
Doctor Introduction



Ru-Huei Fu
Ru-Huei Fu


傅如輝 Ru-Huei Fu

傅如輝老師目前為轉譯醫學研究中心副研究員,專長為: 1.樹突細胞與神經免疫學 (Dendritic cell and neuroimmunology) 2.神經退化性疾病秀麗隱桿線蟲模型 (C. elegans model for neurodegenerative diseases) 3.惡性腦瘤細胞之RNA 生物學 (RNA biology of brain tumor)


期刊論文/Journal Paper
1 (Shao-I Hsu)、黃慧琪(Hui-Chi Huang)、(Chun-Huei Liao)、(Hsi-Yun Huang)、(Ya-Chen Shih)、(Jing-Wei Chen)、(Han-Ting Wu)、(Tzu-Yu Kuo)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、蔡佳文(Chia-Wen Tsai)*,Induction of Phosphorylated Tau Accumulation and Memory Impairment by Bisphenol A and the Protective Effects of Carnosic Acid in In Vitro and In Vivo,MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY,2024 Sep,61(9):6148-6160 2024 . 09
2 (Chie-Hong Wang)、(Guan-Cyun Lin)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、黃毓銓(Huang, Yu-Chuen)、陳世殷(Shih-Yin Chen)、(Shinn-Zong Lin)、(Horng-Jyh Harn)、徐偉成(Woei-Cheang Shyu)、(Yi?Fang Huang)、鄭隆賓(Long-Bin Jeng)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)*,Neural stem cells derived from α-synuclein-knockdown iPS cells alleviate Parkinson’s disease,Cell Death Discovery,2024 Sep,10(1):407-416 2024 . 09
3 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、吳柏彥(WU PO-YEN)、周宜卿(I-Ching Chou)、林建亨(Chien-Heng Lin)、洪宣羽(Syuan-Yu Hung)*,Demographic and Clinical Characteristics, Seizure Disorders, and Antiepileptic Drug Usage in Different Types of Corpus Callosum Disorders: A Comparative Study in Children,Italian Journal of Pediatrics,2024 Jan,50(20): 2024 . 01
4 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*,Pectolinarigenin Improves Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis in Mouse NSC-34 Motor Neuron Cell Lines Induced by C9-ALS-Associated Proline-Arginine Dipeptide Repeat Proteins by Enhancing Mitochondrial Fusion Mediated via the SIRT3/OPA1 Axis,Antioxidants,2023 Nov,12(11):2008 2023 . 11
5 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*、陳慧婕(Hui-Jye Chen)、洪宣羽(Syuan-Yu Hung),Interaction of the C9orf72-Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis-Related Proline–Arginine Dipeptide Repeat Protein with the RNA-Binding Protein NOVA1 Causes Decreased Expression of UNC13A Due to Enhanced Inclusion of Cryptic Exons, Which Is Reversed by Betulin Treatment,Cells,2023 Oct,12(20):2476 2023 . 10
6 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*、陳慧婕(Hui-Jye Chen)、洪宣羽(Syuan-Yu Hung),Glycine-Alanine Dipeptide Repeat Protein from C9-ALS Interacts with Sulfide Quinone Oxidoreductase (SQOR) to Induce the Activity of the NLRP3 Inflammasome in HMC3 Microglia: Irisflorentin Reverses This Interaction,Antioxidants,2023 Oct,12(10):1896 2023 . 10
7 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*、洪宣羽(Syuan-Yu Hung)、陳慧婕(Hui-Jye Chen)*,Syringin Improves 6-Hydroxydopamine Neurotoxicity and α-Synuclein Accumulation by Mediating MiR-34a/SIRT1/Beclin-1 Pathway and Activating Autophagy in SH-SY5Y Cells and Caenorhabditis elegans Model,Cells,2023 Sep,12(18):2310 2023 . 09
8 (Yu-Ling Hsu)、陳慧婕(Hui-Jye Chen)、(Jia-Xin Gao)、(Ming-Yang Yang)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*,Chiisanoside Mediates the Parkin/ZNF746/PGC-1α Axis by Downregulating MiR-181a to Improve Mitochondrial Biogenesis in 6-OHDA-Caused Neurotoxicity Models in Vitro and in Vivo: Suggestions for Prevention of Parkinson’s Disease,Antioxidants,2023 Sep,12(9):1782 2023 . 09
9 (Chia-Yuan Lin)、黃怡真(Huang, Yi-Chen)、吳啟瑞(Chi-Rei Wu)、(Han-Ting Wu)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、蔡佳文(Chia-Wen Tsai)*,Carnosic acid attenuated cytochrome c release through the mitochondrial structural protein Mic60 by PINK1 in SH-SY5Y cells,FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY,2023 Mar,173():113636-113636 2023 . 03
10 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*、洪宣羽(Syuan-Yu Hung)、(Chia-Wen Tsai)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、邱紹智(Shao-Chih Chiu)、吳孟蓁(Wu, Meng-Zhen)、徐偉成(Woei-Cheang Shyu)、(Shinn-Zong Lin),Interaction of a Novel Alternatively Spliced Variant of HSD11B1L with Parkin Enhances the Carcinogenesis Potential of Glioblastoma: Peiminine Interferes with This Interaction,Cells,2023 Mar,12(6):894 2023 . 03
11 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*、蔡佳文(Chia-Wen Tsai)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、邱紹智(Shao-Chih Chiu)、陳妍涓(Yen-Chuan Chen)、蔣郁亭(Chiang, Yu-Ting)、(Yun-Hua Kuo)、徐偉成(Woei-Cheang Shyu)、(Shinn-Zong Lin),Neuroprotective Capability of Narcissoside in 6-OHDA-Exposed Parkinson’s Disease Models through Enhancing the MiR200a/Nrf-2/GSH Axis and Mediating MAPK/Akt Associated Signaling Pathway,Antioxidants,2022 Oct,11():2089 2022 . 10
12 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*、蔡佳文(Chia-Wen Tsai)、邱紹智(Shao-Chih Chiu)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、蔣郁亭(Chiang, Yu-Ting)、(Yun-Hua Kuo)、徐偉成(Woei-Cheang Shyu)、(Shinn-Zong Lin),C9-ALS-Associated Proline-Arginine Dipeptide Repeat Protein Induces Activation of NLRP3 Inflammasome of HMC3 Microglia Cells by Binding of Complement Component 1 Q Subcomponent-Binding Protein (C1QBP), and Syringin Prevents This Effect,Cells,2022 Oct,11(19):3128 2022 . 10
