
Doctor Introduction



Pin-Ru Chen
Pin-Ru Chen


陳品儒 Pin-Ru Chen

肺癌、食道癌 胸腔疾病 縱膈腫瘤 胸腔鏡手術


期刊論文/Journal Paper
1 郭躍虹(Yao-Hung Kuo)、簡玉雯(Yu-Wen Chien)、陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen)、馮俊龍(Chun-Lung Feng)、李佳瑾、簡君儒(Chun-Ru Chien)*,Impact of the interval between neoadjuvant concurrent chemoradiotherapy and esophagectomy in the modern era: a population-based propensity-score-matched retrospective cohort study in Asia,World Journal of Surgical Oncology,2019 Dec,17(1):222-222 2019 . 12
2 陳志毅(Chih-Yi Chen)、謝嘉容(Vivian Chia-Rong Hsieh)、張志宏(Chih-Hung Chang)、陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen)、梁文敏(Wen-Miin Liang)、潘士群(Shih-Chun Pan)、謝淑惠(Shwn-Huey Shieh)*,Impacts of Treatments on the Quality of Life among Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients,DISEASES OF THE ESOPHAGUS,2017 Oct,30(): 2017 . 10
3 (C.-Y. Hsu)、陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen)、陳宣如(Chen, Hsuan-Ju)、梁基安(Ji-An Liang)*,Association between radical prostatectomy and risk of herpes zoster,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASES,2017 Feb,36(2):337-342 2017 . 02
4 呂庭聿(Ting-Yu Lu)、陳建勳(Jian-Xun Chen)、陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、陳建光(Chien-Kuang Chen)、高佩玉(Pei-Yu Kao)、(Tzu-Ming Huang)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)*,Evaluation of the necessity for a chest drain placement following thoracoscopic wedge resection,SURGERY TODAY,2016 Sep,():1-5 2016 . 09
5 邱紹智(Shao-Chih Chiu)、(Hua-Hsing Liu)、(Chia-Ling Chen)、陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen)、(Ming-Chao Liu)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)、張格東(Ko-Tung Chang)*,Extramedullary Hematopoiesis (EMH) in Laboratory Animals: Offering an Insight into Stem Cell Research,CELL TRANSPLANTATION,2015 Feb,(): 2015 . 02
6 方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、(Fei-Yuan Sharon Hsiao)、黃旭志(Hsu-Chih Huang)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、(Chih-Yi Chen)、謝淑惠(Shwn-Huey Shieh)、陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen)、陳建光(Chien-Kuang Chen)、簡君儒(Chun-Ru Chien)*,Cost and Effectiveness of Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery for Clinical Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: a Population-based Analysis,Journal of Thoracic Disease,2014 Dec,6(12):1690-1696 2014 . 12
7 許原彰(Yuan-Jang Hsu)、陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、陳建光(Chien-Kuang Chen)*,Chylothorax following endovascular aortic repair with subclavian revascularization – a case report,Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery,2014 Nov,9():165 2014 . 11
8 陳建光(Chien-Kuang Chen)、陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen)、黃旭志(Hsu-Chih Huang)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)*,Overexpression of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Lung Tissue of Patients with Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax,RESPIRATION,2014 Nov,88(*):418-425 2014 . 11
9 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、黃士哲(Huang Shyh-Jer)、陳鴻仁(Hung-Jen Chen)、陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen)、林雅賢(Ya-Hsien Lin)、何于塵(Yu-Chen Ho)、張文琳(Wen-Lin Chang)、蔡長海(Chang-Hai Tsai)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)*,Aberrant Alternative Splicing Events in Parkinson’s Disease,CELL TRANSPLANTATION,2013 Apr,22(4):653-661 2013 . 04
10 蘇啟成(Khay-Seng Soh)、陳志毅(Chih-Yi Chen)*、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen),Pulmonary sequestration after resection of contralateral congenital pulmonary sequestration,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CARDIO-THORACIC SURGERY,2012 Mar,(2012):1-1 2012 . 03
11 陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen)、陳建光(Chien-Kuang Chen)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、黃旭志(Hsu-Chih Huang)、蔡劍勳(Jian-Shun Tsai)、陳志毅(Chih-Yi Chen)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)*,Single-incision thoracoscopic surgery for primary spontaneous pneumothorax,Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery,2011 Apr,6(1):58-62 2011 . 04
12 陳建光(Chien-Kuang Chen)、詹佳穎(Chia-Ing Jan)、蔡劍勳(Jian-Shun Tsai)、黃旭志(Hsu-Chih Huang)、陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen)、林昱森(Yu-Sen Lin)、陳志毅(Chih-Yi Chen)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)*,Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of the lung: a case report,Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery,2010 Jul,5(1):55-59 2010 . 07
13 簡君儒(Chun-Ru Chien)、楊仕哲(Su-Tso Yang or YANG Shi-zhe)、陳志毅(Chih-Yi Chen)、方信元(Hsin-Yuan Fang)、涂智彥(Chih-Yen Tu)、曾冠欽(Guan-Chin Teseng)、余養豪(Yang-Hao Yu)、陳鴻仁(Hung-Jen Chen)、何致德(Chih-Te Ho)、謝清昀(Ching-Yun Hsieh)、陳香霓(Shung-Ni CHen)、陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen)、劉峻成(Juhn-Cherng Liu)、王耀慶(Yao-Ching Wang)、吳蕙樺(Hui-Hua Wu)、夏德椿(Te-Chun Hsia)*,Impact of the New Lung Cancer Staging System for a Predominantly Advanced-Disease Patient Population,Journal of Thoracic Oncology,2010 Mar,5(3):340-343 2010 . 03
14 許南榮(Nan-Yung Hsu)、江宜平(I-Ping Chiang)、施志勳(Chih-Shium Shih)、陳品儒(Ping-Ru Chen)、何恒堅(Heng-Chien Ho)*,Gene-expression profiling in a patient with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2005 ,10(1):43-48 2005 .
15 許南榮(Nan-Yung Hsu)、陳建仲(Chen-Chung Chen)*、施志勳(Chih-Shium Shih)、陳品儒(Ping-Ru Chen)、李育臣(Yuh-Chen Lee),針灸治療造成氣胸之處理,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2004 ,9(Suppl 1):S59-S63 2004 .
16 梁世國、許南榮(Nan-Yung Hsu)*、施志勳(Chih-Shium Shih)、陳品儒(Ping-Ru Chen),Thymoma associated with pure red cell aplasia,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2004 ,9(2):119-123 2004 .
17 許南榮(Nan-Yung Hsu)、陳建仲(Chen-Chung Chen)、施志勳(Chih-Shiun Shiu)、陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen)、李育臣(Yu-Chen Lee),Management of pneumomthorax following acupuncture.,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2004 ,9 Sup(1):S59-63 2004 .
18 黃懷緒(Huai-Hsu Huang)、許南榮(Nan-Yung Hsu)*、施志勳(Chih-Shium Shih)、陳品儒(Ping-Ru Chen)、夏德椿(Te-Chun Hsia)、杭良文(Liang-Wen Hang),Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for spontaneous pneumothorax in emphysematous patients,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2003 ,8(2):78-84 2003 .
19 許南榮(Nan-Yung Hsu)*、張嘉麟(Jia-Lien Chang)、孫盛生(Shung-Shung Sun)、施志勳(Chih-Shiun Shih)、陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen),Ectopic mediastinal parathyroid adenoma resected by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2003 ,8(8):332-335 2003 .


