Paper王又德 Yu-De Wang 主治醫師
期刊論文/Journal Paper (作者群,論文題目,期刊名稱,出版年月,卷號(期別):頁次起迄) |
日期 | |
1 | 劉佳鑫、沈培鈞、林文仁(LIN WEN-JEN)、劉修誠(LIU, HSIU-CHENG)、蔡孟欣(TSAI MENG-HSIN)、黃姿雅(Huang, Tzu-Ya)、陳怡潔(CHEN I-CHIEH)、賴宥良(Yo-Liang Lai)、王又德(Yu-De Wang)、洪明奇(Mien-Chie Hung)、鄭維中(Cheng, Wei-Chung)*,LipidSig 2.0: integrating lipid characteristic insights into advanced lipidomics data analysis,NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH,2024 May,52(W1):W390-W397 | 2024 . 05 |
2 | 王又德(Yu-De Wang)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)、楊有容(You-Rong Yang)、吳錫金(Hsi-Chin Wu)、徐右儒(HSU YU-JU)、葉依純(Yi-Chun, Yeh)、葉佩純(Pei-Chun,Yeh)、吳國禎(Kuo-Chen Wu)、高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao)*,Machine Learning and Radiomics of Bone Scintigraphy: Their Role in Predicting Recurrence of Localized or Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer,Diagnostics,2023 Nov,13(21):3380 | 2023 . 11 |
3 | 劉佳鑫、賴宥良(Yo-Liang Lai)、沈培鈞、劉修誠(LIU, HSIU-CHENG)、蔡孟欣(TSAI MENG-HSIN)、王又德(Yu-De Wang)、林文仁(LIN WEN-JEN)、(Fang-Hsin Chen)、(Chia-Yang Li)、(Shu-Chi Wang)、洪明奇(Mien-Chie Hung)、鄭維中(Cheng, Wei-Chung)*,DriverDBv4: a multi-omics integration database for cancer driver gene research,NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH,2023 Nov,52(D1):D1246-D1252 | 2023 . 11 |
4 | 謝博帆(Hsieh, Po-Fan)、李柏毅(LI PO-I)、林維卿(Wei-Ching Lin)、張菡(Han Chang)、張兆祥(Chao-Hsiang Chang)、吳錫金(Hsi-Chin Wu)、張議徽(Yi-Huei Chang)、王又德(Yu-De Wang)、黃文欽(Huang,Wen-Chin)*、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)*,Learning Curve of Transperineal MRI/US Fusion Prostate Biopsy: 4-Year Experience,Life-Basel,2023 Feb,13():638 | 2023 . 02 |
5 | 賴俊佑(Chun-Yo Laih)、蕭博任(Po-Jen Hsiao)、謝博帆(Hsieh, Po-Fan)、王又德(Yu-De Wang)、賴俊鳴(Chun-Ming Lai?)、楊朝棟(Chao-Tung Yang)、林祝興(Chu-Hsing Lin)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)*,QSOFA and SOFA scores are valuable tools for predicting postoperative sepsis resulting from ureteroscopic lithotripsy (URSL),MEDICINE,2022 Oct,0(): | 2022 . 10 |
6 | 謝博帆(Hsieh, Po-Fan)、張天佑(Tian-Yu Jhang)、林維卿(Wei-Ching Lin)、張菡(Han Chang)、張兆祥(Chao-Hsiang Chang)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)、楊啟瑞(Chi-Rei Yang)、陳汶吉(Wen-Chi Chen)、張議徽(Yi-Huei Chang)、王又德(Yu-De Wang)、黃文欽(Huang,Wen-Chin)*、吳錫金(Hsi-Chin Wu)*,Saturation Target Biopsy can Overcome the Learning Curve of Magnetic Resonance Imaging/Ultrasound Fusion Biopsy of the Prostate,Journal of Mens Health,2022 May,18(6):127 | 2022 . 05 |
7 | 謝博帆(Hsieh, Po-Fan)、張天佑(Tian-Yu Jhang)、林維卿(Wei-Ching Lin)、張菡(Han Chang)、張兆祥(Chao-Hsiang Chang)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)、楊啟瑞(Chi-Rei Yang)、陳汶吉(Wen-Chi Chen)、張議徽(Yi-Huei Chang)、王又德(Yu-De Wang)、黃文欽(Huang,Wen-Chin)*、吳錫金(Hsi-Chin Wu)*,A comparative study of transperineal software-assisted magnetic resonance/ ultrasound fusion biopsy and transrectal cognitive fusion biopsy of the prostate,BMC Urology,2022 Apr,22():72 | 2022 . 04 |
8 | 黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)、張兆祥(Chao-Hsiang Chang)、吳錫金(Hsi-Chin Wu)、楊啟瑞(Chi-Rei Yang)、謝博帆(Po-Fan Hsieh)、陳冠亨(Guang-Heng Chen)、蕭博任(Po-Jen Hsiao)、張議徽(Yi-Huei Chang)、王又平(Yu-Ping Wang)、王又德(Yu-De Wang)*,External validation of the Simplified PADUA REnal (SPARE) nephrometry system in predicting surgical outcomes after partial nephrectomy,BMC Urology,2020 Sep,20(1):146 | 2020 . 09 |