13 (Yun-Hua Kuo)、洪慧珊(Huey-Shan Hung)、蔡佳文(Chia-Wen Tsai)、邱紹智(Shao-Chih Chiu)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、蔣郁亭(Chiang, Yu-Ting)、徐偉成(Woei-Cheang Shyu)、(Shinn-Zong Lin)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*,A Novel Splice Variant of BCAS1 Inhibits β-Arrestin 2 to Promote the Proliferation and Migration of Glioblastoma Cells, and This Effect was Blocked by Maackiain,Cancers,2022 Aug,14(16):3890 2022 . 08
14 (Alex Yang-Hao Yu)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、(Shan-hui Hsu)、(Chen-Feng Chiu)、(Wei-Hsiang Fang)、(Chun-An Yeh)、(Chang Ming Tang)、(Hsien-Hsu Hsieh)、洪慧珊(Huei-Shan Hung)*,Epidermal Growth Factor Receptors siRNA-conjugated collagen modified gold nanoparticles for targeted imaging and therapy of lung cancer,Materials Today Advances,2021 Dec,12():100191 2021 . 12
15 陳惠珍、(Mei-Lang Kung)、(Wei-Xiang Huang)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、(Alex Yang-Hao Yu)、(Ya-Tsu Yang)、洪慧珊(Huei-Shan Hung)*,Delivery of Stromal-Derived Factor-1 alpha via Biocompatible Gold Nanoparticles Promotes Dendritic Cells Viability and Migration,COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2021 Nov,628():127298 2021 . 11
16 徐佑靈(Hsu, Yu-Ling)、洪慧珊(Huei-Shan Hung)、蔡佳文(Chia-Wen Tsai)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、蔣郁亭(Chiang, Yu-Ting)、(Yun-Hua Kuo)、徐偉成(Woei-Cheang Shyu)、(Shinn-Zong Lin)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*,Peiminine Reduces ARTS-Mediated Degradation of XIAP by Modulating the PINK1/Parkin Pathway to Ameliorate 6-Hydroxydopamine Toxicity and α-Synuclein Accumulation in Parkinson Disease Models in Vivo and in Vitro,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2021 Oct,22(19):10240 2021 . 10
17 (Chen-Feng Chiu)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、(Shan-hui Hsu)、(Alex Yang-Hao Yu)、(Shun-Fa Yang)、(Thomas Chang-Yao Tsao)、(Kai-Bo Chang)、(Chun-An Yeh)、(Cheng-Ming Tang)、(Sheng-Chu Huang)、洪慧珊(Huei-Shan Hung)*,Delivery Capacity and Anticancer Ability of the Berberine-Loaded Gold Nanoparticles to Promote the Apoptosis Effect in Breast Cancer,Cancers,2021 Oct,13(21):5317 2021 . 10
18 (Chia-Yuan Lin)、(Yan-Ning Huang)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、(Yu-Hsin Liao)、(Tzu-Yu Kuo)、蔡佳文(Chia-Wen Tsai)*,Promotion of mitochondrial biogenesis via the regulation of PARIS and PGC-1α by parkin as a mechanism of neuroprotection by carnosic acid,PHYTOMEDICINE,2021 Jan,80():103369 2021 . 01
19 洪慧珊(Huei-Shan Hung)*、(Alex YH Yu)、(Shu-Chen Hsieh)、(Mei-Lang Kung)、(Hsiu-Yuan Huang)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、(Chun-An Yeh)、(Shan-hui Hsu)*,Enhanced Biocompatibility and Differentiation Capacity of Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Polydimethylsiloxane by Topographical Patterned Dopamine,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2020 Oct,12(40):44393-44406 2020 . 10
20 (Rong-Tzong Tsai)、蔡佳文、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、高佳昕(Kao, Chia-Hsin)、(Yun-Hua Kuo)、趙蓓敏(Pei-Min Chao)、洪慧珊(Huei-Shan Hung)、徐偉成(Woei-Cheang Shyu)、(Shinn-Zong Lin)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*,Maackiain Ameliorates 6-Hydroxydopamine and SNCA Pathologies by Modulating the PINK1/Parkin Pathway in Models of Parkinson’s Disease in Caenorhabditis elegans and the SH-SY5Y Cell Line,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2020 Jun,21(12):E4455 2020 . 06
21 王啟鴻、(Cheng-Hsuan Chang)、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、黃毓銓(Yu-Chuen Huang)、陳世殷(Shih-Yin Chen)、徐偉成(Woei-Cheang Shyu)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)*,The novel application of cordycepin in maintaining stem cell pluripotency and increasing iPS cell generation efficiency,Scientific Reports,2020 Feb,10():2187 2020 . 02
22 (Chia-Yuan Lin)、(Wen-Jiun Chen)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、蔡佳文(Chia-Wen Tsai)*,Upregulation of OPA1 by carnosic acid is mediated through induction of IKKγ ubiquitination by parkin and protects against neurotoxicity,FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY,2020 Feb,136():110942 2020 . 02
23 蕭雯婷(Hsiao, Wen-Ting)、蘇慧敏(Hui-Min Su)、蘇冠賓(Kuan-Pin Su)、陳思涵(Chen, Szu-Han)、吳海平(Wu, Hai-Ping)、游薏陵(Yi-Ling You)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、趙蓓敏(Pei-Min Chao)*,Deficiency or activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α reduces tissue concentrations of endogenously synthesized docosahexaenoic acid in C57BL/6J mice,Nutrition Research and Practice,2019 Aug,13(4):286-294 2019 . 08
24 (Che-Hsing Li)、(Wei-Yang Li)、(I-Ning Hsu)、(Yung-Yu Liao)、(Chi-Ya Yang)、(Matthew C. Taylor)、(Yu-Fan Liu)、(Wei-Hao Huang)、(Hsiang-Hua Chang)、(Ho-Lo Huang)、(Shao-Chi Lo)、(Ting-Yu Lin)、(Wei-Che Sun)、(Ya-Yi Chuang)、(Yu-Chieh Yang)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*、蔡榮宗(Rong-Tzong Tsai)*,Recombinant Aflatoxin-Degrading F420H2-Dependent Reductase from Mycobacterium smegmatis Protects Mammalian Cells from Aflatoxin Toxicity,Toxins,2019 May,11(5):pii: E259 2019 . 05
25 (Shan-hui Hsu)、(Alex Yu)、(Chun-An Yeh)、(Wei-Shen Sun)、(Shinn-Zong Lin)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、(Hsien-Hsu Hsieh)、吳伯元(Po-Yuan Wu)、洪慧珊(Huei-Shan Hung)*,Biocompatible nanogold carrier coated with hyaluronic acid for efficient delivery of plasmid or siRNA to mesenchymal stem cells,ACS Applied Bio Materials,2019 Jan,2(3):1017-1030 2019 . 01
