骨髓炎是一種致病微生物所引起的骨骼及骨髓組織的感染和發炎 。常因交通事故受到意外傷害引起,也可能是開放性骨折或槍彈傷後細菌直接進入骨頭而發生。
骨髓炎於急性期若未完全治癒容易復發,繼而轉變為慢性骨髓炎。好發於成人,革蘭氏陽、陰性桿菌 (Staphylococcus Epidermis, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa) 都是常見的病菌。病程是漸進式的,在此病中膿液可能積聚在骨髓腔,造成骨頭缺血並迫使細菌進入血管及骨頭腔隙中。
骨髓炎是一種難纏的慢性疾病,經常再復發,可能須經過數月或數年漫長的治療過程,接受一次又一次的手術、注射藥劑。根據文獻記載及臨床報告,手術、抗生素和高壓氧對頑強難治的骨髓炎 (refractory osteomyelitis) 之治癒率可達百分之六十至八十。高壓氧輔助治療可以提升慢性骨髓炎包括:細菌性脊椎骨髓炎 (Bacterial Spinal Osteomyelitis) 治癒率 。
HBOT is an adjunctive therapy and should be used along with antibiotics and surgical debridement.
Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2), when combined with appropriate antibiotics, nutritional support, surgical debridement and reconstruction, provides a useful clinical adjunct in the management of refractory bone infections.
Overall, the addition of HBO2 therapy to the clinical management of previously refractory osteomyelitis produces infection arrest rates in approximately 80% of cases.
Role of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the Treatment of Bacterial Spinal Osteomyelitis. J Neurosurg Spine. 2009 Jan;10(1):16-20