9 | 王又德(Yu-De Wang)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)、張兆祥(Chao-Hsiang Chang)、吳錫金(Hsi-Chin Wu)、楊啟瑞(Chi-Rei Yang)、王又平(Yu-Ping Wang)、謝博帆(Po-Fan Hsieh)*,The role of RENAL, PADUA, C-index, CSA nephrometry systems in predicting ipsilateral renal function after partial nephrectomy,BMC Urology,2019 Aug,19(1):72 | 2019 . 08 |
10 | 王又德(Yu-De Wang)、張兆祥(Chao-Hsiang Chang)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)、吳錫金(Hsi-Chin Wu)、楊啟瑞(Chi-Rei Yang)、謝博帆(Po-Fan Hsieh)*,New-generation nephrometry systems: head-to-head comparison of tumor contact surface area and resected and ischemic volume,Urological Science,2017 Aug,28():84-88 | 2017 . 08 |
11 | 謝博帆(Po-Fan Hsieh)、王又德(Yu-De Wang)、黃志平(Chi-Ping Huang)、吳錫金(Wu,Hsi-Chin)、楊啟瑞(Che-Rei Yang)、陳冠亨(Guang-Heng Chen)、張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang)*,A Mathematical Method to Calculate Tumor Contact Surface Area: An Effective Parameter to Predict Renal Function after Partial Nephrectomy,JOURNAL OF UROLOGY,2016 Jul,196(1):33-39 | 2016 . 07 |
研討會論文/Conference Papers (發表主題或論文名稱,研討會名稱,演講地點,研討會期間,受邀演講題目) |
日期 | |
1 | ,International Leaders’ Summit on Genitourinary Cancer 2024 TUA,台中李方艾美酒店,2024.03.09~2024.03.10,Navigating the Optimal Treatment in mRCC: Real-World Case Sharing from CMUH | 2024 . 03 |
2 | ,2024 中國附醫體系泌尿研討會,嘉義福容酒店,2024.03.30~2024.03.30,The Evolution of Precision Medicine in mCRPC Treatment | 2024 . 03 |
3 | ,TCVGH International Medical Conference In 2023 臺中榮民總醫院國際醫學研討會,臺中榮民總醫院第二醫療大樓 2 樓第八會議室,2023.10.29~2023.10.29,The lower, the better? Does lower castration level make sense in CaP patients under ADT treatment. | 2023 . 10 |
4 | ,2023 TUA Annual Meeting,台大醫院國際會議中心 2F 203 會議廳,2023.08.18~2023.08.20,智能醫療:AI 輔助 MDP bone scan 攝護腺 癌預後預測系統 | 2023 . 08 |
5 | ,2023 中國附醫體系泌尿研討會,台中李方艾美酒店,2023.07.08~2023.07.08,Optimizing Treatment Outcomes with Immunotherapy in Advanced/Metastatic UC | 2023 . 07 |
6 | ,台灣泌尿科醫學會中區月會,台中日月千禧酒店,2023.06.18~2023.06.18,The PROfound changes of prostate cancer treatment landscape PROpelled by precision medicine | 2023 . 06 |
7 | ,2023童醫院(TIC)台灣泌尿科醫學會中區月會,台中震大國際會議中心,2023.06.03~2023.06.03,Update for robot-assisted radical prostatectomy in locally advanced prostate cancer | 2023 . 06 |
8 | The role of SPARE nephrometry and tumor contact surface area in predicting malignancy and aggressiveness of clinical T1 tumors treated with partial nephrectomy,第110屆日本泌尿外科醫協會年會 (JUA),日本神戶,2023.04.20~2023.04.23, | 2023 . 04 |
9 | Focal high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) therapy in low to intermediate-risk prostate cancer: preliminary outcomes in a single center,台灣泌尿科醫學會2023半年會,台北馬偕福容大飯店淡水漁人碼頭店,2023.02.04~2023.02.04, | 2023 . 02 |
10 | ,TUA中區暨TCS學術研討會,台中福容大飯店,2022.11.12~2022.11.12,Surgical Treatment for urinary incontinence after RaRP | 2022 . 11 |
11 | ,111年度台灣家庭醫學醫學會秋季學術研討會,中山醫學大學,2022.10.23~2022.10.23,三高患者的難言之隱(The Impact of Metabolic syndrome on LUTS and ED) | 2022 . 10 |
