、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、(Ching-Wei Hsu),Hemoperfusion for Paraquat Poisoning,KIDNEY INTERNATIONAL,2018 Dec,94(6):1239 | 2018 . 12 |
37 | 田霓(Ni Tien)、(Tzu-Hsien Lin)、(Zen-Chao Hung)、林秀姍(Hsiu-Hsien Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、(Hung-Chih Chen)*、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang),Diagnosis of Bacterial Pathogens in the Urine of Urinary-Tract-Infection Patients Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy,MOLECULES,2018 Dec,12(3374):1-14 | 2018 . 12 |
38 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、徐武輝(Wu-Huei Hsu)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、林志學(Chih-Hsueh Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Association of Exposure to Fine-Particulate Air Pollution and Acidic Gases with Incidence of Nephrotic Syndrome,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2018 Dec,15():2860 | 2018 . 12 |
39 | 潘麒亘(Chi-Keng Pan)、(Teressa Reanne Ju)、(Chi Chan Lee)、(Yu-Pei Chen)、許重義(HSU,CHUNG-Y)、洪東榮(Hung, Dong-Zong)、陳維恭(Wei-Kung Chen)、王怡寬(Wang, I-Kuan)*,Alcohol use disorder tied to development of chronic kidney disease: A nationwide database analysis,PLoS One,2018 Sep,13(9):e0203410-. | 2018 . 09 |
40 | (Chia-Lin Tsai)、(Jiunn-Tay Lee)*、(Li-Ming Lien)、(Chun-Chieh Lin)、(I-Ju Tsai)、(Yueh-Feng Sung)、(Chung-Hsing Chou)、(Fu-Chi Yang)、(Chia-Kuang Tsai)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、曾鈞宏(Chun-Hng Tseng)、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu),The association between septicemia and the risk of multiple sclerosis: a nationwide register-based retrospective cohort study in Taiwan,QJM-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICINE,2018 Sep,111(9):605-611 | 2018 . 09 |
41 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、(Li-Ming Lien)、(Jiunn-Tay Lee)、劉崇祥(Chung-Hsiang Liu)、(Chih-Hung Chen)、(Ching-Huang Lin)、(Jiann-Shing Jeng)、(Chaur-Jong Hu)、(Tzung-Hai Yen)、(Sien-Tsong Chen)、(Hou-Chang Chiu)、(I-Ju Tsai)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chung J Sung)*、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu),Renal dysfunction increases the risk of recurrent stroke in patients with acute ischemic stroke,ATHEROSCLEROSIS,2018 Jul,277():15-20 | 2018 . 07 |
42 | 王怡寬(Wang, I-Kuan)、林橙莉、顏宗海、林詩怡(Lin, Shih-Yi)、宋鴻樟(Sung, Fung-Chang)*,Comparison of survival between hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients with end-stage renal disease in the era of icodextrin treatment,European Journal of Internal Medicine,2018 Apr,50():69-74 | 2018 . 04 |
43 | 王怡寬(Wang, I-Kuan)、林橙莉、顏宗海、林詩怡(Lin, Shih-Yi)、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、宋鴻樟(Sung, Fung-Chang)*,Icodextrin reduces the risk of congestive heart failure in peritoneal dialysis patients,PHARMACOEPIDEMIOLOGY AND DRUG SAFETY,2018 Apr,27(4):447-452 | 2018 . 04 |
44 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林橙莉、陳虹志(Hung-Chih Chen)、林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、顏宗海、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Risk of new-onset diabetes in end-stage renal disease patients undergoing dialysis: analysis from registry data of Taiwan,NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION,2018 Apr,33(4):670-675 | 2018 . 04 |
45 | 林詩怡(Lin, Shih-Yi)、林橙莉、林正介(Lin, Cheng-Chieh)、王怡寬(Wang, I-Kuan)、徐武輝(Hsu, Wu-Huei)、高嘉鴻(Kao, Chia-Hung)*,Risk of acute coronary syndrome and peripheral arterial disease in chronic liver disease and cirrhosis: A nationwide population-based study,ATHEROSCLEROSIS,2018 Mar,270(3):154-159 | 2018 . 03 |
46 | 林詩怡(Lin, Shih-Yi)、林橙莉、王怡寬(Wang, I-Kuan)、林正介(Lin, Cheng-Chieh)、林志學(Lin, Chih-Hsueh)、徐武輝(Hsu, Wu-Huei)、高嘉鴻(Kao, Chia-Hung)*,Dementia and vagotomy in Taiwan: a population-based cohort study.,BMJ Open,2018 Mar,8(3):e019582 | 2018 . 03 |
47 | 林詩怡(Lin, Shih-Yi)、陳德誠(Chen, Der-Cherng)、林橙莉、李漢忠(Han-Chung Lee)、(Tsung-Chih Lin)、王怡寬(Wang, I-Kuan)、許重義(Hsu, Chung-Y.)、高嘉鴻(Kao, Chia-Hung)*,Risk of acute coronary syndrome in patients with cervical spondylosis,ATHEROSCLEROSIS,2018 Mar,271():136-141 | 2018 . 03 |
48 | 王怡寬(Wang, I-Kuan)、劉崇祥(Liu, Chung-Hsiang)、顏宗海、鄭建興、宋昇峰、黃柏豪、李介元、孫瑜、魏誠佑、連立明、蔡易儒、宋鴻樟(Sung, Fung-Chang)*、許重義(Hsu, Chung-Y.),Renal function is associated with 1-month and 1-year mortality in patients with ischemic stroke,ATHEROSCLEROSIS,2018 Feb,269(11):288-293 | 2018 . 02 |
49 | (Chin-Chung Tseng)、(Jin-Bor Chen)、王怡寬(Wang, I-Kuan)、(Shang-Chih Liao)、(Ben-Chung Cheng)、(An-bang Wu)、(Yu-Tzu Chang)、(Shih-Yuan Hung)、黃秋錦(Huang, Chiu-Ching)*,Incidence and outcomes of encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) and factors associated with severe EPS,PLoS One,2018 Feb,13(1): | 2018 . 02 |
50 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、徐中和(Chung-Ho Hsu)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)、張詩聖(Shih-Sheng Chang)、林橙莉、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)、林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、林崇智(Chung-Chih Lin)、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Comparison of the risk of non-traumatic lower extremity amputation between hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients with end-stage renal disease,NEPHROLOGY,2018 Jan,23(1):86-92 | 2018 . 01 |
51 | 王怡寬(Wang, I-Kuan)、賴世偉(Lai, Shih-Wei)、賴學洲(Lai, Hsueh-Chou)、林橙莉、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)、周哲毅(Chou, Che-Yi)、張志宗(Chang, Chiz-Tzung)、黃秋錦(Huang, Chiu-Ching)、宋鴻樟(Sung, Fung-Chang)*,Risk of and fatality from acute pancreatitis in long-term hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients,PERITONEAL DIALYSIS INTERNATIONAL,2018 Jan,38(1):30-35 | 2018 . 01 |
52 | 林逸婷、鄭宇凱(Yu-Kai Cheng)、林橙莉、王怡寬(Wang, I-Kuan)*,Increased risk of subdural hematoma in patients with liver cirrhosis,QJM-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICINE,2017 Dec,110(12):815-820 | 2017 . 12 |
53 | 林詩怡(Lin, Shih-Yi)、林橙莉、張兆祥(Chang, Chao-Hsiang)、吳錫金(Wu, Hsi-Chin)、陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi)、王怡寬(Wang, I-Kuan)、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、宋鴻樟(Sung, Fung-Chang)、(Yen?Jung Chang)、高嘉鴻(Kao, Chia-Hung)*,Comparative risk of chronic kidney diseases in patients with urolithiasis and urological interventions: a longitudinal population-based study,Urolithiasis,2017 Oct,45(5):465-472 | 2017 . 10 |
54 | 張益銍(Chang, Yi-Chih)*、田霓(Tien, Ni)、楊家欣(Yang Jai-Sing)、呂啟程(Chi-Cheng Lu)、蔡輔仁(Tsai, Fuu-Jen)、黄琮竣(Huang, Tsurng-Juhn)、王怡寬(Wang, I-Kuan),Class 1 integrons and plasmid-mediated multiple resistance genes of the Campylobacter species from pediatric patient of a university hospital in Taiwan,Gut Pathogens,2017 Sep,9(50):1-8 | 2017 . 09 |
55 | (Chung-Hsing Chou)、(Jiunn-Tay Lee)*、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、(Yueh-Feng Sung)、(Che-Chen Lin)、(Chih-Hsin Muo)、(Fu-Chi Yang)、溫啟邦(Chi-Pang Wen)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu)、曾鈞宏(Chun-Hng Tseng),Septicemia is associated with increased risk for dementia: a population-based longitudinal study,Oncotarget,2017 Sep,8(48):84300-84308 | 2017 . 09 |
56 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、沈德群(Te-Chun Shen)、莫之欣、顏宗海、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Risk of pulmonary embolism in patients with end-stage renal disease receiving long-term dialysis,NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION,2017 Aug,32(8):1386-1393 | 2017 . 08 |
57 | 沈德群(Te-Chun Shen)、陳家弘(Chia-Hung Chen)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林橙莉、涂智彥(Chih-Yen Tu)*、夏德椿(Te-Chun Hsia)、施純明(Chuen-Ming Shih)、徐武輝(Wu-Huei Hsu)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Risk of Empyema in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease: A Nationwide Propensity-Matched Cohort Study,QJM-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICINE,2017 Jul,110(7):425-430 | 2017 . 07 |
58 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、林橙莉、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)、吳錫金(Wu,Hsi-Chin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)*,Risk of acute myocardial infarction in upper tract urothelial carcinoma patients receiving radical nephroureterectomy: a population-based cohort study,Oncotarget,2017 Jun,(): | 2017 . 06 |
59 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、劉崇祥(Chung-Hsiang Liu)、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)、(Jiann-Shing Jeng)、(Shih-Pin Hsu)、(Chih-Hung Chen)、(Li-Ming Lien)、(Ruey-Tay Lin)、(An-Chih Chen)、(Huey-Juan Lin)、(Hsin-Yi Chi)、(Ta-Chang Lai)、(Yu Sun)、(Siu-Pak Lee)、(Sheng-Feng Sung)、(Po-Lin Chen)、(Jiunn-Tay Lee)、(Tsuey-Ru Chiang)、(Shinn-Kuang Lin)、(Chih-Hsin Muo)、(Henry Ma)、溫啟邦(Chi-Pang Wen)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu),Cholesterol levels are associated with 30-day mortality from ischemic stroke in dialysis patients,Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases,2017 Jun,26(6):1394-1356 | 2017 . 06 |
60 | 孫國丁(Kuo-Ting Sun)、黃宇男(YuNan Huang)、卡蕾(Kalaiselvi Palanisamy)、張詩聖(Shih-Sheng Chang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、巫康熙(Kang-Hsi Wu)、陳平(Ping Chen)、彭慶添(Ching-Tien Peng)*、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)*,Reciprocal regulation of γ-globin expression by exo-miRNAs: Relevance to γ-globin silencing in β-thalassemia major,Scientific Reports,2017 May,7(1):202 | 2017 . 05 |
61 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、王清源(Ching-Yuang Wang)、莫之欣、Tzung-Hai Ye(顏宗海)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Risk of sudden sensorineural hearing loss in patients with end-stage renal disease undergoing dialysis,NEPHROLOGY,2017 May,22(5):397-402 | 2017 . 05 |