26 齊康(Chi, Kang)、傅如輝(Fu, Ru-Huei)、黃毓銓(Huang, Yu-Chuen)、陳世殷(Chen, Shih-Yin)、徐慶如(Ching-Ju Hsu)、(Shinn-Zong Lin)、(Chi-Tang Tu)、(Li-Hsun Chang)、(Ping-An Wu)、劉詩平(Liu, Shih-Ping)*,Adipose-derived stem cells stimulated with n-butylidenephthalide exhibit therapeutic effects in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease,CELL TRANSPLANTATION,2018 Mar,27(3): 2018 . 03
27 王啟鴻、林宗立(Tsung-Li Lin)、(Chih-Hsin Muo)、(Chen-Huan Lin)、黃毓銓(Huang, Yu-Chuen)、傅如輝(Fu, Ru-Huei)、徐偉成(Shyu, Woei-Cherng)、劉詩平(Liu, Shih-Ping)*,Increase of Meningitis Risk in Stroke Patients in Taiwan,Frontiers in Neurology,2018 Mar,9(): 2018 . 03
28 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、(Li-Chun Huang)、(Chia-Yuan Lin)、蔡佳文(Chia-Wen Tsai)*,Modulation of ARTS and XIAP by Parkin Is Associated with Carnosic Acid Protects SH-SY5Y Cells against 6-Hydroxydopamine-Induced Apoptosis,MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY,2018 Feb,55(2):1786-1794 2018 . 02
29 (Sen-Lu Chen)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、(Shih-Fei Liao)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、(Shinn-Zong Lin)、(Yu-Chi Wang)*,A PEG-based hydrogel for effective wound care management,CELL TRANSPLANTATION,2018 Feb,27(2):275-284 2018 . 02
30 蔡佳文(Chia-Wen Tsai)、(Rong-Tzong Tsai)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、(Chang-Shi Chen)、(Min-Chen Tsai)、簡韶萱、洪慧珊(Huey-Shan Hung)、(Shinn-Zong Lin)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*,Neuroprotective Effects of Betulin in Pharmacological and Transgenic C. elegans Models of Parkinson’s Disease,CELL TRANSPLANTATION,2017 Dec,26(12):1903-1918 2017 . 12
31 (Chia-Yuan Lin)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、鄒瑞煌(Ruey-Hwang Chou)、(Jing-Hsien Chen)、吳啟瑞(Chi-Rei Wu)、(Shu-Wei Chang)、蔡佳文(Chia-Wen Tsai)*,Inhibition of JNK by pi class of glutathione S-transferase through PKA/CREB pathway is associated with carnosic acid protection against 6-hydroxydopamine-induced apoptosis,FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY,2017 May,103():194-202 2017 . 05
32 (Shu-Chen Hsieh)、陳慧婕(Hui-Jye Chen)、(Shan-hui Hsu)、(Yi-Chin Yang)、(Cheng-Ming Tang)、(Mei-Yun Chu)、(Pei-Ying Lin)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、(Mei-Lang Kung)、(Yun-Wen Chen)、(Bi-Wen Yeh)、洪慧珊(Huey-Shan Hung)*,Prominent vascularization capacity of mesenchymal stem cells in collagen-gold nanocomposites,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2016 Oct,8():28982-29000 2016 . 10
33 劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)*、林振寰、(Shao-Ji Lin)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、黃毓銓(Yu-Chuen Huang)、陳世殷(Shih-Yin, Chen)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)*,Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile-Based Nanofibers Maintain Embryonic Stem Cell Stemness via TGF-Beta Signaling,Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology,2016 Apr,12(4):732-742 2016 . 04
34 (Kang Chi)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、黃毓銓(Yu-Chuen Huang)、陳世殷(Chen, Shih-Yin)、(Shinn-Zong Lin)、(Pi-Chun Huang)、(Po-cheng Lin)、(Fu-Kuei Chang)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)*,Therapeutic Effect of Ligustilide-Stimulated Adipose-Derived Stem Cells in a Mouse Thromboembolic Stroke Model,CELL TRANSPLANTATION,2016 Apr,25(5):899-912 2016 . 04
35 沈明毅(Ming-Yi Shen)、陳芳玉(Fang-Yu Chen)、許菁芳(Jing-Fang Hsu)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、張家銘(Chia-Ming Chang)、張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、劉崇祥(Chung-Hsiang Liu)、吳佳蓉(Wu,Jia-Rong)、李安生(An-Sheng Lee)、(Hua-Chen Chan)、(Joen-Rong Sheu)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)、(Tatsuya Sawamura)、張坤正(Kuan-Cheng Chang)、許重義(Chung Y. Hsu)*、(Chu-Huang Chen)*,Plasma L5 levels are elevated in ischemic stroke patients and enhance platelet aggregation,BLOOD,2016 Mar,127(10):1336-1345 2016 . 03
36 劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)*、(Chien-Yu Hsub)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、黃毓銓(Yu-Chuen Huang)、陳世殷(Shih-Yin, Chen)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu),Sambucus williamsii induced embryonic stem cells differentiated into neurons,BioMedicine,2015 Mar,5(1):19-23 2015 . 03
37 陳玥米(Yue-Mi Chen)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、林欣璉(Hsin-Lien Lin)、(Ming-Chia Chan)、陳妍涓(Yen-Chuan Chen)、黃鈺玲(Yu-Ling Huang)、蔡旻臻(Min-Chen Tsai)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*,Irisflorentin improves α-synuclein accumulation and attenuates 6-OHDA-induced dopaminergic neuron degeneration, implication for Parkinson's disease therapy,BioMedicine,2015 Mar,5(1):24-32 2015 . 03
38 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*、蔡佳文(Chia-Wen Tsai)、蔡榮宗(Rong-Tzong Tsai)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、詹子民(Tzu-Min Chan)、何于塵(Yu-Chen Ho)、林欣璉(Hsin-Lien Lin)、陳玥米(Yue-Mi Chen,)、洪慧珊(Huey-Shan Hung)、邱紹智(Shao-Chih Chiu)、蔡長海(Chang-Hai Tsai)、(Yu-Chi Wang)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)*,Irisflorentin Modifies Properties of Mouse Bone Marrow-Derived Dendritic Cells and Reduces the Allergic Contact Hypersensitivity Responses,CELL TRANSPLANTATION,2015 Feb,(): 2015 . 02
