
Doctor Introduction



Tsung-Chun Huang
Tsung-Chun Huang


黃宗君 Tsung-Chun Huang

醫療專長: 1.乳房術後重建 2.頭頸癌重建手術 3.顯微重建手術 4.手外科重建手術 醫學美容專長: 1.隆乳手術 2.眼皮手術 3.雷射 4.微整注射


期刊論文/Journal Paper
1 黃宗君(Tsung-Chun Huang)*、李建智(LEE JIAN-JR)、楊國輝(Kuo-Hui Yang)、周家卉(Chia-Hui Chou)、張育禎(CHANG YU-CHEN),Transaxillary Capsulorrhaphy with Reimplantation to Correct Bottoming-Out Deformity in Breast Mycobacterial Periprosthetic Infection: A Case Report with Literature Review,Archives of Plastic Surgery,2023 Jun,2023(): 2023 . 06
2 陳信翰(Hsin-Han Chen)、黃宗君(Tsung-Chun Huang)*、許永昌(Yung-Chang,Hsu)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen),Prospective clinical trial comparing barbed dermal suture and interrupted suture closure of the anterolateral thigh flap donor site in a Taiwanese population based on the Vancouver scar scale and the patient and observer scar assessment scale,Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,2021 Nov,74(11):3201-3203 2021 . 11
3 Ben-Arie Eya(Ben-Arie Eyal)、魏子軒(Tzu-Hsuan Wei)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、黃宗君(Tsung-Chun Huang)、何文照(Ho,Wen-Chao)、張丘明(Chiu-Ming Chang)、高佩玉(Pei-Yu Kao)*、李育臣(Yu-Chen Lee)*,Digestion-Specific Acupuncture Effect on Feeding Intolerance in Critically Ill Post-Operative Oral and Hypopharyngeal Cancer Patients: A Single-Blind Randomized Control Trial,Nutrients,2021 Jun,13(6): 2021 . 06
4 冉唯令(Wei-Ling Jan)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、張長正(Chang-Cheng Chang)*、陳信翰(Hsin-Han Chen)、施秉庚(Pin-Keng Shih)、黃宗君(Tsung-Chun Huang),Modified Clavien–Dindo Classification and Outcome Prediction in Free Flap Reconstruction among Patients with Head and Neck Cancer,Journal of Clinical Medicine,2020 Nov,9(11):3770 2020 . 11
5 劉恩瑋(En-Wei Liu)、黃宗君(Tsung-Chun Huang)、施秉庚(Pin-Keng Shih)、陳信翰(Hsin-Han Chen)、張長正(Chang-Cheng Chang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Secondary Reconstruction of Vaginal Agenesis with Bilateral Island Singapore Flaps -- Case Report and Review of The Literature,臺灣整形外科醫學會雜誌,2019 Sep,28(3):218-226 2019 . 09
6 黃宗君(Tsung-Chun Huang)、鄭宇凱(Yu-Kai Cheng)、陳宗偉(Tsung-Wei Chen)、許永昌(Hsu Yung-Chang)、劉恩瑋(En-Wei Liu)、陳信翰(Hsin-Han Chen)*,A ‘silent’ skull metastatic follicular thyroid carcinoma mimicking as a benign scalp tumor in a pregnant woman,Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Case Reports,2017 ,(): 2017 .
7 (Pedro Ciudad)、(Shivprasad Date)、(Oscar J Manrique)、(Wei-Ling Chang)、黃宗君(Tsung-Chun Huang)、(Tsung-Wei Chen)、(Fabio Nicoli)、(Michelle Maruccia)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Recurrent Advanced Lower Extremity Lymphedema Following Initial Successful Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer: A Clinical and Histopathological Analysis,Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery,2016 Dec,44(1):87-89 2016 . 12
8 黃宗君(Tsung-Chun Huang)、李宗勳(Tzong-Shiun Li)、(Hui-Chin Weng)、劉家瑋(Ka-Wai Li)、(Pedro, Ciudad)、(Matthew Sze Wei Yeo)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Sling suspension using the anterior third of the temporalis muscle extended with tendon graft to correct oral incontinence after free flap reconstruction in cases of a major defect of the lower lip muscle,HEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK,2016 May,():1-29 2016 . 05
9 黃宗君(Tsung-Chun Huang)、許永昌(Hsu Yung-Chang)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)、張家寧(Sophia Chia-Ning Chang)、陳信翰(Hsin-Han Chen)*,Functional Outcome Analysis After Anterolateral Thigh Flap Reconstruction of Pharyngoesophageal Defect.,ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY,2015 Aug,75(2):174-179-2013接受 2015 . 08
10 黃宗君(Tsung-Chun Huang)、劉家瑋(Ka-Wei Liu)、陳宏基(Hung-Chi Chen)*,Aesthetic Unit Reconstruction with Anterolateral Thigh Flap after Wide Excision of Facial Dermatomal Vascular Malformation and Hemangioma,中華民國整形外科醫學會雜誌(The Journal of Plastic Surgical Association R.O.C.),2015 Mar,24(1):77-83 2015 . 03
11 黃宗君(Tsung-Chun Huang)、施秉庚(Pin-Keng Shih)、陳信翰(Hsin-Han Chen)、劉家瑋(Ka-Wai Liu)*,Reverse-flow anterolateral thigh flap in reconstruction of radiation related wound dehiscence in the upper leg,中華民國整形外科醫學會雜誌(The Journal of Plastic Surgical Association R.O.C.),2014 Mar,23(1):55-60 2014 . 03