62 | 劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、朱書緯(Shu-Woei Ju)、(Tung-Min Yu)、陳怡儒、劉玉晴(Yu-Ching Liu)、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang)、林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)*、張志宗(Chang, Chiz-Tzung)、黃秋錦(Huang, Chiu-Ching),Association of inflammatory cytokines with mortality in peritoneal dialysis patients,BioMedicine,2017 Mar,1():1-8 | 2017 . 03 |
63 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、林橙莉、朱書緯(Shu-Woei Ju)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、林志學(Chih-Hsueh Lin)、徐武輝(Wu-Huei Hsu)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)*,Increasing risk of cataract in HCV patients receiving anti-HCV therapy: A nationwide cohort study,PLoS One,2017 Mar,12(3):e0173125 | 2017 . 03 |
64 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林?宏(Kuo-Hung Lin)、林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、林橙莉、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Permanent cardiac pacing in patients with end-stage renal disease undergoing dialysis,NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION,2016 Dec,31():2115-2122 | 2016 . 12 |
65 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林橙莉、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Lower risk of de novo congestive heart failure in peritoneal dialysis patients compared with hemodialysis patients,International Journal of Cardiology,2016 Nov,229():122 | 2016 . 11 |
66 | 田霓(Tien Ni)、陳虹志(Hung-Chih Chen)、(Shiow-Lan Gau)、(Tzu-Hsien Lin)、林秀姍(Hsiu-Hsien Lin)、游邦照(Bang-Jau You)、(Po-Chuan Tsai)、陳怡儒(I-Ru Chen)、蔡旻汎(Tasa, Min-Fan)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、陳朝榮(Chao-Jung Chen)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)*,Diagnosis of bacterial pathogens in the dialysate of peritoneal dialysis patients with peritonitis using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy,CLINICA CHIMICA ACTA,2016 Oct,(461):69-75 | 2016 . 10 |
67 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、林橙莉、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、徐武輝(Wu-Huei Hsu)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、鄭隆賓(Long-Bin Jeng)*、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Peptic ulcer disease in living liver donors: A longitudinal population-based study.,AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION,2016 Oct,16(10):2925-2931 | 2016 . 10 |
68 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang),The outcome of peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis,臺灣腎臟醫學會雜誌,2016 Sep,30(3):117-119 | 2016 . 09 |
69 | 胡蓮珍、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)、莫之欣、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、施欣欣(Shih, Hsin-Hsin)、(Yin-Yi Chang)、曾雅玲(Tzeng Ya-Ling)*,Risk of Subsequent Hypertension and Diabetes in Women With Hypertension During Pregnancy and Gestational Diabetes,MAYO CLINIC PROCEEDINGS,2016 Sep,91(9):1158-1165 | 2016 . 09 |
70 | 曾慧恩(Huey-En Tzeng)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、黃柏豪(Po-Hao Huang)、蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai)*,Gout increases risk of fracture :A nationwide population-based cohort study,MEDICINE,2016 Aug,95(34):e4669-e4669 | 2016 . 08 |
71 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、呂濟宇(Chi-Yu Lu)、莫之欣、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、李采娟(Tsai-Chung Li)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Analysis of technique and patient survival over time in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis,INTERNATIONAL UROLOGY AND NEPHROLOGY,2016 Jul,48(7):1177-1185 | 2016 . 07 |
72 | 梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*,Upper gastrointestinal bleeding as a risk factor for dialysis and all-cause mortality: a cohort study of chronic kidney disease patients in Taiwan,BMJ Open,2016 Jun,6():e010439 | 2016 . 06 |
73 | 郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、王舒民(SU-MING WANG)、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、楊雅斐(Ya-Fei Yang)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)*、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang),Prolonged QT interval is linked to all-cause and cardiac mortality in chronic peritoneal dialysis patients,NEPHROLOGY,2016 May,(): | 2016 . 05 |
74 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、陳俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Chen)、莫之欣、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai yen)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Subsequent risk of gout for women with hypertensive disorders in pregnancy: a retrospective cohort study,JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION,2016 May,34(5):914-919 | 2016 . 05 |
75 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、呂濟宇(Chi-Yu Lu)、林橙莉、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Comparison of the risk of de novo cardiovascular disease between hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis in patients with end-stage renal disease,International Journal of Cardiology,2016 May,218(5):219-224 | 2016 . 05 |
76 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林橙莉、鄭宇凱(Yu-Kai Cheng)*、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Increased risk of hydrocephalus in long-term dialysis patients,NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION,2016 Mar,31():807-813 | 2016 . 03 |
77 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林慧茹(Hui-Ju Lin)、萬磊(Lei Wan)、林橙莉、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Risk of age-related macular degeneration in end-stage renal disease patients receiving long-term dialysis,RETINA-THE JOURNAL OF RETINAL AND VITREOUS DISEASES,2016 Mar,(): | 2016 . 03 |
78 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林橙莉、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、張仕妮(Chang, Shih-Ni)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Seasonal influenza vaccination is associated with reduced morbidity and mortality in peritoneal dialysis patients,NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION,2016 Feb,31(2):269-274 | 2016 . 02 |
79 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、林橙莉、(Yen-Jung Chang)、徐武輝(Wu-Huei Hsu)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、(Chao-Hsiang Chang)、(Ming-Chia Lin)*、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Association Between Kidney Stones and Risk of Stroke A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study,MEDICINE,2016 Feb,95(8):e2847 | 2016 . 02 |
80 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、梁文敏(Wen-Miin Liang)、林橙莉、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Impact of dialysis modality on the survival of patients with end-stage renal disease and prior stroke,INTERNATIONAL UROLOGY AND NEPHROLOGY,2016 Jan,48(1):139-147 | 2016 . 01 |
81 | 陳虹志(Hung-Chih Chen)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、(Jyun-Shan Jheng)、陳怡儒(I-Ru Chen)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、(Shu-Ming Wang)、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)*、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang),Loss of residual renal function is associated with vascular calcification in hemodialysis patients,THERAPEUTIC APHERESIS AND DIALYSIS,2016 Jan,(): | 2016 . 01 |
82 | 周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、王舒民(Shu-Ming Wang)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、蕭連城(Lien-Cheng Hsiao)、(Chih-Hsin Muo)、鍾季容(Chi-Jung Chung)*、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang),Peritoneal Dialysis is Associated With A Better Survival in Cirrhotic Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease,MEDICINE,2016 Jan,95(4):e2465 | 2016 . 01 |
83 | 游棟閔(Yu, Tung-Min)、卡拉蘇菲(Kalaiselvi Palanisamy1,)、孫國丁(Kuo-Ting Sun)、戴元基(Yuan-Ji Day)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)、陳玉怜(Yuh-Lien Chen)、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)*,RANTES mediates kidney ischemia reperfusion injury through a possible role of HIF-1 alpha and LncRNA PRINS,Scientific Reports,2016 Jan,4(6):18424-18424 | 2016 . 01 |
84 | 楊斯棓(Szu-Pang Yang)、莫之欣、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、張晏蓉(Yen-Jung Chang)、賴世偉(Shih-Wei Lai)、李威昇(Cynthia Wei-Sheng Lee)*、(Donald E. Morisky),Risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in female breast cancer patients treated with morphine: a retrospective population-based time-dependent cohort study,DIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE,2015 Dec,113(3):285-290 | 2015 . 12 |
85 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、孫國丁(Kuo-Ting Sun)、蔡宗訓(Tsung-Hsun Tsai)、陳嘉雯(Chia-Wen Chen)、張詩聖(Shih-Sheng Chang)、游棟閔、顏宗海、(Feng-Yen Lin)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)*,MiR-20a-5p mediates hypoxia-induced autophagy by targeting ATG16L1 in ischemic kidney injury,LIFE SCIENCES,2015 Sep,136():133-141 | 2015 . 09 |
86 | 沈德群(Te-Chun Shen)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、魏長菁(Chang-Ching Wei)、林橙莉、蔡佳達(Chia-Ta Tsai)、夏德椿(Te-Chun Hsia)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,The Risk of Septicemia in End Stage Renal Disease with and without Renal Transplantation: A Propensity-Matched Cohort Study,MEDICINE,2015 Aug,94(34):e1437 | 2015 . 08 |
87 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、吳怡瑩(WU YI-YING)、楊雅斐(Ya-Fei Yang)、丁羿文(I-Wen Ting)、林崇智(Chung-Chih Lin)、顏宗海、陳錦華(Chen Jin-Hua)、王仲興(Chung-Hsing Wang)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*、林鴻志(Hung-Chih Lin)*,The Effect of Probiotics on Serum Levels of Cytokine and Endotoxin in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial,Beneficial Microbes,2015 Jul,6(4):423-430 | 2015 . 07 |
88 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、林橙莉、曾鈞宏(Chun-Hung Tseng)、(Yen-Jung Chang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、葉宏傑(Hung-Chieh Yeh)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Association Between Chronic Osteomyelitis and Risk of End-Stage Renal Disease A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study,MEDICINE,2015 Jul,94(27):e1141 | 2015 . 07 |
