
Doctor Introduction



Tai-Yi Hsu
Tai-Yi Hsu


許太乙 Tai-Yi Hsu



期刊論文/Journal Paper
1 高志豪(KAO CHIH-HAO)、劉彥宏(Yen-Hung Liu)、陳維恭(Wei-Kung Chen)、黃芬緯(Fen-Wei Huang)、許太乙(Tai-Yi Hsu)、鄭翰聰(Han-Tsung Cheng)、薛博仁(Hsueh, Po-Ren)、蕭瓊子(Chiung-Tzu Hsiao)、吳詩韻(Wu, SHIH-YUN)、施宏謀(Hong-Mo Shih)*,Value of monocyte distribution width for predicting severe cholecystitis: a retrospective cohort study,CLINICAL CHEMISTRY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE,2023 Sep,61(10):1850-1857 2023 . 09
2 周範雅(Debbie)、邱德發(Te-Fa Chiu)、黃芬緯(Fen-Wei Huang)、許太乙(Tai-Yi Hsu)、劉健佑(Chien-Yu Liu)、林金翰(Chin-Han Lin)、黃柏堯(Po-Yao Huang)、林桂名(LIN KUEI-MING)、吳師豪(Wu Shih-Hao)*,The effect of exercise on the risk of metabolic syndrome associated with sleep insufficiency: a cross-sectional study,Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine,2023 Sep,10(1192241): 2023 . 09
3 黃弘欣(HUANG HUNG-HSIN)、(Brendon Stubbs)、陳俐蓉(Li-Jung Chen)、古博文(Po-Wen Ku)、許太乙(Tai-Yi Hsu)、林家葳(Chia-Wei Lin)、翁一銘(Yi-Ming Weng)、吳師豪(Wu Shih-Hao)*,The effect of physical activity on sleep disturbance in various populations: a scoping review of randomized clinical trials,International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity,2023 Apr,44(20): 2023 . 04
4 張長元(Chang Chang Yuan)、許太乙(Tai-Yi Hsu)、何冠頤(Guan-Yi He)、施宏謀(Hong-Mo Shih)、吳師豪(Wu Shih-Hao)、黃芬緯(Fen-Wei Huang)、陳培君(Pei-Chun Chen)、蔡文正(Tsai, Wen-Chen)*,Utility of monocyte distribution width in the differential diagnosis between simple and complicated diverticulitis: a retrospective cohort study,BMC GASTROENTEROLOGY,2023 Mar,23(96):1-10 2023 . 03
5 許太乙(Tai-Yi Hsu)、葉筑菁(Ye, Jhu-Jing)、葉思筠(Yeh, Szu-Yun)、曾筱媛(Tseng, Hsiao-Yuan)、周文鈺(Chou, Wen-Yu)、龔佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*、蔡文正(Tsai, Wen-Chen)*,Disparities in the first-ever diagnosed liver cancers between the emergency department and outpatient department in Taiwan: a population-based study,BMC PUBLIC HEALTH,2023 Feb,23():283 2023 . 02
6 何冠頤(Guan-Yi He)、許太乙(Tai-Yi Hsu)、陳景文(Ching-Wen Cen)、粘峯榕(Feng-Jung Nien)、陳煥源(Huan-Yuan Chen)、朱家瑜(Chia-Yu Chu)、王莉芳(Li-Fang Wang)*,Serum Mediators in Patients with Both Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Pruritus,ACTA DERMATO-VENEREOLOGICA,2023 Feb,103():1-6 2023 . 02
7 朱昌宏(Chang-Hung Chu)、施宏謀(Hong-Mo Shih)、余紹華(Shao-Hua Yu)、張詩聖(Shih-Sheng Chang)、謝季諠(Chi-Hsuan Hsieh)、黃芬緯(Fen-Wei Huang)、許太乙(Tai-Yi Hsu)*,Risk factors for sudden cardiac arrest in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: a retrospective cohort study,BMC EMERGENCY MEDICINE,2022 Oct,22(169):1-9 2022 . 10
8 林家葳(Chia-Wei Lin)、黃虹瑜(Hung-Yu Huang)、郭政宏(Jeng-Hung Guo)、陳威良(Wei-Liang, Chen)、施宏謀(Hong-Mo Shih)、朱學亭(Hsueh-Ting Chu)、(Charles C.N. Wang8)*、許太乙(Tai-Yi Hsu),Does Weekends Effect Exist in Asia? Analysis of Endovascular Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic Stroke in A Medical Center,CURRENT NEUROVASCULAR RESEARCH,2022 Aug,19(2):225-231 2022 . 08
9 郭峻延(KUO CHUN-YEN)、何俊毅(Chun-Yi Ho)、施宏謀(Hong-Mo Shih)、林蔚玲(Wen-Ling Lin)、許太乙(Tai-Yi Hsu)、陳維恭(Wei-Kung Chen)、陳航正(Hang-Cheng Chen)*,Accessory Climbing Routes Associated With More Rescue Operations Than the Main Climbing Route: A Retrospective 12-Year Report of Yushan National Park,WILDERNESS & ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE,2022 Jul,(): 2022 . 07
10 林蔚玲(Wen-Ling Lin)、陳治圩(Chen, Chih-Yu)、許太乙(Tai-Yi Hsu)、陳維恭(Wei-Kung Chen)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、陳航正(Hang-Cheng Chen)*,Hypothyroidism is an independent risk factor for Meniere's disease A population-based cohort study,MEDICINE,2019 Apr,98(15):e15166 2019 . 04