研討會論文/Conference Papers
1 個案報告–口咽及食道以前臂皮瓣及大腸轉位重建三十年後併發大腸良性腫瘤阻塞,108年度外科聯合學會演講會,三軍總醫院,2019.03.16~2019.03.17, 2019 . 03
2 Application of 4K image system in VATS surgery experience 4K影像系統在胸腔鏡應用分享,108年度外科聯合學術演講會,國防醫學院(台北市內湖區民權東路六段161號),2019.03.16~2019.03.17, 2019 . 03
3 評估使用Dexmedetomidine對食道癌患者接受食道重建後鎮靜的安全性和療效,107年度外科聯合學術演講會,台北國防醫學院,2018.03.17~2018.03.18, 2018 . 03
4 Evaluate safety and efficacy of using dexmedetomidine for post esophageal reconstruction sedation in esophageal cancer patients,台灣胸腔及心臟血管外科學會第16屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會,台大醫學院,2017.10.28~2017.10.29, 2017 . 10
5 Investigate the clinical factors of stricture after gastric tube reconstruction with circular staplers for oesophageal cancer patients,31st EACTS Annual Meeting,Vienna, Austria,2017.10.07~2017.10.11, 2017 . 10
6 Impacts of Treatments on the Quality of Life among Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients,第九屆中國腫瘤學術大會暨第十五屆海峽兩岸腫瘤學術大會,湖北武漢東湖國際會議中心,2016.10.13~2016.10.16, 2016 . 10
7 Evaluation of the necessity for a chest drain placement following thoracoscopic wedge resection,The 33rd annual meeting of the Japanese association for chest surgery,Kyoto international conference center,2016.05.12~2016.05.13, 2016 . 05
8 評估胸腔鏡部份肺葉切除手術後放置胸腔引流管之必要性,2016(105)年度外科聯合學術演講會,台大醫學院,2016.03.19~2016.03.20, 2016 . 03
9 Different Presentation Time in Bilateral Pulmonary Sequestration,外科醫學會年會,台北醫學大學,2011.03.19~2011.03.20, 2011 . 03
10 Transdiaphragmatic Thoracoscopic Surgery for Pulmonary Resection,The 19th Biennial Congress of the Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons of Asia,Seoul Korea,2009.10.25~2009.10.28, 2009 . 10
11 上消化道腐蝕傷病患以胃管重建並保留胸腔食道後的併發症報告,台灣外科醫學會第21屆第1次會員代表大會暨第67次學術演講會,台灣高雄,2008.03.29~2008.03.30, 2008 . 03
12 人類乳突病毒16/18 E6 Oncoprotein表現和Ribonucleotide Reductase Small Subunits (p53R2和hRRM2)表現在早期非小細胞肺癌的關係,台灣外科醫學會第21屆第1次會員代表大會暨第67次學術演講會,台灣高雄,2008.03.29~2008.03.30, 2008 . 03
13 深頸部感染併壞死性縱膈腔炎-五年經驗報告,台灣外科醫學會第21屆第1次會員代表大會暨第67次學術演講會,台灣高雄,2008.03.29~2008.03.30, 2008 . 03
14 Bilateral traumatic chylothorax: a case report,台灣外科醫學會96年度會員大會暨學術演講會,台灣高雄,2007.03~ , 2007 . 03
15 Pulmonary embolism after lung resection expressing with syncope: a case reprot.,台灣外科醫學會96年度會員大會暨學術演講會,台灣高雄,2007.03~ , 2007 . 03
16 Pulmonary embolism after lung resection expressing with syncope: a case reprot,台灣外科醫學會年會,高雄榮民總醫院,2007.03.24~2007.03.25, 2007 . 03
17 Spontaneous hemopneumothorax revisited: clinical.,台灣外科醫學會第65次學術演講會,台灣桃園,2006.03~ , 2006 . 03
18 Spontaneous hemopneumothorax revisited: clinical.,台灣外科醫學會第65次學術演講會,國內/台灣 /桃園,2006.03.01~2006.03.01, 2006 . 03
19 Cortactin的過度表現可能影響食道麟狀上皮癌的癌化過程,台灣胸腔及心臟血管外科學會94年度會員大會暨學術研討會,台灣台北,2005.10~ , 2005 . 10
20 Prognostic factors of non-small cell lung cancer patients after operations in Chinese medical university hospital,台灣外科醫學會第19屆第2次會員代表大會暨第64次學術演講會,台灣桃園,2005.03~ , 2005 . 03
21 Primary spontaneous pneumomediastinum: experience of 5 pztients,台灣外科醫學會年會,台灣台北,2004.03~ , 2004 . 03
22 Characterization of the different mRNA expression spectra between non-small cell lung cancer and normal lung by PCR-select cDNA subtraction,台灣外科醫學會年會,台灣台北,2004.03~ , 2004 . 03
23 Detection of esophageal carcinoma using single-photon emission computed tomography of thallium-201,台灣外科醫學會年會,台灣台北,2004.03~ , 2004 . 03
24 Outcome of VATS for primary spontaneous pneumothorax,中華內視鏡外科醫學會年會,台灣台北,2004.01~ , 2004 . 01
25 Retrieval of Port-A catheter dislodegement by trans-venous approach under fluoroscope in 17 case report,92年度台灣外科醫學會年會,台灣台北,2003.03~ , 2003 . 03
26 Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the lung: two cases report and review of literature,92年度台灣外科醫學會年會,台灣台北,2003.03~ , 2003 . 03
27 Percutaneous dilatation tracheostomy, how to select the patient?,Common procedure in thoracic surgery,台灣台中,2002.01~ , 2002 . 01