89 | 周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、王舒民(Shu-Ming Wang)、張寶霞(Pao-Hsia Chang)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、楊雅斐(Ya-Fei Yang)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)*、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang),Angiotensin II receptor blocker prevents upper gastrointestinal bleeding in hypertensive patients with chronic kidney disease not on dialysis,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE,2015 Jul,69(7):722-728 | 2015 . 07 |
90 | (Chin-Sheng Lin)、(Sy-Jou Chen)、(Chih-Chien Sung)、林橙莉、(Shih-Hua Lin)、(Shu-Meng Cheng)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、(Wen-Sheng Huang)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Hemodialysis Is Associated With Increased Peripheral Artery Occlusive Disease Risk Among Patients With End-Stage Renal Disease: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study.,MEDICINE,2015 Jul,94(28):e1164 | 2015 . 07 |
91 | 劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、(Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh)、(Gwo-Ping Jong)、黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang)*、王昭閔(Chao-Min Wang)*,Hyperphosphate-Induced Myocardial Hypertrophy through the GATA-4/NFAT-3 Signaling Pathway Is Attenuated by ERK Inhibitor Treatment,CardioRenal Medicine,2015 Apr,5(2):79-88 | 2015 . 04 |
92 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、李郁芬(Yu-Fen Li)、陳錦華(Chen Jin-Hua)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、蔡文正(Tsai, Wen-Chen)、顏宗海(TZUNG-HAI YEN)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*,Icodextrin Decreases Technique Failure and Improves Patient Survival in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients,NEPHROLOGY,2015 Mar,20(3):161-167 | 2015 . 03 |
93 | 陳虹志(Hung-Chih Chen)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*,Patients with diabetes as the primary kidney disease have a worse survival than patients with comorbid diabetes in chronic haemodialysis patients,NEPHROLOGY,2015 Mar,20(3):155-10 | 2015 . 03 |
94 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、鄭宇凱(Yu-Kai Cheng)、林橙莉、彭巧伶(Chiao-Ling Peng)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、(Tzung-Hai Yen)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu),Comparison of subdural hematoma risk between hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients with ESRD,Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology,2015 Feb,10(6):994-1001 | 2015 . 02 |
95 | 孫國丁(Kuo-Ting Sun)、陳遠謙(Michael Yuan-Chien Chen)、涂明君(Ming-Gene Tu)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、張詩聖(Shih-Sheng Chang)、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)*,MicroRNA-20a regulates autophagy related protein-ATG16L1 in hypoxia-induced osteoclast differentiation,BONE,2015 Jan,73(2015):145-153 | 2015 . 01 |
96 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、陳宣如、鄭宇凱(Yu-Kai Cheng)*、吳怡瑩(WU YI-YING)、林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai)、莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chuang)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu),Subdural hematoma in diabetic patients,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY,2015 Jan,22(1):99-105 | 2015 . 01 |
97 | 賴世偉(Shih-Wei Lai)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林橙莉、陳鴻仁(Hung-Jen Chen)、廖光福*,Splenectomy correlates with increased risk of pulmonary tuberculosis: a case-control study in Taiwan,CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION,2014 Nov,20(8):764-767 | 2014 . 11 |
98 | 張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、鄭明輝(Mingh-Hui Chien)、楊凱玲(Kai-Ling Yang)、余建志(Chien-Chih Yu)、許菁芳(Jing-Fang Hsu)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林柏松(Paik-Seong Lim)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*,Nitric oxide production and blood pressure reduction during hemodialysis,NEPHROLOGY,2014 Sep,19(9):562-567 | 2014 . 09 |
99 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、林橙莉、曾鈞宏(Chun-Hung Tseng)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、王舒民(Shu-Ming Wang)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、(Y.-J. Chang)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,The association between chronic osteomyelitis and increased risk of diabetes mellitus: a population-based cohort study.,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASES,2014 Sep,33(9):1647-1652 | 2014 . 09 |
100 | 梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、王舒民(Shu-Ming Wang)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、楊雅斐(Ya-Fei Yang)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)*、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang),Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Patients with CKD,Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology,2014 Aug,9(8):1354-1359 | 2014 . 08 |
101 | 陳怡儒(I-Ru Chen)、王舒民(Shu-Ming Wang)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、楊雅斐(Ya-Fei Yang)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)*、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang),Association of Walking with Survival and RRT Among Patients with CKD Stages 3–5,Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology,2014 Jul,9(7):1183-1189 | 2014 . 07 |
102 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、林橙莉、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、徐武輝(Wu-Huei Hsu)、陳朝榮(Chao-Jung Chen)、丁羿文(I-Wen Ting)、吳宜亭(I-Ting Wu)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、(Yen-Jung Chang)*,Association between periodontitis needing surgical treatment and subsequent diabetes risk: A population-based cohort study,JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY,2014 Jun,85(6):779-786 | 2014 . 06 |
103 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林橙莉、吳怡瑩(WU YI-YING)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)、莊峰榮(Feng-Romg Chuang)、鄭宇凱(Yu-Kai Cheng)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Subdural hematoma in patients with end-stage renal disease receiving hemodialysis,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY,2014 Jun,21():894-900 | 2014 . 06 |
104 | 周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、楊雅斐(Ya-Fei Yang)、鄭光甫(Kuang-Fu Cheng)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang),A Minimal Increase in Fasting Blood Glucose Is Associated with Worse Survival in Hemodialysis Patients Without Pre-Existing Diabetes Mellitus,臺灣腎臟醫學會雜誌,2014 Jun,28(2):93-99 | 2014 . 06 |
105 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林橙莉、吳怡瑩(WU YI-YING)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Increased risk of Parkinson’s disease in patients with end-stage renal disease: a retrospective cohort study,NEUROEPIDEMIOLOGY,2014 Apr,42(4):204-210 | 2014 . 04 |
106 | 梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、莫之欣、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、鍾季容(Chi-Jung Chung)*,Peptic Ulcer Disease Risk in Chronic Kidney Disease: Ten-Year Incidence, Ulcer Location, and Ulcerogenic Effect of Medications.,PLoS One,2014 Feb,9(2):e87952 | 2014 . 02 |
107 | 周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、楊雅斐(Ya-Fei Yang)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*,Comparing Risk of New Onset Diabetes Mellitus in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Receiving Peritoneal Dialysis and Hemodialysis Using Propensity Score Matching,PLoS One,2014 Feb,9(2):e87891-e87891 | 2014 . 02 |
108 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、蔡旻光(Min-Kuang Tsai)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、溫昇峰(Sung-Feng Wen)、溫啟邦(Chi-Pang Wen)*,The role of physical activity in chronic kidney disease in the presence of diabetes mellitus (DM/CKD): a prospective cohort study,AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY,2013 Dec,38(6):509-516 | 2013 . 12 |
109 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、林橙莉、徐武輝(Wu-Huei Hsu)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、(Chiz-Chung Chang)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*、(Shu-Hui Liu)*、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung),A Comparison of Cancer Incidence among Physician Specialists and the General Population: A Taiwanese Cohort Study.,JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH,2013 Oct,55(3):158-166 | 2013 . 10 |
110 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、林則成、林崇智(Chung-Chih Lin)、鍾季容(Chi-Jung Chung)、葉宏傑(Hung-Chieh Yeh)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、丁羿文(I-Wen Ting)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Early utilization of hypertonic peritoneal dialysate and subsequent risks of non-traumatic amputation among peritoneal dialysis patients: A nationwide retrospective longitudinal study,BMC Nephrology,2013 Jun,14(128):1-6 | 2013 . 06 |
111 | 劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、陳建佑(Jan-Yow Chen)、林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、丁羿文(I-Wen Ting)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Comparing Survival between Peritoneal Dialysis and Hemodialysis Patients with Subclinical Peripheral Artery Disease: a 6-Year Follow-Up.,International Journal of Medical Sciences,2013 Apr,10(4):434-440 | 2013 . 04 |
112 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、龔佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、郭娓吟(Wei-Yin Kuo)、蔡文正(Tsai, Wen-Chen)*、張益銍(Yi-Chih, Chang)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、葉宏傑(Hung-Chieh Yeh)、王舒民(Shu-Ming Wang)、莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chuang)、王桂芸(Kwua-Yun Wang)、林清淵(Ching-Yuang Lin)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang),Impact of dialysis modality on the survival of end-stage renal disease patients with or without cardiovascular disease,JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY,2013 Mar,26(2):331-341 | 2013 . 03 |