11 陳治圩(Chih-Yu Chen)、許太乙(Tai-Yi Hsu)、陳維恭(Wei-Kung Chen)、莫之欣(Chih-Hsin Muo)、陳航正(Hang-Cheng Chen)*、施宏謀(Hong-Mo Shih)*,The use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in trauma patients: A national case–control study,MEDICINE,2018 Sep,97(36):e12223 2018 . 09
12 何冠頤(Guan-Yi He)、蔡呈芳(Tsen-Fang Tsai)、林橙莉(Cheng-Li Lin)、施宏謀(Hong-Mo Shih)、許太乙(Tai-Yi Hsu)*,Association between sleep disorders and subsequent chronic spontaneous urticaria development: A population-based cohort study,MEDICINE,2018 Aug,97(34): 2018 . 08
13 (Hsiang Yun Lo)、(Lisa Li-Chuan Chen)、(Deng-Huang Su)、(Chung-Hsien Chen)、許太乙(Tai-Yi Hsu)、(Shih-Hao Wang)、(Yi-Ming Weng)、(Cheng-Wei Chan)、(Shih-Hao Wu)、陳航正(Hang-Cheng Chen)、邱德發(Te-Fa Chiu)*,Three-Minute Step Test for Predicting Acute Mountain Sickness: A Post Hoc Analysis of Rhodiola Crenulata Extract for Prevention of Acute Mountain Sickness, a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled,Crossover Trial,Journal of Acute Medicine,2018 Mar,8(1):22-29 2018 . 03
14 沈治戎(Chih-Jung Shen)、高嘉鴻(Kao, Chia-Hung)、許太乙(Tai-Yi Hsu)、陳治圩(Chih-Yu Chen)、林橙莉、施宏謀(Hong-Mo Shih)*,Effect of alcohol intoxication on the risk of venous thromboembolism: A nationwide retrospective cohort study.,MEDICINE,2017 Oct,96(42):e8041 2017 . 10
15 許太乙(Tai-Yi Hsu)、施宏謀(Hong-Mo Shih)、(Yu-Chiao Wang)、(Leng-Chieh Lin)、(Guan-Yi He)、陳治圩(Chih-Yu Chen)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)、陳昭賢(Chao-Hsien Chen)、陳維恭(Wei-Kung Chen)*、楊哲彥(Tse-Yen Yang)*,Effect of Alcoholic intoxication on the Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Nationwide Retrospective Cohort Study,PLoS One,2016 Nov,11(11):e0165411 2016 . 11
16 施宏謀(Hong-Mo Shih)、許太乙(Tai-Yi Hsu)、陳治圩(Chih-Yu Chen)、林橙莉、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)、陳昭賢(Chao-Hsien Chen)、楊哲彥(Tse-Yen Yang)*、陳維恭(Wei-Kung Chen)*,Analysis of Patients with Helicobacter pylori Infection and the Subsequent Risk of Developing Osteoporosis after Eradication Therapy: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study,PLoS One,2016 Sep,11(9):e0162645 2016 . 09
17 陳治圩(Chih-Yu Chen)、(Ju Tsai)、許太乙(Tai-Yi Hsu)、賴琬郁(Wan-Yu Lai)、陳維恭(Wei-Kung Chen)、莫之欣、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,ECMO Used in a Refractory Ventricular Tachycardia and Ventricular Fibrillation Patient: A National Case-Control Study,MEDICINE,2016 Mar,95(13):e3204 2016 . 03
18 詹征禕(Cheng-Wei Chan,)、林瀛州(Yin-Chou Lin)、邱毓惠(Yu-Hui Chiu)、翁一銘(Yi-Ming Weng)、李文正(Wen-Cheng Li)、林育志(Yu-Jr Lin)、王士豪(Shih-Hao Wang)*、許太乙(Tai-Yi Hsu)、黃國峰(Kuo-Feng Huang)、邱德發(Te-Fa Chiu),Incidence and risk factors associated with acute mountain sickness in children trekking on Jade Mountain, Taiwan,JOURNAL OF TRAVEL MEDICINE,2016 Jan,18(23(1)):1-5 2016 . 01
19 許太乙(Tai-Yi Hsu)、(Guan-Yi He)、王昱喬(Wang Yu Chiao)、陳治圩(Chih-Yu Chen)、(Shih-Hao Wang)、陳維恭(Wei-Kung Chen)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Alcohol Use Disorder Increases the Risk of Irritable Bowel Disease: A Nationwide Retrospective Cohort Study.,MEDICINE,2015 Dec,94(51):e2334 2015 . 12
20 許太乙(Tai-Yi Hsu)、翁一銘(Yi-Ming Weng)、邱郁惠(Yu-Hui Chiu)、李文正(Wen-Cheng Li)、陳邦彥(Pan-Yen Chen)、王士豪(Shih-Hao Wang)、黃國峰(Kuo-Feng Huang)、高偉峰(Wei-Fong Kao)、邱德發(Te-Fa Chiu)、陳日昌(Jih-Chang Chen),Rate of ascent and acute mountain sickness at high altitude,CLINICAL JOURNAL OF SPORT MEDICINE,2015 Mar,25(2):95-104 2015 . 03