39 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang)、(Shao-Yu Chen)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、黃毓銓(Yu-Chuen Huang)、陳世殷(Shih-Yin, Chen)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)*,Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells Into Cardiomyocytes Used to Investigate the Cardioprotective Effect of Salvianolic Acid B Through BNIP3 Involved Pathway,CELL TRANSPLANTATION,2015 Feb,24(): 2015 . 02
40 (Chia-Yuan Lin)、(Jing-Hsien Chen)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、蔡佳文(Chia-Wen Tsai)*,Induction of Pi form of glutathione S‑transferase by carnosic acid is mediated through PI3K/Akt/NF-κB pathway and protects against neurotoxicity,CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY,2014 Nov,27():1958-1966 2014 . 11
41 洪慧珊(Huey-Shan Hung)、楊怡津(Yi-Chun Yang)、林昱君(Yu-Chun Lin)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)、高維健(Wei-Chien Kao)、謝獻旭(Hsien-Hsu Hsieh)、朱美芸(Mei-Yun Chu)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、徐善慧(Shan-hui Hsu)*,Regulation of human endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) maturation by polyurethane nanocomposites,BIOMATERIALS,2014 Aug,35(25):6810-6821 2014 . 08
42 (Cheng-Yi Chuang)、(Ling-Yun Chen)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、(Shih-Ming Chen)、(Ming-Hua Ho)、(Jie-Mau Huang)、(Chia-Chi Hsu)、(Chien-Cheng Wang)、(Meng-Shian Chen)、蔡榮宗(Rong-Tzong Tsai)*,Involvement of the Carboxyl-Terminal Region of the Yeast Peroxisomal Half ABC Transporter Pxa2p in Its Interaction with Pxa1p and in Transporter Function,PLoS One,2014 Aug,9(8):e104892 2014 . 08
43 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*、(Yu-Chi Wang)、陳昌熙(Chang-Shi Chen)、蔡榮宗(Rong-Tzong Tsai)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、張文琳(Wen-Lin Chang)、林欣璉(Hsin-Lien Lin)、呂家慧(Chia-Hui Lu)、魏敬容(Jing-Rong Wei)、王姿雯(Zih-Wan Wang)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)*,Acetylcorynoline attenuates dopaminergic neuron degeneration and alpha-synuclein aggregation in animal models of Parkinson’s disease,NEUROPHARMACOLOGY,2014 Jul,82():108-120 2014 . 07
44 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*、(Yu-Chi Wang)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、施彤儒(Ton-Ru Shih)、林欣璉(Hsin-Lien Lin)、陳玥米(Yue-Mi Chen)、宋俊輝(Jiun-Huei Sung)、呂家慧(Chia-Hui Lu)、魏敬容(Jing-Rong Wei)、王姿雯(Zih-Wan Wang)、黃士哲(Shyh-Jer Huang)、蔡長海(Chang-Hai Tsai)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)*,Decellularization and recellularization technologies in tissue engineering,CELL TRANSPLANTATION,2014 Apr,23(4-5):621-630 2014 . 04
45 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*、(Yu-Chi Wang)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、施彤儒(Ton-Ru Shih)、林欣璉(Hsin-Lien Lin)、陳玥米(Yue-Mi Chen)、蔡榮宗(Rong-Tzong Tsai)、蔡長海(Chang-Hai Tsai)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)*,Dryocrassin suppresses immunostimulatory function of dendritic cells and prolongs skin allograft survival,CELL TRANSPLANTATION,2014 Apr,23(4-5):641-656 2014 . 04
46 邱紹智(Shao-Chih Chiu)、莊皓宇(Hao-Che Chuang)、周德陽(Der-Yang Cho)、詹子民(Tzu-Min Chan)、劉銘超(Ming-Chao Liu)、黃祥銘(Hiang-Ming Huang)、李宗祐(Tsyng-You Li)、林建勇(Jian-Yong Lin)、周沛昌(Pei-Chang Chou)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、楊文光(Wen-Kuang Yang)、韓鴻志(Horng-Jyh Harn)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)*,Therapeutic potential of MicroRNA let-7: tumor suppression or impeding normal stemness,CELL TRANSPLANTATION,2014 Apr,23(4/5):459-469 2014 . 04
47 (Chia-Hui Liu)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、(Shyh-Jer Huang)、(Cheng-Hsuan Chang)、黃毓銓(Yu-Chuen Huang)、陳世殷(Shih-Yin, Chen)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)*,Salvianolic Acid B Maintained Stem Cell Pluripotency and Increased Proliferation Rate by Activating Jak2/Stat3 Combined With EGFR-Erk1/2 Pathways,CELL TRANSPLANTATION,2014 Mar,23(0):0-0 2014 . 03
48 劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、吳東川(Dong Chuan Wu)、(Chien-Yu Hsu)、(Cheng-Hsuan Chang)、李瑋、(Yu-Da Lee)、(Chia Hui Liu)、(Ying-Jiun Chien)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)*,Mouse induced pluripotent stem cells generated under hypoxic conditions in the absence of viral infection and oncogenic factors and used for ischemic stroke therapy,STEM CELLS AND DEVELOPMENT,2014 Feb,23(4):421-433 2014 . 02
49 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*、韓鴻志(Horng-Jyh Harn)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、陳昌熙(Chang-Shi Chen)、張文琳(Wen-Lin Chang)、陳玥米(Yue-Mi Chen)、黃靖恩(Jing-En Huang)、李鎔竹(Rong-Jhu Li)、蔡松祐(Sung-Yu Tsai)、洪慧珊(Huey-Shan Hung)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)、(Yu-Chi Wang)*,n-Butylidenephthalide Protects Against Dopaminergic Neuron Degeneration and alpha-Synuclein Accumulation in Caenorhabditis elegans Models of Parkinson’s Disease,PLoS One,2014 Jan,9(1):e85305 2014 . 01
50 劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)*、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、黃毓銓(Yu-Chuen Huang)、陳世殷(Shih-Yin, Chen)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)*,Stem Cell Applications for Parkinson’s Disease,Adaptive Medicine,2013 Dec,5(4):162-170 2013 . 12