113 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林橙莉、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)、(Donald E. Morsiky)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Effectiveness of influenza vaccination in patients with end-stage renal disease receiving hemodialysis: a population-based study,PLoS One,2013 Mar,8(3):e58317-e58317 | 2013 . 03 |
114 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、莫之欣、張益銍(Yi-Chih, Chang)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)、莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chuang)、陳培君(Pei-Chun Chen)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、溫啟邦(Chi-Pang Wen)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*、(Donald E. Morisky),Association between hypertensive disorders during pregnancy and end-stage renal disease: a population-based study,CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL,2013 Feb,185(3):207-213 | 2013 . 02 |
115 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林橙莉、張益銍(Yi-Chih, Chang)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Effectiveness of influenza vaccination in elderly diabetic patients: A retrospective cohort study,Vaccine,2013 Jan,31(4):718-724 | 2013 . 01 |
116 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、王舒民(Shu-Ming Wang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、蔡政安(Chen-An Tsai)、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)*、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang),Association of response to hepatitis B vaccination and survival in dialysis patients,BMC Nephrology,2012 Oct,13(-):97-103 | 2012 . 10 |
117 | 林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、蔡靜瑋(CHING-WEI TSAI)、林保萱(PAO-HSUAN LIN)、鄭光甫(Kuang-Fu Cheng)、吳宏達(Hong-Dar Isaac Wu)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林清淵(Ching-Yuang Lin)、陳偉德(Walter Chen)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*,Survival analysis of pediatric dialysis patients in Taiwan,NEPHROLOGY,2012 Sep,17(7):621-627 | 2012 . 09 |
118 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、莫之欣、張益銍(Yi-Chih, Chang)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、顏宗海、莊峰榮、陳培君(Pei-Chun Chen)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Risks, subtypes, and hospitalization costs of stroke among patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: A retrospective cohort study in Taiwan,JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY,2012 Aug,39(8):1611-1618 | 2012 . 08 |
119 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、陳永芳(Yung-Fang Chen)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*,Cyst Infection in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease,Internal Medicine,2012 Jul,51(13):1803-1803 | 2012 . 07 |
120 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、林橙莉、(I-Ju Tsai)、陳培君(Pei-Chun Chen)、鍾季容(Chi-Jung Chung)、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*,A Comparison of Herpes Zoster Incidence across the Spectrum of Chronic Kidney Disease, Dialysis and Transplantation,AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY,2012 Jun,36(0):27-33 | 2012 . 06 |
121 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、張益銍(Yi-Chih, Chang)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、(Feng-Rong Chuang)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、林崇智(Chung-Chih Lin)、(Tzung-Hai Yen)、林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、蔡文正(Tsai, Wen-Chen)、陳錦華(Chen Jin-Hua)*,Bacteremia in Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis Patients,Internal Medicine,2012 May,51(9):1015-1021 | 2012 . 05 |
122 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、蔡易儒、陳培君(Pei-Chun Chen)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、丁羿文(I-Wen Ting)、林崇智(Chung-Chih Lin)、莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chuang)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy and Subsequent Diabetes Mellitus: A retrospective Cohort Study,American Journal of Medicine,2012 Mar,125(3):251-257 | 2012 . 03 |
123 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)、余承儒(Cheng-Ju Yu)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、楊雅斐(Ya-Fei Yang)、林崇智(Chung-Chih Lin)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、張益銍(Yi-Chih, Chang)、吳怡瑩(WU YI-YING)、陳珠璜(Chu-Huang Chen)、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)、莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chuang)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、林志學(Chih-Hsueh Lin)、林鴻志(Hung-Chih Lin)*,Real-Time PCR Analysis of the Intestinal Microbiotas in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients,APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY,2012 Feb,78(4):1107-1112 | 2012 . 02 |
124 | 張益銍(Yi-Chih, Chang)、王裕智(Yu-Chih Wang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林春福(Chuen-Fu Lin)、莊曉莉(Hsiao-Li Chuang)、吳怡瑩(WU YI-YING)、張登欽(Tung-Ching Chung)*、陳德勳(Ter-Hsin Chen)*,Ciprofloxacin and tetracycline susceptibility of lactobacilli isolated from indigenous children’s feces,African Journal of Microbiology Research,2012 Jan,6(2):245-250 | 2012 . 01 |
125 | 莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chuang)、陳德全(Te-Chuan Chen)、李志雄(Chih-Hsiung Lee)、黃惠勇(Hwee-Yeong Huang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、張學文(Hsueh-Wen Chang)、莊博翔(Po-Hsiang Chuang)、吳建興(Chien-Hsing Wu)、楊智超(Chih-Chao Yang)、蘇鈺壬,Clinical Safety and Anticoagulation Efficacy of Low-Molecular-Weight in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients: A Single Medical Center Experience,RENAL FAILURE,2011 Oct,33(10):987-994 | 2011 . 10 |
126 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、葉宏傑(Hung-Chieh Yeh)、謝忠霖(Tsung-Lin Hsieh)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*,Successful Salvage of Peritoneal Catheter in Unresolved Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Peritonitis by Combination Treatment withDaptomycin and Rifampin,BLOOD PURIFICATION,2011 Sep,32(9):249-252 | 2011 . 09 |
127 | 張益銍(Yi-Chih, Chang)、蔡承諺(Cheng-Yen Tsai)、林春福(Chuen-Fu Lin)、王裕智(Yu-Chih Wang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、張登欽(Tung-Ching Chung)*,Characterization of tetracycline resistance lactobacilli isolated from swine intestines at western area of Taiwan.,ANAEROBE,2011 Aug,(): | 2011 . 08 |
128 | 吳泰德(TAI-TE WU)、(CHIEH-YING CHANG)、許維民(WEI-MIN HSU)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、(CHIH-HAO HSU)、(SHU-HWA CHENG)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)*、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang),Nutritional status of vegetarians on maintenance haemodialysis,NEPHROLOGY,2011 Aug,16(8):582-587 | 2011 . 08 |
129 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、何茂旺(Mao-Wang Ho)、楊雅斐(Ya-Fei Yang)、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*,Abscess Caused by Citrobacter koseri Infection: Three Case Reports and a Literature Review,Internal Medicine,2011 Jun,2011(50):1333-1337 | 2011 . 06 |
130 | 林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、林崇智(Chung-Chih Lin)、王舒民(Shu-Ming Wang)、蔡政安(Tsai, Chen-An)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)*、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang),Comparison of hepatitis B surface antibody decay rates after vaccination between hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients,Vaccine,2011 May,29(21):3738-3741 | 2011 . 05 |
131 | 梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、葉宏傑(Hung-Chieh Yeh)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、許維民(Wei-Min Hsu)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)*,Long-term Use of Fenofibrate is Associated with Increased Prevalence of Gallstone Disease among Patients Undergoing Maintenance Hemodialysis,RENAL FAILURE,2011 May,33(5):489-493 | 2011 . 05 |
132 | 梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、葉宏傑(Hung-Chieh Yeh)、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、許維民(Wei-Min Hsu)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)*,Prophylactic Use of Omeprazole Associated with a Reduced Risk of Peptic Ulcer Disease Among Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients,RENAL FAILURE,2011 Mar,33(3):323-328 | 2011 . 03 |
133 | 王奕淳(Yi-Chun Wang)、莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chuang)、李文欽(Wen-Chin Lee)、陳德全(Te-Chuan Chen)、高常發(Sheung-Fat Ko)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、李志雄(Chih-Hsiung Lee)*,Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin Successfully used to treat a nephrotic syndrome complicated by superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis,MEDICAL PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE,2011 Feb,20(1):196-199 | 2011 . 02 |
134 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、張仕妮(Shih-Ni Chang)、廖建彰(Chien-Chang Liao)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、(Feng-Rong Chuang)、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)*,Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and preterm delivery and subsequent stroke in asian women: a retrospective cohort study,STROKE,2011 Feb,42(3):716-721 | 2011 . 02 |
135 | 蘇鈺壬(Yu-Jen Su)、龔嘉德(Chia-Te Kung)、李志雄(Chih-Hsiung Lee)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、李志雄(Chih-Hsiung Lee)、李建德(Chien-Te lee)、莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chuang)*,An Industrial Worker Hospitalized With Paralysis After an Aerosolized,AMERICAN JOURNAL OF KIDNEY DISEASES,2010 Sep,56(3):A38-A41 | 2010 . 09 |
136 | 梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、葉宏傑(Hung-Chieh Yeh)、張志宗、顏宗海(Yen TH)、洪振傑(Hung CC)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*,Influence of predialysis comorbidity and damage accrual on mortality in lupus patients treated with peritoneal dialysis,LUPUS,2010 Sep,19(15):1210-1218 | 2010 . 09 |