12 | ,2022 暑期泌尿腫瘤聯合研討會,台南長榮酒店,2022.08.6 ~2022.08.6 ,Navigating 1L Treatment Options in Advanced RCC | 2022 . 08 |
13 | ,攝護腺及性功能論壇 暨 6 月中區泌尿月會,中國醫藥大學立夫教學大樓 2樓 201教室,2022.06.18~2022.06.18,Genetic test and PARP inhibitor for metastatic prostate cancer | 2022 . 06 |
14 | ,童綜合醫院 50 週年系列演講- 達文西手術 Young Talent Session New Insights in Prostate Cancer 暨 111 年 5 月中區月會,童綜合醫院 20 樓視聽教室,2022.05.28~2022.05.28,How to choose appropriate medication for OAB : Findings from integrated analysis studies. | 2022 . 05 |
15 | ,男性泌尿健康研討會,高雄洲際酒店,2022.04.9 ~2022.04.10,CPPS or BPS in Young Men | 2022 . 04 |
16 | The role of tumor contact surface area and SPARE nephrometry in predicting malignancy and aggressiveness of clinical T1 tumors treated with partial nephrectomy,2022 International Session of TUA Conference,高雄醫學大學,2020.08.20~2020.08.20, | 2020 . 08 |
17 | ,中區泌尿月會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院 癌症中心大樓 1 樓 階梯會議室,2020.06.20~2020.06.20,免疫細胞治療在泌尿腫瘤上的應用 | 2020 . 06 |
18 | ,BPH, OAB and SUI treatment, How and What?,台中日月千禧酒店 5 樓多功能會議室,2020.06.07~2020.06.07,How to Optimize BPH Treatment: From Evidence to Practice | 2020 . 06 |
19 | THE ROLE OF RENAL, PADUA, C-INDEX, CSA NEPHROMETRY,Urological Association of Asia Congress (UAA) 2019,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,2019.08.07~2019.08.10, | 2019 . 08 |
20 | Tumor contact surface area predict the non-tumor renal volume after partial nephrectomy,TUA 2019,中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2019.08.16~2019.08.18, | 2019 . 08 |
21 | Comparison the prediective value of nephrometry systems in postoperative split renal function determined by renal scintigraphy: CSA, C-index, P.A.D.U.A., and R.E.N.A.L.,The 105th annual meeting of the Japanese Urological Association,Hotel Shiroyama, Kagoshima Prefectural Citizens Exchange Center, Houzan Hall,2017.04.21~2017.04.24, | 2017 . 04 |
22 | CT histogram analysis in predicting size reduction of renal angiomyolipoma after transarterial embolization,The 105th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Urological Association,Hotel Shiroyama, Kagoshima Prefectural Citizens Exchange Center, Houzan Hall,2017.04.21~2017.04.24, | 2017 . 04 |
23 | OUTCOMES OF TRANSURETHRAL INCISION IN TREATING URETEROCELE IN NEONATE AND INFANT: CASE SERIES AND LITERATURE REVIEW,17th annual congress of Asia Pacific Association of Paediatric Urologists,Kuala Lumpur,2016.01.14~2016.01.15, | 2016 . 01 |
24 | A Mathematical Method to Calculate Tumor Contact Surface Area:An Effective Parameter to Predict the Renal Function after Partial Nephrectomy,Emirate urological society conference,Dubai, UAE,2015.11.05~2015.11.07, | 2015 . 11 |
研究計畫/Research Grant (研究類型,研究計畫代號,主持人,補助或委託單位名稱,計畫名稱,計畫期間) |
日期 | |
1 | 個別型,NSTC 112-2314-B-039-012,馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)、鄭維中(Cheng, Wei-Chung),科技部,研究脂質相關特徵在膀胱癌的角色,2023.8.1~2024.7.31 | 2023 . 08 |
獲獎/Award (獲獎名稱,給獎單位,獲獎日期) |
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1 | 台灣泌尿科醫學會雜誌—住院醫師論文獎第三名,台灣泌尿科醫學會,2017.8.19 | 2017 . 08 |