
Doctor Introduction



Wen-Hsin Huang
Wen-Hsin Huang


黃文信 Wen-Hsin Huang

黃文信醫師專長於消化道及膽管胰臟疾病的診斷與治療。執行內視鏡逆行性膽胰管檢查與治療(Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography, ERCP)超過6000例,治療膽胰管結石、腫瘤、及相關病症有極為豐富的臨床經驗,是國內 ERCP領域的專家及指導醫師。黃醫師也擅長於其它治療性內視鏡術,包括內視鏡超音波(Endoscopic Ultrasound, EUS)、內視鏡腫瘤息肉切除術(Endoscopic Mucosal Resection, EMR)、膽胰管內視鏡術(Peroral Cholangiopancreatoscopy)及金屬支架置放術等。


期刊論文/Journal Paper
1 張哲維(Che-Wei Chang)、王鴻偉(Hung-Wei Wang)*、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、莊伯恒(Po-Heng Chuang),Unusual upper gastrointestinal bleeding following radiofrequency ablation and transarterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma,Journal of Postgraduate Medicine,2023 Oct,69(4):237-238 2023 . 10
2 楊其穎(Chi-Ying Yang)、林若婷(Ro-Ting Lin)、(Chi-Yi Chen)、葉俊杰(Chun-Chieh Yeh)、(Chao-Ming Tseng)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、(Teng-Yu Lee)、朱家聲(Chia-Sheng Chu)、林肇堂(LIN JAW-TOWN)*,Accuracy of simultaneous measurement of serum biomarkers: Carbohydrate antigen 19-9, pancreatic elastase-1, amylase, and lipase for diagnosing pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma,JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION,2022 Dec,121(12):2601-2607 2022 . 12
3 楊其穎(Chi-Ying Yang)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)*,Bulging and sunken major duodenal papilla,Advances in Digestive Medicine,2022 Nov,(): 2022 . 11
4 林若婷(Ro-Ting Lin)、(Pei-Lung Chen)、楊其穎(Chi-Ying Yang)、葉俊杰(Chun-Chieh Yeh)、林俊哲(LIN CHUN-CHE)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、(An-Ko Chung)、林肇堂(LIN JAW-TOWN)*,Risk factors related to age at diagnosis of pancreatic cancer: a retrospective cohort pilot study,BMC GASTROENTEROLOGY,2022 May,22(1): 2022 . 05
5 (Wang HH)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)*,Elevated hemidiaphragm due to liver abscess of biliary origin,Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research,2022 Mar,42(1):33241-33244 2022 . 03
6 林群凱(Lin chun kai)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)*,『Editorial Material』Healed common bile duct perforation after biliary stent placement,GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY,2022 Feb,95(2):387-388 2022 . 02
7 吳宜樺(Wu Yi-Hua)*、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、楊其穎(Chi-Ying Yang)、張凱博(Kai-Po Chang),An Unusual Cause of Epigastric Pain: Brunner’s Gland Hyperplasia of the Ampulla of Vater,International Archives of Internal Medicine,2021 Feb,5(031): 2021 . 02
8 (Wen MC)、(Kau K)、(Huang SS)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、(Tsai LY)、(Tsai TY)、(Tsay SL)*,Smartphone education improves embarrassment, bowel preparation, and satisfaction with care in patients receiving colonoscopy: A randomized controlled trail.,MEDICINE,2020 Nov,99(46):1-9 2020 . 11
9 陳政國(Cheng-Kuo Chen)、馮俊龍(Chun-Lung Feng)、余承儒(Cheng-Ju Yu)、彭成元(Peng, Cheng-Yuan)、賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)、鄭庚申(Ken-Sheng Cheng)、林宜靜(Yi-Ching Lin)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、高榮達(Jung-Ta Kao)*,Prognostic factors associated with the survival of patients : A retrospective study,Advances in Digestive Medicine,2020 Jul,7():68-76 2020 . 07
10 陳昇弘(Sheng-Hung Chen)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)*、余承儒(Cheng-Ju Yu)、丁俊夫(Chun-Fu Ting)、楊其穎(Chi-Ying Yang)、莊世杰(Shih-Chieh Chuang)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng),Soehendra stent retriever for dilation of tight biliary and pancreatic duct strictures defying conventional wire-guided endoscopic techniques: Single-center experiences,Advances in Digestive Medicine,2020 Mar,7(1):22-29 2020 . 03