137 | 張智銘(Chih-Ming Chang)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、葉宏傑(Hung-Chieh Yeh)、楊雅斐(Ya-Fei Yang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)*、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang),Vancomycin-resistant enterococci peritonitis development after shifting from hemodialysis to peritoneal dialysis,RENAL FAILURE,2010 Sep,32(9):1121-1122 | 2010 . 09 |
138 | 劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、楊雅斐(Ya-Fei Yang)、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*,Association Between Pulse Pressure and Peritoneal Transport Status in Patients Undergoing Peritoneal Dialysis,PERITONEAL DIALYSIS INTERNATIONAL,2010 May,30(3):362-378 | 2010 . 05 |
139 | 梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、陳冠興(Kuan-Hsing Chen)、翁正昊(Cheng-Hao Weng)、林杰樑(Ja-Liang Lin)、洪振傑(Cheng-Chieh Hung)、楊智偉(Chih-Wei Yang)、顏宗海(Tzung-Hai Yen)*,Impact of renal survival on the clinical course and outcome of systemic lupus erythematosus patients treated with chronic peritoneal dialysis,THERAPEUTIC APHERESIS AND DIALYSIS,2010 Feb,14(1):35-42 | 2010 . 02 |
141 | 林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、楊雅斐(Ya-Fei Yang)、張汝光(Ju-Kuang Chang)、丁羿文(I-Wen Ting)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*,Renin-Angiotensin System Blockade Is Not Associated with Hyperkalemia in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients,RENAL FAILURE,2009 Dec,31(10):942-945 | 2009 . 12 |
142 | 劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、王舒民(Shu-Ming Wang)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、楊雅斐(Ya-Fei Yang)、劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、葉宏傑(Hung-Chieh Yeh)、丁羿文(I-Wen Ting)、蔡政安(Tsai, Chen-An)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*,The relationship between chronic hepatitis B infection and bone mineral, metabolism in peritoneal dialysis patients,CLINICAL NEPHROLOGY,2009 Jul,72(1):15-20 | 2009 . 07 |
143 | 莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chuang)、陳德全(Te-Chuan Chen)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、莊仲華(Hsush-Wen Chuang)、張學文(Hsueh-Wen Chang)、邱鼎育(Terry Ting-Yu Chou)、鄭汝分(Yu-Fan Cheng)、李維菁(Wei-Ching Lee)、陳文杰(Wen-Chieh Chen)、楊崑德(Kuender-D Yang)、李文欽(Chih-Hsiung Lee),Comparison of iodixanol and iohexol in patients undergoing intravenous pyelography,RENAL FAILURE,2009 Mar,31():181-188 | 2009 . 03 |
144 | (Tseng JR)、(Lee MJ)、(Yen KC)、翁正昊(Weng CH)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、張志宗(Chang CT)、(Lin-Tan DT)、林杰樑(Lin JL)、Tzung-Hai Ye(顏宗海)*,Course and Outcome of Dialysis Pericarditis in Diabetic Patients Treated with Maintenance Hemodialysis.,KIDNEY & BLOOD PRESSURE RESEARCH,2009 Feb,32(1):17-23 | 2009 . 02 |
145 | 劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、楊雅斐(Ya-Fei Yang)、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)*,Subclinical peripheral artery disease in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis: risk factors and outcome,PERITONEAL DIALYSIS INTERNATIONAL,2009 Jan,29(1):64-71 | 2009 . 01 |
146 | 劉炯勳(Jiung-Hsiun Liu)、陳清助(Ching-Chu Chen)、王舒民(Shu-Ming Wang)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、楊雅斐(Ya-Fei Yang)*、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang),Association Between Pulse Pressure and 30-Month All-Cause Mortality in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients,AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION,2008 Dec,21(12):1318-1323 | 2008 . 12 |
147 | 莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chuang)、李志雄(Chih-Hsiung Lee)、張學文(Hsueh-Wen Chang)、李清南(Ching-Nun Lee)、陳德全(Te-Chuan Chen)、莊仲華(Chung-Hua Chuang)、邱鼎育(Terry Ting-Yu Chiou)、吳建興(Chien-Hsing Wu)、楊智超(Chih-Chao Yang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)*,A quality and cost-benefit analysis of dialyzer reuse in hemodialysis patients,RENAL FAILURE,2008 Jun,30(30):521-526 | 2008 . 06 |
148 | 張智鴻(Chih-Hung Chang)、許國泰(Kao-Tai Hsu)、李志雄(Chih-Hsiung Lee)、李懿蒼(Yu-Chang Lee)、邱鼎育(Terry Ting-Yu Chiou)、莊仲華(Chung-Hua Chuang)、李建德(Chien-Te Lee)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、鄭汝汾(Yu-Fan Cheng)、盧成憲(Cheng-Hsien Lu)、郭健群(Chien-Chun Kuo)、莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chuang)*,Leukoencephalopathy Associated with dialysis Disequilibrium Syndrome,RENAL FAILURE,2007 ,(29):631-634 | 2007 . |
149 | 莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chuang)、李志雄(Chih-Hsiung Lee)、莊仲華(Chung-Hua Chuang)、李文欽(Wen-Chin Lee)、楊智超(Chih-Chao Yang)、陳德全(Te-Chuan Chen)、盧成憲(Cheng-Hsien Lu)、張弘育(Hung-Yu Chang)、許銘任(Ming-Jen Sheu)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)*,Varicella-Zoster Infection with Encephalopathy, Pneumonia, and Renal Failure: A case Report,RENAL FAILURE,2007 ,(29):359-362 | 2007 . |
150 | 李志雄(Chil-Hsiung Lee)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、陳德全(T-C Chen)、張學文(H-W Chang)、楊智超(C-C Yang)、簡玉樹(Y-S Chien)、吳建興(C-S Wu)、邱鼎育(T-Y Chiou)、吳麥斯(M-S Wu)、王寶惠(P-H Wang)、莊峰榮(F-R Chuang)*,Anticardiolipin antibodies and vascular access thrombosis in Taiwanese haemodialysis patients wuith chronic hepatitis C: a retrospective study,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE,2006 Dec,60(12):1591-1595 | 2006 . 12 |
151 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chang)、張弘育(Hung-Yu Chang)、林俊良(Chun-Liang Lin)、楊政達(Cheng-Ta Yang),Acute Pyelonepgritis Associated with Transudative Pleural Effusion in a Middle-Aged Woman without Urinary Tract Obstruction,MEDICAL PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE,2006 Oct,(15):309-311 | 2006 . 10 |
152 | 王怡寬(Yi-Kuan Wang)、林俊良(Jiun-Liang Lin)、張弘育(Hung-Yu Chang)、郭慧亮(Hui-Liang Kuo)、莊峰榮(Feng-Jung Chuang)*,Early prognostic factors in patients with acute failure requiring dialysis,RENAL FAILURE,2006 Jan,28(1):43-49 | 2006 . 01 |
153 | 陳德全(T-C Chen)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、李志雄(C-H Lee)、張學文(H-W Chang)、邱鼎育(T-Y Chiou)、李建德(C-T Lee)、方基存(J-T Fang)、吳麥斯(M-S Wu)、許國泰(K-T Hsu)、楊智超(C-C Yang)、王寶惠(P-H Wang)、莊峰榮(F-R Chuang)*,Hyperhomocysteinaemia and vascular access thrombosis among chronic hemodialysis patients in Taiwan: a retrospective study,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE,2006 ,(60):1596-1599 | 2006 . |
154 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、何東儒(Dong-Ru Ho)、張弘育(Hung-Yu Chang)、林俊良(Chun-Liang Lin)、莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chuang)*,Purple Urine Bag Syndrome in a Hemodialysisi Patient,Internal Medicine,2005 Aug,44(8):859-861 | 2005 . 08 |
155 | 王怡寬(I-K Wang)、郭慧亮(H-L Kuo)、陳佑明(Y-M Chen)、林俊良(C-L Lin)、張弘音(H-Y Chang)、莊峰榮(F-R Chuang)、李明勳(M-H Lee)*,Extraintestinal manifestations of edwardsiella tarda infection,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE,2005 Aug,59(8):917-921 | 2005 . 08 |
156 | 莊峰榮(F-R Chuang)、張學文(H-W Chang)、林俊良(C-L Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、張弘育(H-Y Chang)、王寶惠(P-H Wang)、楊智超(C-C Yang)、陳德全(T-C Chen)、李志雄(C-H Lee)*,Anticardiolipin antibody and Taiwanese chronic haemodialysis patients with recurrent vascular access thrombosis,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE,2005 Jul,59(7):785-790 | 2005 . 07 |
157 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chang)、李錦輝(C-H Lee)、林俊良(Chun-Liang Lin)、張弘育(H-Y Chang)、黃致錕(C-K Juang)*,Tuberculous peritonitis in a haemodialysis patient with elevated serum CA 125 and hypercalcaemia,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE,2005 Apr,(59):56-59 | 2005 . 04 |
158 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、李志雄(C-H Lee)、楊博堯(B-Y Yang)、張弘育(H-Y Chang)、林俊良(C-L Lin)、莊峰榮(F-R Chuang)*,Low-molecular-weight heparin successfully treating a nepgrotic patient complicated by renal and ovarian vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE,2005 Apr,59(147):72-75 | 2005 . 04 |
159 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、王新台(Shan-Tair Wang)、張弘育(Hung-Yu Chang)、林俊良(Chun-Liang Lin)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang Kuo)、陳德全(Te-Chuan Chen)、李志雄(Chih-Hsiung Lee)、莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chuang)*,Prognostic value of acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II and organ system failure in patients with acute renal failure requiring dialysis,RENAL FAILURE,2005 ,(27):663-669 | 2005 . |
160 | 莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chuang)、陳德全(Te-Chuan Chen)、楊智超(Chih-Chao Yang)、鄭元富(Yuan-Fu Cheng)、許國泰(Kuo-Tai Hsu)、李志雄(Chih-Hsiung Lee)*、林俊良(Chun-Liang Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、王寶惠(Pao-Hui Wang),Igm-Anticardiolipin Antibody and Vascular Access Thrombosis in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients,RENAL FAILURE,2005 ,(1):25-30 | 2005 . |
161 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、李明勳(Ming-Hsun Lee)、陳右明(Yu-Ming Chen)*、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang),Polymicrobial Bacteremia Caused by Esxherichia coli, Edwardsiella tarda, and Shewanella putrefaciens,Chang Gung Medical Journal,2004 Sep,27(9):701-704 | 2004 . 09 |
162 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、許世斌(Shih-Pin Hsu)、紀景琪(Ching-Chi Chi)、李錦輝(Kam-Fai Lee)、林博彥(Paul-Yann Lin)、張學文(Hsueh-Wen Chang)、莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chuang)*,Rhabdomyolysis, Acute Renal Failure, and Multiple Focal Neuropathies After Drinking Alcohol Soaked with Centipede,RENAL FAILURE,2004 ,26(1):93-97 | 2004 . |
163 | 李志雄(Chil-Hsiung Lee)、張學文(Hsueh-Wen Chang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林俊良(Chun-Liang Lin)、陳德全(Te-Chuan Chen)、王寶惠(Pao-Hui Wang)、張弘育(Hung-Yu Chang)、陳靖博(Jin-Bor Chen)、許國泰(Kuo-Tai Hsu)、莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chuang)*,Diabetes Mellitus, Hyperhomocystinemia and Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease in Taiwanese Chronic Hemodialysis Patients: A Retrospective Study,RENAL FAILURE,2004 ,26(3):317-323 | 2004 . |