51 黃士哲(Huang Shyh-Jer)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、鍾國屏(Gwo-Ping Jong)、邱永偉(Yung-Wei Chiu)、吳曉舒(Hsiao-Su Wu)、鄒永恩(Yung-An Tsou)、鄭朝文(Chao-Wen Cheng)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)*,Adipose-Derived Stem Cells: Isolation, Characterization and Differentiation Potential.,CELL TRANSPLANTATION,2013 Apr,22(4):701-710 2013 . 04
52 劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、黃士哲(Huang Shyh-Jer)、黃毓銓(Yu-Chuen Huang)、陳世殷(Shih-Yin, Chen)、張丞軒(Cheng-Hsuan Chang)、劉佳慧(Cha-Hui Liou)、蔡長海(Chang-Hai Tsai)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)*,Stem Cell Applications in Regenerative Medicine for Neurological Disorders,CELL TRANSPLANTATION,2013 Apr,22(4):631-637 2013 . 04
53 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、黃士哲(Huang Shyh-Jer)、陳鴻仁(Hung-Jen Chen)、陳品儒(Pin-Ru Chen)、林雅賢(Ya-Hsien Lin)、何于塵(Yu-Chen Ho)、張文琳(Wen-Lin Chang)、蔡長海(Chang-Hai Tsai)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)*,Aberrant Alternative Splicing Events in Parkinson’s Disease,CELL TRANSPLANTATION,2013 Apr,22(4):653-661 2013 . 04
54 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*、王羽淇(Yu-Chi Wang)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、朱清良(Ching-Liang Chu)、蔡榮宗(Rong-Tzong Tsai)、何于塵(Yu-Chen Ho)、張文琳(Wen-Lin Chang)、邱紹智(Shao-Chih Chiu)、韓鴻志(Horng-Jyh Harn)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)*,Acetylcorynoline Impairs the Maturation of Mouse Bone Marrow-Derived Dendritic Cells via Suppression of IkB Kinase and Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Activities,PLoS One,2013 Mar,8(3):e58398 2013 . 03
55 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、朱清良(Ching-Liang Chu)、林雅賢(Ya-Hsien Lin)、何于塵(Yu-Chen Ho)、邱紹智(Shao-Chih Chiu)、林維勇(Wei-Yong Lin)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)*,Myricetin attenuates lipopolysaccharide-stimulated activation of mouse bone marrow-derived dendritic cells through suppression of IKK/NF-κB and MAPK signaling pathways,JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE,2013 Jan,93(1):76-84 2013 . 01
56 劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)*、韓鴻志(Horng-Jyh Harn)、(Ying-Jiun Chien)、(Cheng-Hsuan Chang)、(Chien-Yu Hsu)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、黃毓銓(Yu-Chuen Huang)、陳世殷(Shih-Yin, Chen)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)*,n-Butylidenephthalide (BP) maintains stem cell pluripotency by activating Jak2/Stat3 pathway and increases the efficiency of iPS cells generation,PLoS One,2012 Sep,7(9):e44024-e44024 2012 . 09
57 劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、黃毓銓(Yu-Chuen Huang)、陳世殷(Shih-Yin, Chen)、簡瀅珺、許千祐、蔡長海(Chang-Hai Tsai)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)*、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)*,Induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) Cell Research Overview,CELL TRANSPLANTATION,2011 Mar,20(1):15-19 2011 . 03
58 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、(Yu-Chi Wang)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、黃競懋(Chin-Mao Huang)、康蕓涵(Yun-Han Kang)、蔡長海(Chang-Hai Tsai)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)*、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)*,Differentiation of Stem Cells: Strategies for Modifying Surface Biomaterials,CELL TRANSPLANTATION,2011 Mar,20(1):37-47 2011 . 03
59 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)*、韓鴻志(Horng-Jyh Harn)、朱清良(Ching-Liang Chu)、黃競懋(Chin-Mao Huang)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、王羽淇(Yu-Chi Wang)、林雅賢(Ya-Hsien Lin)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin),Lipopolysaccharide-stimulated activation of murine DC2.4 cells is attenuated by n-butylidenephthalide through suppression of the NF-κB pathway,BIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS,2011 Jan,33(5):903-910 2011 . 01
60 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、歐振偉(Chen-Wei Ou)、黃競懋(Chin-Mao Huang)、王羽淇(Yuchi Wang)*,Spatial control of cells, peptide delivery, and dynamic monitoring of cellular physiology with chitosan-assisted dual-color quantum dot FRET peptides,Acta Biomaterialia,2010 Sep,6(9):3621-3629 2010 . 09
61 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、歐振偉(Chen-Wei Ou)、尤綉慧(Hsiu-Hui Yu)、李國偉(Kuo-Wei Li)、蔡長海(Chang-Hai Tsai)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)*、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)*,Alternative Splicing Modulates Stem Cell Differentiation,CELL TRANSPLANTATION,2009 Dec,18(9):1029-1038 2009 . 12
62 劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、尤慧(Hsiu-Hui Yu)、李國瑋(Kuo-Wei Li)、蔡長海(Chang-Hai Tsai)、徐偉成(Woei-Cherng Shyu)*、林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin)*,MicroRNAs Regulation Modulated Self-Renewal and Lineage Differentiation of Stem Cells,CELL TRANSPLANTATION,2009 Dec,18(9):1039-1045 2009 . 12
63 唐張潔如(Chieh-Ju C. Tang)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、吳國盛(Kuo-Sheng Wu)、許文彬(Wen-Bin Hsu)、唐堂(Tang K. Tang)*,CPAP is a cell-cycle regulated protein that controls centriole length,NATURE CELL BIOLOGY,2009 Jul,11(7):825-831 2009 . 07
64 蔡榮宗(Rong-Tzong Tsai)、曾紀綱(Chi-Kang Tseng)、李佩容(Pei-Jung Lee)、陳信舟(Hsin-Chou Chen)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、張凱鈞(Kae-Jiun Chang)、葉富隆(Fu-Lung Yeh)、鄭淑珍(Soo-Chen Cheng)*,Dynamic interaction of Ntr1-Ntr2 with Prp43 and with U5 govern the recruitment of Prp43 to mediate spliceosome disassembly,MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY,2007 Dec,27(23):8027-8037 2007 . 12