11 溫明珠(Ming-Ju Wen)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、洪嘉佩(Chia-Pei Hung)、林美怡(Mei Yi, Lin)、蔡宜家(Tsai, Yi-Jia)、程蓓瑩(Celia)、李桂珠(Kui-Chu Lee)、江錦瑛(Ching-Ying Chiang)、田霓(Ni Tien)、宋玲銥(Lin-Yi Sung)、黃高彬(Kao-Pin Hwang)*,軟式內視鏡高層次消毒後安全儲存期之探討,感染控制雜誌,2019 Sep,26(4):165-175 2019 . 09
12 許鈺銓(Yu-Chuan Hsu)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)*,Editorial Material: Abdominal Semicircular Calcified Lesion in a Febrile Woman,Gastroenterology,2019 Jun,156(8):e7-e8 2019 . 06
13 詹益銘(Yi-Ming Chan)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)*,A Fist-Sized Radiographic Consolidation in a Man Suffering From Difficulty Swallowing,Gastroenterology,2019 May,(): 2019 . 05
14 張安迪(An-Ti Chang)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)*,Editorial Material: Cholangioscopy complicated by gallbladder perforation,GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY,2019 May,89(5):1064-1065 2019 . 05
15 朱家聲(Chia-Sheng Chu)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、江宜平(I-Ping Chiang)、蘇文邦(Wen-Pang Su)、高榮達(Jung-Ta Kao)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)*,Endoscopic findings in a patient with primary malignant melanoma of the esophagus: A case report,Advances in Digestive Medicine,2019 May,2019():1-4 2019 . 05
16 朱家聲(Chia-Sheng Chu)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、江宜平(I-Ping Chiang)、蘇文邦(Wen-Pang Su)、莊伯恒(Po-Heng Chuang)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)*,Gastric metastasis from renal cell carcinoma 12 years after right radical nephrectomy,Advances in Digestive Medicine,2019 Mar,6(1): 2019 . 03
17 許偉帆(Wei-Fan Hsu)、余承儒(Cheng-Ju Yu)*、葉俊杰(Chun-Chieh Yeh)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng),Splenic cystic lymphangiomatosis in association with omental varices and portal hypertension,MEDICINE,2018 Oct,97(40):e12552-e12552 2018 . 10
18 莊世杰(Shih-Chieh Chuang)、林則成(Che-Chen Lin)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、蘇文邦(Wen-Pang Su)、賴世偉(Shih-Wei Lai)、賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)*,Proton pump inhibitors increase the risk of cholecystitis: a population-based case-control study.,GUT,2018 Jul,(): 2018 . 07
19 溫明珠(Ming-Ju Wen)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、陳靜如(Ching-Ju Chen)、程蓓瑩(Pei-Ying Cheng)、洪嘉佩(Chia-Pei Hung)、蔡宜家(Yi-Chia Tsai)、林美怡(Mei-Yi Lin)、李桂珠(Kui-Chu Lee)、江錦瑛(Ching-Ying Chiang)、黃高彬(Hwang, Kao-Pin)*,改善消化系統內視鏡再處理流程之品質與成效,感染控制雜誌,2017 Oct,27(5):199-208 2017 . 10
20 蔡宗佑(Tsung-Yu Tsai)、(Che-Chen Lin)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、蘇文邦(Wen-Pang Su)、賴世偉(Shih-Wei Lai)、(Hsuan-Ju Chen)、賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)*,The Association between Biliary Tract Inflammation and Risk of Digestive System Cancers: A Population-Based Cohort Study,MEDICINE,2016 Aug,(): 2016 . 08
21 丁俊夫(Chun-Fu Ting)、高榮達(Jung-Ta Kao)*、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、馮俊龍(Chun-Lung Feng)、余承儒(Cheng-Ju Yu)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、蘇文邦(Wen-Pang Su)、賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)、鄭庚申(Ken-Sheng Cheng)、莊伯恒(Po-Heng Chuang),Clinical factors associated with the survival of patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma,Advances in Digestive Medicine,2016 Mar,(): 2016 . 03
22 陳洋源(Yang-Yuan Chen)*、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、楊宏仁(Horng-Ren Yang),A Gallbladder Polyp in a Patient with Chronic Hepatitis B,Gastroenterology,2015 Dec,149(7):e3-e4 2015 . 12
23 張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、蔡宗佑(Tsung-Yu Tsai)、廖欣儀(Hsin-Yi Liao)、張家銘(Chia-Ming Chang)、鄭俊山(Jyun-Shan Jheng)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、周哲毅(Che-Yi Chou)、陳朝榮(Chao-Jung Chen)*,Double Filtration Plasma Apheresis Shortens Hospital Admission Duration of Patients With Severe Hypertriglyceridemia-Associated Acute Pancreatitis,PANCREAS,2015 Oct,0(0):0-0 2015 . 10