164 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、沈資益(Tzu-Yi Shen)、李錦輝(Kam-Fai Lee)、張弘育(Hung-Yu Chang)、林俊良(Chun-Liang Lin)、莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chuang)*,Hypercalcemia and Elevated Serum 1.25-Dihydroxyvitamin D in and End-stage Renal Disease Oatient with Pulmonary Cryptococcosis,RENAL FAILURE,2004 ,26(3):333-338 | 2004 . |
165 | 莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chuang)、李志雄(Chih-Hsiung Lee)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、陳靖博(Jin-Bor Chen)、吳麥斯(Mai-Szu Wu)*,Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients,RENAL FAILURE,2003 ,25(5):739-746 | 2003 . |
166 | 莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chuang)、李志雄(Chih-Hsiung Lee)、陳志碩(Chih-Shou Chen)、翁旭惠(Hsu-Huei Weng)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)*,Bilateral Moderate Hydroureteronephrosis Due to Uterine Prolapse: Two Case Reports and Review of the Literature,RENAL FAILURE,2003 ,25(5):879-884 | 2003 . |
167 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chang)、楊博堯(Bor-Yau Yang)、林俊良(Chun-Liang Lin)*、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang),The Use of Ultrasonography in Evaluating Adults with Febrile Urinary Tract Infection,RENAL FAILURE,2003 ,25(6):981-987 | 2003 . |
168 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、陳右明(Yu-Ming Chen)、陳永昌(Yung-Chang Chen)、方基存(Ji-Tseng Fang)*、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang),Successful Treament of Renal Abscess with Percutaneous Needle Aspiration in a Diabetic Patient with End Stage Renal Disease Undergoing Hemodialysis,RENAL FAILURE,2003 ,25(4):653-657 | 2003 . |
169 | Yu-Ming Chen(Yu-Ming Chen)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)*、Koon-Kwan Ng(Koon-Kwan Ng)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang),Nutcracker syndrome: An overlooked cause of Hematuria,Chang Gung Medical Journal,2002 Oct,(25):700-705 | 2002 . 10 |
170 | 張弘育(Hung-Yu Chang)、莊峰榮(Feng-Rong Chuang)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang Kuo)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林俊良(Chun-Liang Lin)*、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang),Low dose intravenous ascoreic acid for erythropoietin-hyporesponsive anemia in hemodialysis patients with iron overload,臺灣腎臟醫學會雜誌,2002 Mar,16(3):108-113 | 2002 . 03 |
171 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、吳冠群(Koon-Kwan Ng)、陳右明(Yu-Ming Chen)*、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang),Pyeloureteritis Cystica: Case Report,Chang Gung Medical Journal,2001 Jan,24(1):62-67 | 2001 . 01 |
研討會論文/Conference Papers (發表主題或論文名稱,研討會名稱,演講地點,研討會期間,受邀演講題目) |
日期 | |
1 | The association of glycemic control with patient survival and technique survival in incident diabetic peritoneal dialysis patients,APCN and KSN 2024,韓國首爾,2024.06.13~2024.06.16, | 2024 . 06 |
2 | 糖尿病腹膜透析病患血糖控制與病患與技術存活的相關,2023台灣腎臟醫學會年會,台北,2023.12.09~2023.12.10, | 2023 . 12 |
3 | 使用人工智能來輔助診斷腹膜透析患者的出口部位感染,台灣腎臟醫學會112年度會員大會暨學術演講會,台北,2023.12.09~2023.12.10, | 2023 . 12 |
4 | 接受福斯利諾治療腹膜透析病患併發憩室破裂導致腹膜炎: 一個被忽略的腹膜炎感染原因,112年台灣內科醫學會年會,台北,2023.12.02~2023.12.03, | 2023 . 12 |
5 | 硫代硫酸鈉短期治療應用於一例鈣化防禦症的成功案例,2023台灣內科醫學會 會員大會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2023.12.02~2023.12.03, | 2023 . 12 |
6 | 使用人工智能來偵測腹膜透析患者的出口部位感染,2023台灣內科醫學會,台北,2023.12.02~2023.12.03, | 2023 . 12 |
7 | 以益生菌延緩異常腎功能惡化,111年台灣內科醫學會年會,台北,2022.12.03~2022.12.04, | 2022 . 12 |
8 | 腹膜透析存活分析,2022台灣腎臟醫學會年會,台北,2022.12.10~2022.12.11, | 2022 . 12 |
9 | Edwardsiella tarda as a rare pathogen of peritoneal dialysis-associated peritonitis,111年台灣內科醫學會年會,台北,2022.12.03~2022.12.04, | 2022 . 12 |
10 | 益生菌透過腸腎軸改善 異常 腎功能惡化,2022台灣腎臟醫學會年會,台北,2022.12.10~2022.12.11, | 2022 . 12 |
11 | ,第 2 2 梯次 醫師 腹膜透析訓練班,台北,2022.11.12~2022.11.13,超過濾不足之原因處置 含 EPS | 2022 . 11 |
12 | Icodextrin is Associated with Lower Risks of Peritonitis, Technique Failure and Mortality: A Cohort Study from Taiwan,2022美國腎臟醫學會年會,Orlando,2022.11.03~2022.11.06, | 2022 . 11 |
13 | ,2022台灣中風登錄學術討論會,台中,2022.10.08~2022.10.08,Antiplatelet agents for the secondary prevention of ischaemic stroke in patients with or without renal dysfunction. | 2022 . 10 |
14 | ,糖尿病治療臨床案例討論會,台中,2022.10.22~2022.10.22,Case sharing | 2022 . 10 |
15 | ,2022 Basic PDN Workshop,台中,2022.04.24~2022.04.24, | 2022 . 04 |
16 | 愛多尼爾藥水可以降低腹膜透析病患腹膜炎,技術衰竭,死亡的風險,110年度腎臟醫學會會員大會暨學術演講會,高雄,2021.12.10~2021.12.12, | 2021 . 12 |
17 | 包囊性腹膜硬化症發生於一位腹膜透析僅兩年的患者:案例報告,台灣內科醫學會 110 年會員大會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2021.12.4 ~2021.12.5 , | 2021 . 12 |
18 | ,110年度腎臟醫學會會員大會暨學術演講會,高雄,2021.12.10~2021.12.12,Proliferative glomerular disease updated-KDIGO 2021 glomerular disease guidelines | 2021 . 12 |
19 | ,第 2 1 梯次 醫師 腹膜透析訓練班,台北,2021.11.13~2021.11.14,超過濾不足之原因處置 含 EPS) | 2021 . 11 |
20 | ,腹膜透析醫護研討會-智慧雲端醫療,林酒店,2021.03.27~2021.03.27, | 2021 . 03 |
21 | ,腹膜透析醫護研討會,永豐棧 - A棟牛津廳,2021.01.24~2021.01.24, | 2021 . 01 |
22 | 慢性腎病透析前衛教對腹膜透析技術與病患存活影響,台灣腎臟醫學會109年會,台北南港會展中心,2020.12.12~2020.12.13, | 2020 . 12 |
23 | ,第 二十 梯次 醫師 腹膜透析訓練班,台大醫學院,2020.11.14~2020.11.15,超過濾不足之原因處置 (含EPS) | 2020 . 11 |
24 | 益生菌在慢性腎病的應用,台灣腎臟醫學會108年度會員大會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心舉行,2019.12.22~2019.12.24, | 2019 . 12 |
25 | ,台灣腎臟醫學會108年度會員大會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心舉行,2019.12.22~2019.12.24, | 2019 . 12 |
26 | Peripheral CD4 and CD8 Counts as guidance for Anti-ThymoGlobulin Dosage in Kidney Transplantation—A proposed new approach,Asia Pacific AKI to/on CKD Summit in conjunction with 台灣腎臟醫學會108年會員大會暨學術演講會,台大國際會議中心,2019.11.22~2019.11.24, | 2019 . 11 |
27 | 比較CAPD 和 APD 技術與病患存活,台灣腎臟醫學會108年度會員大會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心舉行,2019.11.22~2019.11.24, | 2019 . 11 |
28 | ,第十九梯次醫師腹膜透析訓練班,台大醫學院 102、104 講堂,2019.11.30~2019.12.01,超過濾不足之原因處置 | 2019 . 11 |
29 | 包囊性腹膜硬化症以細菌培養陰性腹膜炎為表現在一位腹膜透析五年的患者:案例報告,台灣內科醫學會108年會員大會暨學術演講會,台大國際會議中心,2019.11.30~2019.12.01, | 2019 . 11 |
30 | ,2019 Taiwan PD College,高雄林皇宮 Hotel Lin, Kaohsiung,2019.09.29~2019.09.29,Remote Patient Management Experience Sharing | 2019 . 09 |
31 | Probiotics could retard the decline of renal function in patients with chronic kidney disease,The 9th Asia Pacific Chapter of Meeting of International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis,Nagoya,2019.09.05~2019.09.07, | 2019 . 09 |
32 | ,第99次透析人員在職繼續教育課程,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓1樓101教室,2019.09.29~2019.09.29,腹膜透析病人的照護方針 | 2019 . 09 |
33 | ,108年CKD護理人員繼續教育課程,中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2019.07.14~2019.07.14,尿毒症治療對策 | 2019 . 07 |
34 | ,2019功能性益生菌研究與應用研討會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2019.06.17~2019.06.17,益生菌在慢性腎臟病的應用 | 2019 . 06 |
35 | Detection of tetracycline resistance genes in Campylobacter species isolates from human, chicken and swine specimens,2019年中亞聯大生物科技研討會,亞洲大學,2019.05.24~2019.05.24, | 2019 . 05 |
36 | Probiotics could retard the decline of GFR in patients with chronic kidney disease,2019 ISAPP Annual Meeting,At the Radisson Blu Hotel in Antwerp, Belgium.,2019.05.14~2019.05.16, | 2019 . 05 |
37 | ,2019 功能性益生菌研究與應用研討會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2019.05.27~2019.05.27,益生菌在慢性腎臟病的應用 | 2019 . 05 |
38 | ,台灣內科醫學會107年會員大會暨學術演講會,台大 醫院國際會議中心,2018.12.01~2018.12.02,Pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies in patients with kidney diseases | 2018 . 12 |
39 | 益生菌可以延緩腎功能惡化,台灣腎臟醫學會107年年會,長庚大學,2018.12.08~2018.12.09, | 2018 . 12 |
40 | ,第18梯次醫師腹膜透析訓練班,台大醫學院103講堂,2018.11.10~2018.11.11,超過濾不足之原因處置(含EPS) | 2018 . 11 |
41 | ,雲嘉南 2018 透析全人照護研討會,台南市立安南 醫院 醫療大樓 11 樓國際會議廳,2018.10.07~2018.10.07,腹膜透析 | 2018 . 10 |
42 | Detection the major virulence genes (cytolethal distending toxin genes) in Campylobacter species isolates from human, chicken and swine specimens,2018年中國醫藥大學暨亞洲大學生物科技研討會,中國醫藥大學B1國際會議廳,2018.05.07~2018.05.07, | 2018 . 05 |
43 | The effect of probiotics on patients with chronic kidney disease,第二屆全球華人腎臟病學術大會,台北萬豪酒店,2017.12.08~2017.12.10, | 2017 . 12 |
44 | Human antigen R (HuR), a RNA-binding protein, mediates hypoxia-induced autophagy,第二屆全球華人腎臟病學術大會,台北萬豪酒店,2017.12.08~2017.12.10, | 2017 . 12 |
45 | 腎功能和缺血性中風病患1月與1年死亡率的相關,2017年台灣內科醫學會會員大會暨學術演講會,台大會議中心,2017.12.02~2017.12.03, | 2017 . 12 |
46 | 腹膜透析病患的胃腸症狀分析,ASN Kidney Week 2017 Annual Meeting,New Orleans, LA, USA,2017.10.31~2017.11.05, | 2017 . 10 |
47 | Detection the Pattern of Gene Cassette Arrays in Class I Integrin from Multidrug Resistance Clinical Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates,TTQAS 第二屆第三次年會暨2017年化妝品最新研發趨勢、人體與動物試驗及品質監控研討會,台灣大學凝態中心楊金豹演講廳,2017.09.30~2017.09.30, | 2017 . 09 |
48 | Prevalence of tetracycline and erythromycin resistance gene from Campylobacter species at central Taiwan hospital,第十屆生物科技研討會(The 10th Biotechnology Conference),亞洲大學A101國際會議廳,2017.05.08~2017.05.08, | 2017 . 05 |
49 | The synergistic effects of Hsu-48 drug combined with five antibiotics against methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus,第十屆生物科技研討會(The 10th Biotechnology Conference),亞洲大學A101國際會議廳,2017.05.08~2017.05.08, | 2017 . 05 |
50 | The additive effect of a new nordihydroguaiaretic acid derivative combined with five antibiotics against coagulase negative Staphylococcus epidermidis,第十屆生物科技研討會(The 10th Biotechnology Conference),亞洲大學A101國際會議廳,2017.05.08~2017.05.08, | 2017 . 05 |
51 | Analysis of antibiotic resistance genes of Acinetobacter baumannii from medical center hospital in central Taiwan,第十屆生物科技研討會(The 10th Biotechnology Conference),亞洲大學A101國際會議廳,2017.05.08~2017.05.08, | 2017 . 05 |
52 | 膽固醇和中風病患30天死亡率的相關,台灣內科醫學會「105年會員大會暨學術演講會」,臺大醫院,2016.12.3 ~2016.12.4 , | 2016 . 12 |