65 蔡榮宗(Rong-Tzong Tsai)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、葉富隆(Fu-Lung Yeh)、曾紀綱(Chi-Kang Tseng)、林雨潔(Yu-Chieh Lin)、黃聿忻(Yu-Hsin Huang)、鄭淑珍(Soo-Chen Cheng)*,Spliceosome disassembly catalyzed by Prp43 and its associated components Ntr1 and Ntr2,GENES & DEVELOPMENT,2005 Dec,19(24):2991-3003 2005 . 12
66 王羽淇(Yu-Chi Wang)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、謝學真(Hsyue-Jen Hsieh)、趙湘台(Hsiang-Tai Chao)、高淑慧(Shu-Huei Kao)*,Polyglycolic acid/chitosan glue and apoptosis of endometriotic cells,FERTILITY AND STERILITY,2005 Jul,84(1):75-81 2005 . 07
67 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、王愛玉(Ai-Yu Wang)、王羽淇(Yu-Chi Wang)、宋賢一(Hsien-Yi Sung)*,A cDNA encoding vacuolar type beta-D-fructofuranosidase (Os beta fruct3) of rice and its expression in Pichia pastoris,BIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS,2003 Sep,25(18):1525-1530 2003 . 09
68 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、王元良(Yuan-Liang Wang)、宋賢一(Hsien-Yi Sung)*,Cloning, characterization and functional expression of a new β-D-fructofuranosidase (Osβfruct2) cDNA from Oryza sativa,BIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS,2003 Mar,25(6):455-459 2003 . 03
69 蕭正忠(Cheng-Chung Hsiao)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、宋賢一(Hsien-Yi Sung)*,A novel bound form of plant invertase in rice suspension cells,Botanical Studies,2002 Jun,43(2):115-122 2002 . 06
70 傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、王永樑(Yung-Liang Wang)、宋賢一(Hsien-Yi Sung)*,Review: Biochemical and molecular biological studies of plant invertases,Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry,2002 Mar,4(1):1-7 2002 . 03


研討會論文/Conference Papers
1 Poly-proline-arginine blocked the nucleocytoplasmic transport of axon regeneration factor ATF3 through decreasing Pom121 and Importin b1 interaction,The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (JNS),Sendai,2023.08.01~2023.08.04, 2023 . 08
2 The relationship of Sigma-1 receptor and Pom121 with baffled nuclear import of ATF3 in poly-PR-induced C9orf72-ALS,The 4th International Taiwanese congress of Neurology & Annual Meeting of Taiwan Neurological Society,Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan,2023.04.14~2023.04.16, 2023 . 04
3 用乾酪乳桿菌提取物誘導出川崎氏症小鼠模型並觀察其運動行為變化,台灣兒科醫學會第254藉學術演講會,台北國際會議中心,2023.04.22~2023.04.23, 2023 . 04
4 Impaired Nucleocytoplasmic Transport of ATF3 Induced by Poly-Proline-Arginine Correlates with Motoneuronal Pom121 in C9orf72/ALS,第37屆生物醫學聯合學術年會,國防醫學院,2023.03.18~2023.03.19, 2023 . 03
5 Proline-Arginine Dipeptide Repeat Proteins Destroy Nucleocytoplasmic Transport Function through Decreasing Nucleoporin POM121 Expression,2022 The Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Autumn Camp,新竹北埔,2022.11.4 ~2022.11.6 , 2022 . 11
6 The role of irisin in C9orf72-associated dipeptide repeats neurotoxicity in iPSC-derived neurons and animal models of ALS,International conference on advanced technology innovation 2019 (ICATI 2019),日本札幌 Hotel Emisia Sapporo,2019.07.15~2019.07.18, 2019 . 07
7 Neuroprotective Role of Narcissoside in Pharmacological and Transgenic C. elegans Models of Parkinson ’s disease by Activated Autophagy and Inhibited Apoptosis Pathways,3rd World Congress and Expo on Traditional and Alternative Medicine (Traditional Medicine-2019),Hotel NH Collection Berlin Mitte am Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin,2019.06.06~2019.06.08, 2019 . 06
8 Maackiain Attenuates -Synuclein Accumulation and Improves 6-OHDA-Induced Dopaminergic Neuron Degeneration in Parkinson ’s disease Animal Model,19. world academy of science, engineering and technology conference proceedings (19th International Conference on Advanced Design),Novotel Zurich Airport Messe Lindbergh-Platz 1, 8152 Glattpark, Zurich, Switzerland,2017.07.27~2017.07.28, 2017 . 07
9 以秀麗隱桿線蟲模型研究α-eleostearic acid 抗老化功能,第43屆台灣營養學會暨台灣運動營養學會聯合年會,弘光科技大學,2017.05.19~2017.05.20, 2017 . 05
10 THE ROLE OF SULFIDE QUINONE REDUCTASE-LIKE PROTEIN (SQRDL) IN C90RF72-ASSOCIATED ALS,2016 汎太平洋幹細胞及癌症研究研討會 (1),台灣台中裕元花園酒店,2016.05.14~2016.05.16, 2016 . 05
12 n-Butylidenephthalide Combined with Low-Dose tPA Improves Thromobolytic Therapy in a Thromboembolic Stroke Model of Mouse,2016 2nd International Conference on Biotechnology and Agriculture Engineering,HOTEL SUNROUTE PLAZA SHINJUKU, TOKYO,2016.04.08~2016.04.09, 2016 . 04
13 Using the event of alternative splicing of DMTF1 as a potential target for the development of clinical diagnostic/prognostic tools and therapeutic approaches for Parkinson's disease,第31屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 (1),國防醫學院,2016.03.26~2016.03.27, 2016 . 03
14 Using Irisflorentin-Induced Regulatory Dendritic Cells as An Anti-inflammatory Tool and Therapeutic Protein Carriers in Mouse Model of In Situ Thromboembolic Stroke,第31屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 (2),國防醫學院,2016.03.26~2016.03.27, 2016 . 03
15 Therapeutic Effect of ADSC Stimulated by HK-002 in Mouse Thromboembolic Stroke Model,2015泛太平洋國際幹細胞及癌症研究研討會,Sheraton Hsinchu Hotel,2015.04.11~2015.04.13, 2015 . 04