24 張志宗(Chiz-Tzung Chang)、廖欣儀(Hsin-Yi Liao)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、林詩怡(Shih-Yi Lin)、蔡宗佑、楊朝諭(Chao-Yuh Yang)、蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)、陳朝榮(Chao-Jung Chen)*,Early prediction of severe acute pancreatitis by urinary β-2 microglobulin/saposin B peak ratios on MALDI-TOF,CLINICA CHIMICA ACTA,2015 Feb,440():115-122 2015 . 02
25 周仁偉(Jen-Wei Chou)、鄭庚申(Ken-Sheng Cheng)、丁俊夫(Chun-Fu Ting)、馮俊龍(Chun-Lung Feng)、林佑達(Yu-Ta Lin)*、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang),Endosonographic Features of Histologically Proven Gastric Ectopic Pancreas,Gastroenterology Research and Practice,2014 Oct,2014(160601):1-7 2014 . 10
26 (Shen, Wei-Chih)、謝淑惠(Shwn-Huey Shieh)、(Ming-Hung Tsai)、(Tzu-Liang Kung)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、丁俊夫(Chun-Fu Ting)、馮俊龍(Chun-Lung Feng)*,Differential diagnosis of colorectal polyps with respect to similar capabilities of white light colonoscopy and narrow-band imaging,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COLORECTAL DISEASE,2014 Jan,29(1):65-74 2014 . 01
27 黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)*、林智一(Tze-Yi Lin)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng),Chronic skin ulcer revealing metastasis from gastric cancer,Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology,2011 Sep,9(9):e86-e87 2011 . 09
28 丁俊夫(Chun-Fu Ting)、周仁偉(Jen-Wei Chou)*、余青殷(Yii Chin-Yuan)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang),Spontaneous pancreaticorenal fistula.,Internal Medicine,2010 Oct,49(20):2271-2272 2010 . 10
29 馮俊龍(Chun-Lung Feng)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、周仁偉(Jen-Wei Chou)*、余承儒(Cheng-Ju Yu)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、陳永芳(Yung-Fang Chen),The prevalence of colonic diverticular disease in patients with bowel symptoms,臺灣消化醫學雜誌,2010 Sep,27(3):261-266 2010 . 09
30 黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)*、馮俊龍(Chun-Lung Feng)、賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)、余承儒(Cheng-Ju Yu)、周仁偉(Jen-Wei Chou)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、楊美都(Mei-Due Yang)、江宜平(I-Ping Chiang),Endoscopic ligation and resection for the treatment of small EUS-suspected gastric GI stromal tumors,GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY,2010 May,71(6):1076-1081 2010 . 05
31 賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)、蔡金記(Chin-Chi Tsai)、馮俊龍(Chun-Lung Feng)、余承儒(Cheng-Ju Yu)、周仁偉(Jen-Wei Chou)*、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、徐章虎(Chang-Hu Hsu)、鄭庚申(Ken-Sheng Cheng)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng),Epigastric pain in a man with previous subtotal gastrectomy,GUT,2009 Oct,58(10):1332-1436 2009 . 10
32 余承儒(Cheng-Ju Yu)、王煌輝、周仁偉(Jen-Wei Chou)*、賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、鄭庚申(Ken-Sheng Cheng)、陳永芳(Yung-Fang Chen),Phlebosclerotic colitis with nonsurgical treatment,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COLORECTAL DISEASE,2009 Oct,24(10):1241-1242 2009 . 10
33 周仁偉(Jen-Wei Chou)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)*,A Case With Duodenal Bleeding,Gastroenterology,2009 Jul,137(1):e1-e2 2009 . 07
34 蘇文邦(Wen-Pang Su)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)*、賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)、廖光福(Kuan-Fu Liao)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、莊伯恒(Po-Heng Chuang)、陳志濱(Chih-Bin Chen)、鄭隆賓(Long-Bin Jeng),Persistent Transaminase Elevations in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients with Virological Response during Peginterferon and Ribavirin Therapy,HEPATO-GASTROENTEROLOGY,2009 ,(56):798-801 2009 .