53 | Analysis the patterm of gene cassette arrays in class I integron from clinical Acinetobacter baumanni isolates at central area of Taiwan,台灣醫檢雜誌 (105年度年會大會),台北國際會議中心,2016.11.27~2016.11.27, | 2016 . 11 |
54 | Molecular characterization of Campylobacter species isolated from pediatric gastroenteritis patients at central area of Taiwan,台灣醫檢雜誌 (105年度年會大會),台北國際會議中心,2016.11.27~2016.11.27, | 2016 . 11 |
55 | 腹膜透析病患的胃腸症狀分析,台灣腎臟醫醫會105年度會員大會暨學術演講會,臺大醫院,2016.11.26~2017.11.27, | 2016 . 11 |
56 | Both high and low serum total cholesterol levels are associated with higher 30-day mortality in ischemic stroke patients with end-stage renal disease undergoing dialysis,Asia Pacific Stroke Conference,Brisbane, Australia,2016.07.14~2016.07.17, | 2016 . 07 |
57 | 前處理透析液檢體可提升微生物培養的檢出率及有效縮短培養時間,2016第八屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會,中國醫藥大學,2016.04.16~2016.04.17, | 2016 . 04 |
58 | Antimicrobial activity of synthetic analogues (Hsu-48 drug) against the emergence of antimicrobial resistance MRSA and coagulase-negative Staphylococci,第九屆中國醫藥大學暨亞洲大學生物科技研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓B1國際會議廳,2016.03.14~2016.03.14, | 2016 . 03 |
59 | Analysis of class I Integron from multiple drug resistance Acinetobacter baumanni in clinical isolates,第九屆中國醫藥大學暨亞洲大學生物科技研討會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓B1國際會議廳,2016.03.14~2016.03.14, | 2016 . 03 |
60 | SERUM CALCIUM LEVEL AND TAMOXIFEN-BASED THERAPY INDEPENDENTLY PREDICT,16th Congress of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD 2016),Melbourne,2016.02.27~2016.03.01, | 2016 . 02 |
61 | ASSOCIATION OF BASELINE LEVELS OF PRO-INFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES WITH THE NEAR 7-YEAR MORTALITY RATE IN INCIDENT PERITONEAL DIALYSIS PATIENTS,16th Congress of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD 2016),Melbourne,2016.02.27~2016.03.01, | 2016 . 02 |
62 | 腹膜透析病患腹膜硬化症分析,台灣腎臟醫學會年會-104年度會員大會暨學術研討會,高雄國際會議廳,2015.11.28~2015.11.29, | 2015 . 11 |
63 | ,國家衛生研究院論壇-104「推動醫事人員促進運動」,台大校友會館,2015.11.27~2015.11.27,運動在糖腎病的重要性 | 2015 . 11 |
64 | Subsequent risk of gout for women with hypertensive disorders in pregnancy: a retrospective cohort study,台灣腎臟醫學會年會,高雄國際會議廳,2015.11.28~2015.11.29, | 2015 . 11 |
65 | Pretreatment if dialysate with bacterial washing and concentrating can reduce the bacterial culture report time and enhance the positive culture report rate,台灣微生物學會2015年年會,台北國際會議中心,2015.10.17~2015.10.17, | 2015 . 10 |
66 | ,第86次透析人員在職教育訓練課程,中國醫藥大學,2015.09.06~2015.09.06, | 2015 . 09 |
68 | 腹膜透析五年存活分析-The 5-year Survival Analysis in Incident Peritoneal Dialysis Patients,103年 年度會員大會 及學術演討會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2014.12.13~2014.12.14, | 2014 . 12 |
69 | MiR-20a-5p mediates hypoxia-induced autophagy by targeting ATG16L1 in acute kidney injury,International Sepsis Forum Sepsis 2014 Paris,法國巴黎,2014.12.03~2014.12.05, | 2014 . 12 |
70 | 腹膜透析病患促發炎反應細胞激素與死亡率之相關,103年度台灣腎臟醫學會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2014.12.13~2014.12.14, | 2014 . 12 |
71 | Icodextrin Decreases Technique Failure and Improves Patient Survival in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients,台灣腎臟醫學會103年度會員大會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2014.12.13~2014.12.14, | 2014 . 12 |
72 | Once-daily-use of Icodextrin Improved Survivals of Asian Peritoneal Dialysis Patients, Particularly in Female Population - A Propensity Score Matched Nationwide Population Study,American Society of Nephrology , KIDNEY WEEK 2014 ,Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA,2014.11.11~2014.11.16, | 2014 . 11 |
73 | 懷孕高血壓與早產和之後中風於亞洲婦女: 一個回顧性的世代研究,臺灣醫學會103 年春季學術演講會,中國醫藥大學,2014.05.17~2014.05.17,懷孕婦女的中風風險 | 2014 . 05 |
75 | Antimicrobial activity of vanillin against lactic acid bacteria isolated from indigenous children feces at the western area of Taiwan.,「益生菌及代謝物之多重應用」學術與產業應用研討會暨台灣乳酸菌協會第五屆第二次會員大會,台灣大學凝態物理館2F國際會議廳,2013.11.22~2013.11.22, | 2013 . 11 |
76 | Stroll Saves Lives and Delays Renal,American Society of Nephrology , KIDNEY WEEK 2013,American Society of Nephrology (ASN),Atlanta, Georgia;Georgia World Congress Center,2013.11.05~2013.11.10, | 2013 . 11 |
77 | Propensity-Matched Comparison Of New Onset Diabetes Mellitus between Incident Peritoneal Dialysis and Hemodialysis Patients,American Society of Nephrology , KIDNEY WEEK 2013 ,American Society of Nephrology (ASN),Atlanta, Georgia;Georgia World Congress Center ,2013.11.05~2013.11.10, | 2013 . 11 |
78 | Intestinal microbiota in dialysis patients,2013台灣醫學會年會,台北國際會議中心,2013.11.09~2013.11.10, | 2013 . 11 |
79 | The beneficial effects of probiotics in peritoneal dialysis patients.,第六屆世界腹膜透析學會亞太分會會議,台北圓山飯店,2013.09.27~2013.09.29, | 2013 . 09 |
80 | Antimicrobial activity of vanillin to the emergence of antimicrobial resistance pathogens in clinical isolates.,第18屆細菌學研討會,惠蓀實驗林場,2013.08.29~2013.08.31, | 2013 . 08 |
81 | 腹膜透析病人透析早期使用高濃度透析液之後截肢的風險評估,101年台灣腎臟醫學會年會,台中中國醫藥大學,2012.12.08~2012.12.09, | 2012 . 12 |
82 | 益生菌對於腹膜透析患者的血清細胞激素和內毒素之影響:隨機及雙盲安慰組對照試驗,台灣腎臟科醫學會年會,三軍總醫院,2012.12.07~2012.12.08, | 2012 . 12 |
83 | Patients with diabetic kidney disease have a worse survival than patients with diabetes as co-morbidity in chronic hemodialysis patients,台灣腎臟醫學會101年度會員大會暨學術演講會,中國醫藥大學103教室,2012.12.08~2012.12.08, | 2012 . 12 |
84 | 懷孕高血壓和末期腎病的相關,Scientific Congress & Annual Meeting, 2012 Taiwan Society of nephrology,Taichung,2012.12.08~2012.12.09, | 2012 . 12 |
85 | ,美國腎臟醫學會年會,美國聖地牙哥,2012.10.30~2012.11.04, | 2012 . 10 |
86 | The association of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy with future end-stage renal disease,5th Congress of the international society for Hemodialysis,Taipei,2012.08.03~2012.08.05, | 2012 . 08 |
87 | Comparison of MRS medium and LSM medium for antimicrobial activity of tetracycline and ciprofloxacin in Lactobacillus species isolates.,第17屆細菌學研討會,台中溪頭青年活動中心,2012.08.29~2012.08.31, | 2012 . 08 |
88 | 末期腎病變接受透析治療為發生下肢截肢的獨立危險因子,台灣腎臟醫學會100年度會員大會暨學術演講會,台北三軍總醫院,2011.12.10~2011.12.11, | 2011 . 12 |
89 | 接受長期透析受刑人的犯罪行為分析:台灣的全國性研究,台灣腎臟醫學會 100年度會員大會暨學術演講會,國防醫學院 (台北市民權東路6段161號),2011.12.10~2011.12.11, | 2011 . 12 |
90 | 慢性透析患者之菌血症,台灣腎臟醫學會2011會員大會暨學術演講會,國防醫學院,2011.12.10~2011.12.11, | 2011 . 12 |
91 | A Population-based Comparison of the Incidence of Herpes Zoster among Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, Hemodialysis, and Peritoneal Dialysis,100年度台灣腎臟醫學會年會,國防醫學院,2011.12.10~2011.12.11, | 2011 . 12 |
92 | Real-time PCR Analysis of Intestinal Microbiota in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients,台灣腎臟醫學會100年度年會暨學術演講會,國防醫學院,2011.12.10~2011.12.11, | 2011 . 12 |
93 | 影響洗腎病患感染菌血症下的死亡因子之相關因素,台灣內科醫學會 年會,台北國際會議中心,2010.12.04~2010.12.05, | 2010 . 12 |
94 | 長期透析患者使用Fenofibrate增加膽結石之風險,台灣腎臟醫學會 九十九年度會員大會暨學術演講會,國防醫學院,2010.12.11~2010.12.12, | 2010 . 12 |
95 | Long-term Use of Fenofibrate Was Associated with Increased Risk for Gallstone Disease among Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients,台灣腎臟醫學會九十九年度會員大會暨學術演講會,國防醫學院,2010.12.11~2010.12.12, | 2010 . 12 |
96 | Bacteremia in hemodialysis and peritoneal patients: Incidence rate, outcome and risk factors,99年度腎臟醫學會年,國防醫學院,2010.12.11~2010.12.12, | 2010 . 12 |
97 | 以氫離子阻斷劑Omeprazole預防性治療血液透析病人降低其消化性潰,台灣腎臟醫學會 九十九年度會員大會暨學術演講會,國防醫學院,2010.12.11~2010.12.12, | 2010 . 12 |
98 | LONG-TERM PROPHYLACTIC USE OF OMEPRAZOLE IN MAINTENANCE HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS,The 12th Asian Pacific Congress of Nephrology,Convention and Exhibition Center (COEX), Seoul, Korea,2010.06.05~2010.06.08, | 2010 . 06 |
99 | ,XL VII ERA-EDTA CONGRESS II DGfN CONGRESS,Munich, Germany,2010.06.25~2010.06.28, | 2010 . 06 |
100 | The outcome and microorganisms of peritoneal dialysis related peritonitis,12th Asian Pacific Congress of Nephrology,首爾,2010.06.05~2010.06.08, | 2010 . 06 |
101 | 腹膜透析患者上臂與腳踝的血壓比值和殘存腎功能下降速率的關係,臺灣腎臟醫學會年會,成大醫學院,2009.12.12~2009.12.13, | 2009 . 12 |
102 | 腹膜透析及血液透析兩種不同治療模式之成效分析( Cost-effectiveness analysis in patients receiving peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis),台灣腎臟醫學會年會,台南:成功大學附設醫院,2009.12.12~2009.12.13, | 2009 . 12 |
103 | Cost-effectiveness analysis in patients receiving peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis,慢性腎病照護與器官移植國際研討會,台北:台灣大學,2009.11.06~2009.11.07, | 2009 . 11 |
104 | The Relationship Between The Response to the Hepatitis B Virus Vaccination and Mortality in Dialysis Patients,2nd Congress of International Society for Hemodialysis,Hong Kong,2009.08.28~2009.08.30, | 2009 . 08 |
105 | 男性紅斑性狼瘡病人接受腹膜透析的預後 Prognosis in Male Lupus Patients Undergoing Peritoneal Dialysis,台灣腎臟醫學會 九十七年度會員大會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心401會議室,2008.12.13~2008.12.14, | 2008 . 12 |
106 | The Relationship between The Response to The Hepatitis B Virus Vaccine and Mortality in Dialysis Patients,台灣腎臟醫學會九十七年度會員大會暨學術演講會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2008.12.13~2008.12.14, | 2008 . 12 |
107 | 國人腹膜透析及血液透析治療效果及其成本效果分析比較,台灣腎臟醫學會年會,台北:台灣大學,2008.12.14~2008.12.14, | 2008 . 12 |
108 | 腹膜透析腹膜炎的菌種與結果分析,台灣腎臟醫學會年會,台大醫學會,2008.12.13~2008.12.14, | 2008 . 12 |
專書/Books (作者,書名,出版商,出版日期) |
日期 | |
1 | 王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang),Peritoneal dialysis at a glance,,2018.12 | 2018 . 12 |
2 | 溫啟邦(Chi-Pang Wen)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、蔡旻光,2015 台灣慢性腎臟病診療指引,國家衛生研究院,2015.10 | 2015 . 10 |
研究計畫/Research Grant (研究類型,研究計畫代號,主持人,補助或委託單位名稱,計畫名稱,計畫期間) |
日期 | |
1 | 學生參與計畫,CMU112-SR-50,,本校(含附醫),使用人工智慧輔助診斷腹膜透析病患的導管出口感染,2023.8.1~2024.2.29 | 2023 . 08 |
2 | 個別型,DMR-113-022,李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li),附醫院內計畫,長片段非編碼核糖核酸NEAT1透過調控SLC7A11在缺血腎損傷誘導鐵依賴型細胞死亡,2023.8.2~2024.7.31 | 2023 . 08 |
3 | 學生參與計畫,112-2813-C-039-057-B,,科技部,使用人工智慧輔助診斷腹膜透析病患的導管出口感染,2023.7.1~2024.2.29 | 2023 . 07 |