16 Dryocrassin attenuates 6-OHDA-induced dopaminergic neuron degeneration and improves -synuclein accumulation, implication for Parkinson’s disease therapy,第30屆生物醫學聯合學術會議,國防醫學院,2015.03.21~2015.03.21, 2015 . 03
17 Acetylcorynoline Combined with Low-Dose tPA Improves Thrombolytic Therapy in a Mouse Model of In Situ Thromboembolic Stroke,第30屆生物醫學聯合學術年會(2),國防醫學院,2015.03.21~2015.03.22, 2015 . 03
18 Dryocrassin Suppresses Immunostimulatory Function of Dendritic Cells and Prolongs Skin Allograft Survival,ICVI2014: International Conference on Vaccine and ISV,Holiday Inn Paris Montparnasse, Paris, France,2014.06.26~2014.06.27, 2014 . 06
19 A novel splice variant of BCAS1 that promotes glioblastoma cell proliferation and migration via dynein-mediated pathway,International Conference on Molecular Biology and Biomedicine,日本東京成田機場東武酒店,2014.05.29~2014.05.30, 2014 . 05
20 Irisflorentin prevents dopaminergic neuron degeneration and a-synuclein accumulation in animal models of Parkinson's disease,第29屆生物醫學聯合學術年會,國防醫學院,2014.03.15~2014.03.16, 2014 . 03
21 The novel iPS cells generated under hypoxic conditions in the absence of viral infection and oncogenic factors and used for the ischemic stroke therapy,The 2013 stem cell event trilogy,英國倫敦,2013.06.04~2013.06.06, 2013 . 06
23 Acetylcorynoline, a potential anti-parkinsonian phytocompound in pharmacological and transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans models of Parkinson's disease,第六屆泛太平洋國際幹細胞及癌症研究研討會,Sheraton Hsinchu Hotel,2013.04.13~2013.04.15, 2013 . 04
24 Irisflorentin attenuates the maturation and function of mouse bone marrow-derived dendritic cells through blocking of IKK/NF-kB and MAPK activities,一○二年度第二十八屆生物醫學聯合學術年會,國防醫學院,2013.03.23~2013.03.24, 2013 . 03
25 Acetylcorynoline Impairs the Maturation of Mouse Bone Marrow-Derived Dendritic Cells,JST-CREST International Symposium,Hitotsubashi Memorial Hall, Tokyo, Japan,2013.02.12~2013.02.13, 2013 . 02
26 Oxymatrin, a potential anti-Parkinsonian phytocompound in transgenic and pharmacological Caenorhabditis elegans models of Parkinson's disease,5th East Asia C. elegans Meeting,Chientan Overseas Youth Activity Center, Taipei, Taiwan,2012.06.27~2012.06.30, 2012 . 06
27 Salvianolic acid B maintains stem cell pluripotency and increase it’s proliferation rate by activating Jak2/Stat3 and the EGFR-ERK1/2 pathways.,第27屆生物醫學聯合學術年會,國防醫學院,2012.03.17~2012.03.18, 2012 . 03
28 Cordycepin maintained the pluripotency of ES and iPS cells by activating ECM and Jak2-Stat3 signalin,2011 FAOPS Satellite Symposium on Alternative (Herbal) Medicine,中國醫藥大學,2011.09.10~2011.09.10, 2011 . 09
29 N-Butylidenephthalide (BP) maintained the pluripotency of embryonic stem and induced pluripotent stem cells by activating Jak2/Stat3 pathway,International Society for Stem Cell Research 9th Annual Meeting,Toronto, Ontario Canada,2011.06.15~2011.06.18, 2011 . 06
30 Study of alternative splicing events of TPD52L2 in glioblastoma,RNA 2011 Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the RNA Society,The Kyoto International Conference Center, Japan,2011.06.14~2011.06.18, 2011 . 06
31 Characterization and functional study of CPAP-associated protein-1(CPAPAP-1) in NF-κB-mediated transcriptional activation,IMMUNOLOGY 2011, the 98th AAI Annual Meeting,Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA, USA,2011.05.13~2011.05.17, 2011 . 05
32 Butylidenephthalide (BP) maintained the pluripotency of iPS cells by activating Jak-STAT3 pathway,第26屆生物醫學聯合學術年會,國防醫學院,2011.03.19~2011.03.20, 2011 . 03
33 Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated Activation of Murine DC2.4 Cells Is Attenuated By n-Butylidenephthalide Through Suppression of the NF-κB Pathway,第26屆生物醫學聯合學術年會,國防醫學院,2011.03.19~2011.03.20, 2011 . 03
34 ,中華民國中西結合神經醫學會第三屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會,善導教育中心6樓,2010.12.05~2010.12.05,漸凍人的幹細胞基因療法 2010 . 12
35 Traditional chinese herbal medicine modulate maturation and function of dendritic cells,第十八屆細胞及分子生物新知研討會,墾丁悠活麗緻渡假村,2010.01.20~2010.01.22, 2010 . 01
36 Pluripotent stem cells induced from mouse embryonic fibroblast by reprogrammed with hypoxia and two factors,第十八屆細胞及分子生物新知研討會,墾丁悠活度假村,2010.01.20~2010.01.22, 2010 . 01
37 Induction of pluripotent stem cells from mouse fibroblasts by trans-acting splicing factors,2009國際幹細胞與再生醫學研討會,陽明大學,2009.10.23~2009.10.24, 2009 . 10


1 李英雄(Ying-shiung Lee)、黄琮竣(Tsurng-Juhn Huang)、張顥騰(Hao-Teng Chang)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、陸志豪(Chih-Hao Lu),演化系統生物學,中國醫藥大學,2011.1 2011 . 01


研究計畫/Research Grant
1 個別型,CMU113-S-18,,本校(含附醫),探討來自C9-ALS之脯胺酸-精胺酸二胜肽重複蛋白質對於誘發cGAS-STING 關聯之神經發炎的機轉及以此建立潛在的治療策略在C9-ALS小鼠及其誘導性多能幹細胞衍生之小膠質細胞模型上,2024.12.19~2025.7.31 2024 . 12
2 學生參與計畫,CMU113-SR-51,,本校(含附醫),在SH-SY5Y 細胞內建構野生型及A53T突變型-突觸核蛋白質誘導性表達系統以作為巴金森氏症研究及藥物開發的簡易平台,2024.8.1~2025.2.28 2024 . 08
3 個別型,DMR-112-122,陳春忠(Chen,Chun-Chung),附醫院內計畫,研究膠質母細胞瘤專一的聚(rC)結合蛋白質4基因 (PCBP4) 之新型選擇性剪接變體的的致瘤潛力利用細胞、原位異體移植及轉基因之小鼠模型,2022.8.1~2023.7.31 2022 . 08
4 個別型,CMU111-MF-35,,本校(含附醫),研究似羥基類固醇 11-β 脫氫酶 1 基因 (HSD11B1L) 之新型選擇性剪接變體在膠質母細胞瘤上的致瘤潛力並以此建立診斷/預後與臨床治療的方法利用原位異體移植及轉基因之小鼠模型,2022.8.22~2023.7.31 2022 . 08
5 個別型,MOST 111-2314-B-039-074,,科技部,研究似羥基類固醇 11-β 脫氫酶 1 基因 (HSD11B1L) 之新型選擇性剪接變體在膠質母細胞瘤上的致瘤潛力並以此建立診斷/預後與臨床治療的方法利用原位異體移植及轉基因之小鼠模型,2022.8.1~2023.7.31 2022 . 08