研討會論文/Conference Papers
1 Early Prediction of Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteremia in Emergency Department Patients Using Monocyte Distribution Width,23rd International Conference on Emergency Medicine JUNE 19-23,2024,台北國際會議中心(TICC),2024.06.19~2024.06.23, 2024 . 06
2 The effects of pre-hospital trauma life support (PHTLS) training program on patients' on-scene treatment and clinical prognosis,2024年第23屆國際急診醫學會 (23rd International Conference on Emergency Medicine),台北市,2024.06.19~2024.06.23, 2024 . 06
3 Utility of monocyte distribution width in acute appendicitis,11th Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine (ACEM) 2021,香港,2021.12.17~2021.12.19, 2021 . 12
4 Right flank pain with dysuria for two days,2020台灣急診醫學會冬季學術討論會,彰基國際培訓中心,2020.12.19~2020.12.19, 2020 . 12
5 以髂腰肌自發性出血為表現的後天性血友病,台灣急診醫學會2020年第十四屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會,台大醫院國際會議中心(台北市徐州路2號),2020.08.31~2020.09.01, 2020 . 08
6 Outcomes of intra-arterial thrombectomy in acute ischemic stroke: direct transport versus transfer from other hospitals,歐洲急診醫學會2019年會 ( The European Society for Emergency Medicine, EUSEM 2019),Prague Congress Centre, 捷克 布拉格市,2019.10.12~2019.10.16, 2019 . 10
7 Risk of emesis increases with age in children received intramuscular ketamine sedation,歐洲急診醫學會2019年會 ( The European Society for Emergency Medicine, EUSEM 2019),Prague Congress Centre 捷克 布拉格市,2019.10.12~2019.10.16, 2019 . 10
8 left abdominal pain for 2 days,台灣急診醫學會2018冬季學術討論會,奇美醫院,2018.12.08~2018.12.08, 2018 . 12
9 Fever and vomiting for 2 days,台灣急診醫學會2018第十三屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2018.06.22~2018.06.23, 2018 . 06
10 Dysuria and voiding pain for 4 days~ Emphysematous pyelonephritis,2017社團法人台灣急診醫學會冬季學術研討會,中國醫藥大學 立夫教學大樓,2017.12.09~2017.12.09, 2017 . 12
11 Loss of conscious, can’t recall memory and sore throat after motorbike accident.,2017社團法人台灣急診醫學會第12屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2017.06.23~2017.06.24, 2017 . 06
12 年輕人主訴急性尿滯留,最後診斷為橫斷性脊髓炎,2017社團法人台灣急診醫學會第12屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2017.06.23~2017.06.24, 2017 . 06
13 Spontaneous intramural small-bowel hematoma,2017社團法人台灣急診醫學會第12屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會,台大醫院國際會議中心,2017.06.23~2017.06.24, 2017 . 06
14 Kikuchi disease: a rare cause of prolonged fever,台灣急診醫學會 2016年 冬季學術討論會,義守大學醫學院育成大樓,2016.12.10~2016.12.10, 2016 . 12
15 Acute leukemia presented as blurred vision due to retinal hemorrhage,台灣急診醫學會 2016年 冬季學術討論會,義守大學醫學院育成大樓,2016.12.10~2016.12.10, 2016 . 12
16 A Case of Rectal perforation after anal impalement injur,The 8th Asian Conference for Emergency Medicine,台北,2015.11.07~2015.11.10, 2015 . 11
17 Spontaneous rectus sheath hematoma after sit-ups exercise,8th Asian Conference for Emergency Medicine , ACEM 2015 亞洲急診醫學會,台北國際會議中心,2015.11.07~2015.11.10, 2015 . 11
18 A Case of Rectal perforation after anal impalement injury,8th Asian Conference for Emergency Medicine , ACEM 2015 亞洲急診醫學會,台北國際會議中心,2015.11.07~2015.11.10, 2015 . 11
19 A rare etiology of acute RV failure:Rupture of a sinus of Valsalva aneurysm,8th Asian Conference for Emergency Medicine , ACEM 2015 亞洲急診醫學會,台北國際會議中心,2015.11.07~2015.11.10, 2015 . 11




研究計畫/Research Grant
1 個別型,DMR-108-059,,附醫院內計畫,快速診斷急性腦中風暗藏主動脈剝離的病患及其預後分析,2018.8.1~2019.7.31 2018 . 08