4 | 個別型,DMR-112-030,李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li),附醫院內計畫,長鏈非編碼核糖核酸在缺血腎損傷調控粒線體自噬 /細胞自噬,2022.8.1~2023.7.31 | 2022 . 08 |
5 | 個別型,MOST 111-2314-B-039-071,李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、陳維恭(Wei-Kung Chen),科技部,核糖核酸結合蛋白於急性腎損傷時調控粒線體恆定機轉(粒線體新生、粒線體自噬現象)之探討,2022.8.1~2023.7.31 | 2022 . 08 |
6 | 個別型,MOST 110-2314-B-039-036,李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang),科技部,核糖核酸結合蛋白於急性腎損傷時調控粒線體恆定機轉之探討,2021.8.1~2022.7.31 | 2021 . 08 |
7 | 個別型,DMR-110-037,,附醫院內計畫,腎臟病的危險因子與併發症,2020.8.1~2021.7.31 | 2020 . 08 |
8 | 個別型,MOST 109-2314-B-039-044,李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li),科技部,微核糖核酸在缺血腎損傷調控粒線體生成,2020.8.1~2021.7.31 | 2020 . 08 |
9 | 個別型,MOST 109-2314-B-039-022,李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang),科技部,核糖核酸結合蛋白於急性腎損傷調節粒線體功能之探討,2020.8.1~2021.7.31 | 2020 . 08 |
10 | 個別型,DMR-109-175,,附醫院內計畫,腎臟病的危險因子與併發症-第二年,2019.8.1~2020.7.31 | 2019 . 08 |
11 | 個別型,DMR-109-060,李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang),附醫院內計畫,核糖核酸結合蛋白於急性腎損傷時調控粒線體裂解機轉之探討,2019.8.1~2020.7.31 | 2019 . 08 |
12 | 個別型,DMR-109-027,李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)、余紹華(Shao-Hua Yu),附醫院內計畫,長片段非轉譯核糖核酸在缺血腎損傷調控粒線體生成,2019.8.1~2020.7.31 | 2019 . 08 |
13 | 個別型,MOHW108-TDU-B-212-133004,林昭庚(Jaung-Geng Lin)、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)、林正介(Cheng-Chieh Lin)、趙坤山(Kun-San Chao)、陳明豐(Ming-Fong Chen)、周德陽(Der-Yang Cho)、張建國(Jan-Gowth Chang)、卓夙航(Suh-Hang Juo)、張恒鴻(Hen-Hong Chang)、江舟峰、藍先元(Hsien-Yuan Lane)、徐偉成(Woei-Cheang Shyu)、蘇冠賓(Kuan-Pin Su)、陳培君(PEI-CHUN CHEN)、陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)、蔡崇豪(Chon-Haw Tsai)、謝慶良(Ching-Liang Hsieh)、李采娟(Tsai-Chung Li)、白禮源(Li-Yuan Bai)、宋鴻樟(Fung-Chung J Sung)、周宜卿(I-Ching Chou)、葉士芃(Shih-Peng Yeh)、謝右文(Yow-Wen Hsieh)、劉崇祥(Chung-Hsiang Liu)、林嘉德(Chia-Der Lin)、洪士杰(Shih-Chieh Hung)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)、顏宏融(Hung-Rong Yen)、孟乃欣(Nai-Hsin Meng)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、賴世偉(Lai, Shih-Wei)、張坤正(Kuan-Cheng Chang)、劉秋松(Chiu-Shong Liu)、溫啟邦(Chi-Pang Wen)、林志學(Chih-Hsueh Lin)、陳清助(Ching-Chu Chen)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)、蔡文正(Tsai, Wen-Chen)、余養豪、楊良友(Liang-Yo Yang)、温永銳(Yeong-Ray Wen)、楊榮林(Rong-Lin Yang)、呂明桂(Ming-Kuei Lu)、林暉翰(Hui-Han Lin)、薛榮銀、田霓(Ni Tien),衛福部,精進臨床試驗能量及國際躍升計畫,2019.1.1~2019.12.31 | 2019 . 01 |
14 | 個別型,DMR-108-111,,附醫院內計畫,腎臟病的危險因子與併發症,2018.8.1~2019.7.31 | 2018 . 08 |
15 | 個別型,MOST 107-2314-B-039-054-MY2,李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang),科技部,核糖核酸結合蛋白於急性腎損傷調節粒線體動力學之探討,2018.8.1~2019.7.31 | 2018 . 08 |
16 | 個別型,DMR-108-024,,附醫院內計畫,核醣核酸結合蛋白human antigen R (HuR)在缺血腎損傷調控粒線體自噬,2018.8.1~2019.7.31 | 2018 . 08 |
17 | 個別型,MOHW107-TDU-B-212-123004,林昭庚(Lin, Jaung-Geng)、蔡輔仁(Tsai, Fuu-Jen)、林正介(Lin, Cheng-Chieh)、趙坤山(Chao, Kun-San)、陳明豐(Chen, Ming-Fong)、周德陽(Cho, Der-Yang)、張建國(Chang, Jan-Gowth)、卓夙航(Juo, Suh-Hang)、張恒鴻(Chang, Hen-Hong)、薛榮銀、藍先元(Lane, Hsien-Yuan)、徐偉成(Shyu, Woei-Cherng)、蘇冠賓(Su, Kuan-Pin)、陳怡文(Chen, Yi-Wen)、謝慶良(Hsieh, Ching-Liang)、蔡崇豪(Tsai, Chon-Haw)、白禮源(Bai, Li-Yuan)、李采娟(Li, Tsai-Chung)、周宜卿(Chou, I-Ching)、宋鴻樟(Sung, Fung-Chang)、謝右文(Hsieh, Yow-Wen)、葉士芃(Yeh, Su-Peng)、林嘉德(Lin, Chia-Der)、劉崇祥(Liu, Chung-Hsiang)、梁基安(Liang, Ji-An)、洪士杰(Hung, Shih-Chieh)、孟乃欣(Meng, Nai-Hsin)、顏宏融(Yen, Hung-Rong)、王怡寬(Wang, I-Kuan)、黃秋錦(Huang, Chiu-Ching)、張坤正(Chang, Kuan-Cheng)、賴世偉(Lai, Shih-Wei)、溫啟邦(Wen, Chi-Pang)、劉秋松(Liu, Chiu-Shong)、陳清助(Chen, Ching-Chu)、林志學(Lin, Chih-Hsueh)、蔡文正(Tsai, Wen-Chen)、高嘉鴻(Kao, Chia-Hung)、楊良友(Yang, Liang-Yo)、余養豪(Yu, Yang-Hao)、楊榮林(Yang, Rong-Lin)、温永銳(Wen, Yeong-Ray)、林暉翰(Hui-Han Lin)、呂明桂(Lu, Ming-Kuei)、田霓(Tien, Ni),衛福部,精進臨床試驗能量及國際躍升計畫,2018.1.1~2018.12.31 | 2018 . 01 |
18 | 個別型,DMR-107-026,李繼源(Li, Chi-Yuan)、詹雯玲,附醫院內計畫,長片段非轉譯核糖核酸調節低氧誘發的粒線體自噬,2017.8.1~2018.7.31 | 2017 . 08 |
19 | 個別型,MOST 106-2314-B-039-032-,,科技部,長片段非轉譯核糖核酸調節低氧誘發的粒線體自噬,2017.8.1~2018.7.31 | 2017 . 08 |
20 | 個別型,DMR-107-059,李繼源(Li, Chi-Yuan)、王怡寬(Wang, I-Kuan),附醫院內計畫,核糖酸結合蛋白於急性腎損傷調節粒線體動力學之探討,2017.8.1~2018.7.31 | 2017 . 08 |
21 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH105-REC2-084,劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、楊雅斐(Yang, Ya-Fei)、王怡寬(Wang, I-Kuan)、郭慧亮(Kuo, Huey-Liang)、陳虹志、周哲毅(Chou, Che-Yi),附醫廠商計畫,一項隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照、平行分組、多中心、以事件為導向的第III期試驗,針對臨床診斷患有糖尿病腎臟疾病的第2型糖尿病受試者,研究使用標準照護加上finerenone治療在降低心血管發病率以及死亡率上的療效與安全性,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
22 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH105-REC1-094,劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、楊雅斐(Yang, Ya-Fei)、王怡寬(Wang, I-Kuan)、郭慧亮(Kuo, Huey-Liang)、陳虹志、周哲毅(Chou, Che-Yi),附醫廠商計畫,一項隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照、平行分組、多中心、以事件為導向的第III期試驗,針對臨床診斷患有糖尿病腎臟疾病的第2型糖尿病受試者,研究使用標準照護加上finerenone治療腎臟疾病惡化的安全性與療效,2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
23 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH104-REC1-120,張建國(Chang, Jan-Gowth)、張志宗(Chang, Chiz-Tzung)、陳怡儒(I-Ru Chen)、連銘渝(Ming-Yu Lein)、林信宏(Lin, Hsin-Hung)、王怡寬(Wang, I-Kuan)、林哲弘(Che-Hung Lin)、葉士芃(Yeh, Su-Peng)、林清淵(Lin, Ching-Yuang),附醫廠商計畫,一項針對非典型性尿毒溶血症候群病患的觀察性、非介入性、多國多中心研究 (aHUS登錄計畫),2017.1.1~2017.12.31 | 2017 . 01 |
24 | 個別型,DMR-106-025,,附醫院內計畫,長片段非轉譯核糖核酸EGOT調節低氧誘發的自噬作用,2016.8.1~2017.7.31 | 2016 . 08 |
25 | 個別型,MOST 105-2314-B-039-016,李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li),科技部,核醣核酸結合蛋白human antigen R (HuR)調控低氧誘發的細胞自噬,2016.8.1~2017.7.31 | 2016 . 08 |
26 | 個別型,採購案號:M05G9040,黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、孫茂峰(SUN, MAO-FENG)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、黃升騰(Huang, Sheng-Teng)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、黃國欽(kuo-Chin Huang)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、林宏任(Lin Hung-jen)、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、李育臣(Yu-Chen Lee)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、丁羿文(I-Wen Ting)、楊雅斐(Ya-Fei Yang)、廖元敬(Yuan-Ching Liao)、李艾玲(Ai-Lin Lee)、楊潤(Jun Yang),衛福部,105年度「促進中醫多元發展」委託科技研究計劃,分項3:建構中醫日間照護模式計畫,2016.1.19~2016.12.15 | 2016 . 01 |
27 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH105-REC1-094,劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、楊雅斐(Ya-Fei Yang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、陳虹志(Hung-Chih Chen)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou),附醫廠商計畫,一項隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照、平行分組、多中心、以事件為導向的第III期試驗,針對臨床診斷患有糖尿病腎臟疾病的第2型糖尿病受試者,研究使用標準照護加上finerenone治療腎臟疾病惡化的安全性與療效,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
28 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH104-REC1-120,張建國(Jan-Gowth Chang)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、陳怡儒(I-Ru Chen)、連銘渝(Ming-Yu Lein)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、林哲弘(Che-Hung Lin)、葉士芃(Su-Peng Yeh)、林清淵(Ching-Yuang Lin),附醫廠商計畫,一項針對非典型性尿毒溶血症候群病患的觀察性、非介入性、多國多中心研究 (aHUS登錄計畫),2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
29 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH105-REC2-084,劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、楊雅斐(Ya-Fei Yang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、郭慧亮(Huey-Liang kuo)、陳虹志(Hung-Chih Chen)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou),附醫廠商計畫,一項隨機分配、雙盲、安慰劑對照、平行分組、多中心、以事件為導向的第III期試驗,針對臨床診斷患有糖尿病腎臟疾病的第2型糖尿病受試者,研究使用標準照護加上finerenone治療在降低心血管發病率以及死亡率上的療效與安全性,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
30 | 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH103-REC2-060,楊雅斐(Ya-Fei Yang)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、劉耀隆(Yao-Lung Liu)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou),附醫廠商計畫,一項隨機、雙盲、安慰劑對照的第2/3期研究,其目的在評估blisibimod用於治療A型免疫球蛋白腎病變(IgA Nephropathy)患者的療效及安全性,2016.1.1~2016.12.31 | 2016 . 01 |
31 | 個別型,DMR-105-021,,附醫院內計畫,核醣核酸結合蛋白human antigen R (HuR)在缺血急性腎損傷調節細胞自噬,2015.8.1~2016.7.31 | 2015 . 08 |
32 | 個別型,DMR-104-015,李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li),附醫院內計畫,巨嗜細胞之微小囊泡在急性腎損傷之修復,2014.8.1~2015.7.31 | 2014 . 08 |
33 | 個別型,DMR-103-013,黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li),附醫院內計畫,HIF, 微小核糖核酸和細胞自噬在缺血急性腎損傷的角色,2013.8.1~2013.7.31 | 2013 . 08 |
34 | 個別型,DMR-101-016,黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、李繼源(Chi-Yuan Li),附醫院內計畫,RANTES 在缺血引起的急性腎損傷中調節內皮細胞活化,2011.8.1~2012.7.31 | 2011 . 08 |
35 | 整合型項下子計畫(主持人),DOH98-HP-1112,王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、鄭光甫(Kuang-Fu Cheng)、蔡文正(Tsai, Wen-Chen),衛福部,慢性腎臟病防治科技研究計畫-計畫三:開發與建立完整之治療方式與照護模式(98年度),2009.12.4~2010.8.31 | 2009 . 12 |
36 | 個別型,NSC 98-2410-H-039-004,龔佩珍(Kung, Pei-Tseng)、陳志毅(Chih-Yi Chen)、謝淑惠(Shwn-Huey Shieh)、王惠暢(Hwei-Chung Wang)、王怡寬(I-Kuan Wang)、邱昌芳(Chang-Fang Chiu),科技部,比較都市與偏遠地區民眾在可避免住院照護、透析治療及癌症治療之成效,2009.8.1~2010.7.31 | 2009 . 08 |
37 | 個別型,DMR-98-IRB-023,林伯昌(Po-Chang Lin)、林崇智(Chung-Chih Lin)、梁志嘉(Chih-Chia Liang)、林信宏(Hsin-Hung Lin)、黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang),附醫廠商計畫,血液透析與腹膜透析病人的菌血症,2009.1.1~2009.12.31 | 2009 . 01 |
38 | 整合型項下子計畫(主持人),DOH97-HP-1103,鄭光甫(Kuang-Fu Cheng)、蔡文正(Tsai, Wen-Chen)、王桂芸、吳志仁、陳漢湘、朱柏齡,衛福部,開發與建立完整之治療方式與照護模式 子計畫3-1:國人腹膜透析及血液透析治療效果及其成本效果分析比較,2008.11.1~2009.11.30 | 2008 . 11 |
39 | 整合型項下子計畫(主持人),DOH97-HP-1103,王桂芸(Kwua-Yun Wang)、蔡文正(Tsai, Wen-Chen)、吳志仁(CJ Wu)、陳漢湘(HH Chen)、鄭光甫(Kuang-Fu Cheng)、朱伯齡(Pauling Chu),國健局,腹膜透析及血液透析兩種不同治療模式之治療成效與生活品質評估,2008.10.6~2009.11.30 | 2008 . 10 |
40 | 個別型,DMR-98-019,黃秋錦(Chiu-Ching Huang)、林鴻志(Hung-Chih Lin)、張益銍(Yi-Chih, Chang)、吳怡瑩(WU YI-YING),附醫院內計畫,使用益生菌於腹膜透析病患的成效,2008.8.1~2009.7.31 | 2008 . 08 |
專利/Patent (專利名稱,專利類別,專利國別,專利號碼,專利期間) |
日期 | |
1 | 評估個體罹患腹膜硬化症之風險的方法及其套組,發明專利,台灣,I740533,2021.9.21~2040.6.10 | 2021 . 09 |
獲獎/Award (獲獎名稱,給獎單位,獲獎日期) |
日期 | |
1 | 2024中亞聯大U21創意設計發明競賽,亞洲大學,2024.5.22 | 2024 . 05 |
2 | 台灣內科醫學會112年年會優秀論文海報展示原著論文佳作,台灣內科醫學會,2023.12.3 | 2023 . 12 |
3 | 111年度財團法人陳萬裕教授學術基金會傑出研究獎,台灣腎臟醫學會,2022.12.11 | 2022 . 12 |
4 | 2022台灣創新技術博覽會發明競賽金牌獎,台灣創新技術博覽會,2022.10.15 | 2022 . 10 |