6 個別型,CMU110-MF-89,,本校(含附醫),探討C1QBP蛋白質對於小神經膠質細胞內A53T突變之α-突觸核蛋白所誘導的NF-кB活性上之角色利用帕金森氏症小鼠模型及其誘導性多能幹細胞衍生之小神經膠質細胞,2021.8.1~2022.7.31 2021 . 08
7 個別型,DMR-111-140,劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu),附醫院內計畫,探討C6orf203蛋白質在A53T突變之α-突觸核蛋白刺激之小神經膠質細胞內NF-кB介導的發炎活性上之角色在帕金森氏症小鼠模型及其誘導性多能幹細胞衍生之小神經膠質細胞上,2021.8.1~2022.7.31 2021 . 08
8 個別型,MOST 110-2314-B-039-040,林欣榮,科技部,探討C1QBP蛋白質對於小神經膠質細胞內A53T突變之α-突觸核蛋白所誘導的NF-кB活性上之角色利用帕金森氏症小鼠模型及其誘導性多能幹細胞衍生之小神經膠質細胞,2021.8.1~2022.7.31 2021 . 08
9 個別型,DMR-110-132,劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu),附醫院內計畫,C1QBP蛋白質在C9orf72關聯之聚脯胺酸-精胺酸二胜肽重複蛋白質所誘導的發炎小體活性上扮演之角色在肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症的誘導性多能幹細胞系出之小神經膠質細胞及動物模型上,2020.8.1~2021.7.31 2020 . 08
10 個別型,MOST 109-2314-B-039-026,劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、林欣榮,科技部,BCAS1蛋白質及其基因的選擇性剪切事件在肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症C9orf72突變關聯之脯胺酸-精胺酸二胜肽重複蛋白質所誘導的發炎小體活性上扮演之角色在誘導性多能幹細胞系出之小神經膠質細胞及動物模型上,2020.8.1~2021.7.31 2020 . 08
11 學生參與計畫,109-2813-C-039-070-B,,科技部,評估中草藥植化物高麗槐素阻斷新型冠狀病毒對宿主感染力之效用,2020.7.1~2021.2.28 2020 . 07
12 個別型,DMR-109-123,劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu),附醫院內計畫,乳腺癌擴增序列1 (BCAS1) 在發炎體關聯之α-突觸核蛋白病上扮演之角色在帕金森氏症的誘導性多能幹細胞系出之小膠質細胞及動物模型上,2019.8.1~2020.7.31 2019 . 08
13 個別型,MOST 108-2314-B-039-025-,劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu),科技部,環核苷酸結合結構域包含蛋白-2 (CNBD2) 在發炎體關聯之α-突觸核蛋白病上扮演之角色在帕金森氏症的誘導性多能幹細胞系出之小膠質細胞及動物模型上,2019.8.1~2020.7.31 2019 . 08
14 個別型,DMR-108-101,劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu),附醫院內計畫,鳶尾素(Irisin)在C9orf72關聯二胜肽重複蛋白質的神經毒性上扮演之角色在肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症(ALS)的誘導性多能幹細胞系出之神經細胞及動物模型上,2018.8.1~2019.7.31 2018 . 08
15 個別型,MOST 105-2314-B-039-017-MY3,林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin),科技部,似硫化物醌還原酶 (SQRDL)在C9orf72關聯二胜肽重複蛋白質的神經毒性上扮演之角色在肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症(ALS)的誘導性多能幹細胞系出之神經細胞及動物模型上,2018.8.1~2019.7.31 2018 . 08
16 個別型,DMR-107-106,劉詩平(Liu, Shih-Ping),附醫院內計畫,利用SQRDL基因的選擇性剪接事件當作潛在的標靶建立帕金森氏症之臨床診斷/預後的工具和治療的方法,2017.8.1~2018.7.31 2017 . 08
17 個別型,MOST 105-2314-B-039-017-MY3,林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin),科技部,似硫化物醌還原酶 (SQRDL)在C9orf72關聯二胜肽重複蛋白質的神經毒性上扮演之角色在肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症(ALS)的誘導性多能幹細胞系出之神經細胞及動物模型上,2017.8.1~2018.7.31 2017 . 08
18 個別型,MOST 105-2314-B-039-017-MY3,林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin),科技部,似硫化物醌還原酶 (SQRDL)在C9orf72關聯二胜肽重複蛋白質的神經毒性上扮演之角色在肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症(ALS)的誘導性多能幹細胞系出之神經細胞及動物模型上,2016.8.1~2017.7.31 2016 . 08
19 個別型,DMR-106-076,,附醫院內計畫,中心體蛋白質4.1 關聯之蛋白質 (CPAP) 在C9orf72關聯二胜肽重複蛋白質的神經毒性上扮演之角色在肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症(ALS)的誘導性多能幹細胞系出之神經細胞及動物模型上,2016.8.1~2017.7.31 2016 . 08
20 個別型,DMR-105-058,林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin),附醫院內計畫,在小鼠原位血栓栓塞中風模型中使用次野鳶尾黃素誘導之調節性樹突細胞當作抗發炎的工具及治療蛋白質的載體,2015.8.1~2016.7.31 2015 . 08
21 個別型,MOST 104-2314-B-039-026,林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin),科技部,在小鼠原位血栓栓塞中風模型中使用源自於誘導性多能幹細胞之調節性樹突細胞當作抗發炎的工具及治療性蛋白質的載體,2015.8.1~2016.7.31 2015 . 08
22 個別型,MOST 103-2314-B-039-025,,科技部,利用CLASP1基因的選擇性剪接事件當作潛在的標靶建立帕金森氏症之臨床診斷/預後的工具和治療的方法,2014.8.1~2015.7.31 2014 . 08
23 個別型,DMR-104-052,林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin),附醫院內計畫,利用DMTF1基因的選擇性剪接事件當作潛在的標靶建立帕金森氏症之臨床診斷/預後的工具和治療的方法,2014.8.1~2015.7.31 2014 . 08
24 產學合作,102426CT,劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、韓鴻志(Horng-Jyh Harn)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu),台灣粒線體應用技術股份有限公司,以小鼠帕金森氏症模型評估HK-001活化脂肪幹細胞及周邊血液單核球以治療帕金森氏症之效力,2014.6.1~2015.5.30 2014 . 06
25 產學合作,10242643,韓鴻志(Horng-Jyh Harn)、劉詩平(Shih-Ping Liu)、傅如輝(Ru-Huei Fu),,以小鼠原位血栓栓塞中風模型評估HK-002活化脂肪幹細胞以治療中風之效力,2013.11.1~2015.8.31 2013 . 11
26 個別型,DMR-103-054,林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin),附醫院內計畫,利用秀麗隱桿線蟲模型研究乙酰紫堇醇靈鹼之抗帕金森氏症效力,2013.8.1~2014.7.31 2013 . 08
27 個別型,101-2314-B-039-010-MY2,林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin),科技部,利用SRRM2基因的選擇性剪接事件建立帕金森氏症之診斷/預後的方法和治療的策略,2013.8.1~2014.7.31 2013 . 08
28 個別型,DMR-102-054,林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin),附醫院內計畫,利用 PSMB4 基因的選擇性剪接事件建立帕金森氏症之診斷/預後的方法和治療的策略,2012.8.1~2013.6.30 2012 . 08
29 個別型,101-2314-B-039-010-MY2,林欣榮(Shinn-Zong Lin),科技部,利用SRRM2基因的選擇性剪接事件建立帕金森氏症之診斷/預後的方法和治療的策略,2012.8.1~2013.7.31 2012 . 08
30 學生參與計畫,CMU100-SR-34,,本校(含附醫),G93A突變的Cu/Zn過氧化物岐化酶(SOD1)之蛋白體學研究,2011.8.1~2012.2.29 2011 . 08
31 個別型,NSC100-2314-B-039-036-,,科技部,利用BCAS1基因的選擇性剪接事件建立神經膠母細胞瘤之診斷/預後的方法和治療的策略,2011.8.1~2012.7.31 2011 . 08
32 學生參與計畫,NSC 100-2815-C-039-036-B,,科技部,G93A突變的Cu/Zn過氧化物岐化酶(SOD1)之蛋白體學研究,2011.7.1~2012.2.29 2011 . 07
33 個別型,NSC 98-2320-B-039-043-MY2,,科技部,定性及功能性研究新奇的 CPAP 結合蛋白質-1 (CPAPAP-1) 在 NF- KAPPAB 調節的轉錄活性,2010.8.1~2011.7.31 2010 . 08
34 個別型,CMU98-N2-01,,本校(含附醫),神經膠母細胞瘤中 TPD52L2基因的選擇性剪接事件之研究,2010.4.1~2011.3.31 2010 . 04
35 個別型,CMU98-CT-31,,本校(含附醫),Genetic regulation of GlyT-1: pre-mRNA splicing,2009.12.1~2010.11.30 2009 . 12
36 個別型,NSC 98-2320-B-039-043-MY2,,科技部,定性及功能性研究新奇的 CPAP 結合蛋白質-1 (CPAPAP-1) 在 NF- KAPPAB 調節的轉錄活性,2009.10.1~2011.7.31 2009 . 10
37 個別型,DMR-98-138,,附醫院內計畫,定性及功能性研究新的CPAP結合蛋白質(CPAPAP-1)與神經發育失調及T 細胞活化的關係,2009.5.18~2009.12.31 2009 . 05