研究計畫/Research Grant
1 個別型,DMR-108-119,陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen),附醫院內計畫,蛋白質去磷酸化與癌生成: PP1α於肺癌細胞生成的角色分析,2018.8.1~2019.7.31 2018 . 08
2 個別型,DMR-104-053,陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen),附醫院內計畫,探討MEP50促非性荷爾蒙依賴細胞轉型之分子機制,2014.8.1~2015.7.31 2014 . 08
3 個別型,DMR-103-057,陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen),附醫院內計畫,以動物模式研究ICLN加速肺癌腫瘤生長之致癌機轉,2013.8.1~2014.7.31 2013 . 08
4 個別型,DMR-103-020,謝德鈞(Te-Chun Hsieh),附醫院內計畫,使用正子-電腦斷層造影用以評估食道癌使用cetuximab標靶治療效益之研究,2013.8.1~2014.7.31 2013 . 08
5 個別型,DMR-102-053,陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen),附醫院內計畫,ICLN刺激肺癌細胞轉型之探討,2012.8.1~2013.7.31 2012 . 08
6 個別型,DMR-98-009,林香汶(Margaret Hsiang-Wen Lin)、葉士芃(Shih-Peng Yeh)、陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen)、簡君儒(Chun-Ru Chien)、葉子裴(Tzu-Pei Yeh)、吳淑惠(Swu-Hwa Wu),附醫院內計畫,食道癌病患之疾病負擔前導評估研究,2009.1.7~2009.12.31 2009 . 01