研討會論文/Conference Papers
1 ,台灣整形外科醫學會第22屆第1次會員大會暨學術研討會,台北南港展覽館,2024.12.07~2024.12.08,Single port breast reconstruction with endoscopic bra-flap and latissimus dorsi muscular flap technique to achieve safe and dynamic restoration after primary and salvage mastectomy 2024 . 12
2 Breast cancer reconstruction with bra-flap technique and direct to implant : a four year case series report of smoothsilk implant,Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2024,首爾,2024.04.06~2024.04.07, 2024 . 04
3 Breast cancer reconstruction with SmoothSilk implant and Bra-flap technique: a four-year case series report,台灣整形外科醫學會2023年會,台北南港展覽館,2023.12.16~2023.12.17, 2023 . 12
4 ,台灣乳房腫瘤手術暨重建醫學會2022年會,華南國際會議中心,2022.12.03~2022.12.04,E.B.M (Evident, Beauty, Motivation) breast reconstruction: using a modified dual plane with bra-flap supporting in direct to implant to achieving safe and promising result 2022 . 12
5 E.B.M (Evident, Beauty, Motivation) breast reconstruction: using a modified dual plane with bra-flap supporting in direct to implant to achieving safe and promising result,台灣整形外科醫學會第21屆會員大會暨學術研討會,台北南港展覽館2館,2022.12.17~2022.12.18, 2022 . 12
6 Transaxillary capsular flap capsulorrhaphy to correct Bottoming out deformity in breast mycobacterial periprosthetic infection: a case report with immediate reimplantation,2021 台灣美容外科醫學會國際學術年會 (2021 TSAPS international Anual meeting),台北華南銀行國際會議中心,2021.10.2 ~2021.10.3 , 2021 . 10
7 奈米面義乳(魔滴)在乳癌重建手術的早期經驗-Preliminary experience of breasts cancer reconstruction with nanotextured surface implant (Motiva) in 45 breasts of 34 patients,台灣整形外科醫學會第20屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會,國防醫學院,2020.12.5 ~2020.12.6 , 2020 . 12
8 A 'Silent' Skull Metastatic Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma Mimicking as a Benign Scalp Tumor in a Pregnant Woman.,BIT’s 5th International Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2017,Prague, Czech Republic,2017.05.25~2017.05.27, 2017 . 05