35 黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)*、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、余承儒(Cheng-Ju Yu)、周仁偉(Jen-Wei Chou)、馮俊龍(Chun-Lung Feng),Endoloop-assisted unroofing for the treatment of symptomatic duodenal lipomas,GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY,2008 Dec,68(6):1234-1236 2008 . 12
36 陳昇弘(Sheng-Hung Chen)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)*、馮俊龍(Chun-Lung Feng)、周仁偉(Jen-Wei Chou)、徐章虎(Chang-Hu Hsu)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、楊美都(Mei-Due Yang),Clinical Analysis of Ectopic Pancreas with Endoscopic Ultrasonography: An Experience in a Medical Center,JOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL SURGERY,2008 May,12(5):877-881 2008 . 05
37 黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)*、廖光福(Kuan-Fu Liao)、郭麗芳(Lai-Fong Kok)、賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)、徐章虎(Chang-Hu Hsu),Endoloop-assisted removal of a large duodenal lipoma: Report of a case,臺灣消化醫學雜誌,2007 Dec,24(4):400-404 2007 . 12
38 黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、廖光福(Kuan-Fu Liao)、賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai),Endoloop-Assisted Removal of A Large Duodenal Lipoma : Report of A Case,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2007 ,24(0):400-404 2007 .
39 賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)、陳祖裕*、彭成元(Peng,Cheng-Yuan)、廖光福(Liao,Kuan-Fu)、林忠義(Lin,Chung-Yi)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、周仁偉(Jen-Wei Chou)、余承儒(Cheng-Ju Yu),The characteristics of medium to large hypovascular hepatocellular carcinoma,臺灣消化醫學雜誌,2006 Sep,23(3):184-192 2006 . 09
40 賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai)、陳祖裕(Chan CY)*、彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)、陳志濱(Chih-Bin Chen)、黃文信(Huang Wen-Hsin),Pyogenic liver abscess associated with large colonic tubulovillous adenoma,World journal of gastroenterology : WJG,2006 Jan,12(6):990-992 2006 . 01
41 黃文信、伍偉華、王煌輝(Hwang-Huei Wang)、江宜平、徐章虎、彭成元(Peng,Cheng-Yuan),Inflammatory fibroid polyp of the pylorus: report of a case,臺灣消化醫學雜誌,2004 Nov,21(4):255-262 2004 . 11
42 黃文信、王煌輝(Hwang-Huei Wang)、伍偉華、賴學洲、徐章虎(Chang-Hu Hsu)、鄭庚申(Ken-Sheng Cheng),Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with ulcer recurrence after partial gastrectomy,HEPATO-GASTROENTEROLOGY,2004 Sep,51(59):1551-1553 2004 . 09
43 林盈妤(Ying-Yu Lin)、高木榮(Kao,Mu-Jung)、黃文信、周德陽(Cho,Der-Yang)、周立偉*,Spinal cord injury caused by cervical spine metastatic cholangiocarcinoma,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2003 Nov,8(4):231-237 2003 . 11
44 黃文信、伍偉華、王煌輝(Hwang-Huei Wang)、林智一、鄭庚申,Duodenal adenocarcinoma with liver metastasis and elevated serum alpha-fetoprotein,Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine,2003 Sep,8(3):169-173 2003 . 09
45 王煌輝(Hwang-Huei Wang)、黃文信、廖光福(Liao,Kuan-Fu)、徐章虎、陳光偉(Chen,Guang-Wei),Evaluation of the efficacy in colonic cleansing of Rhuharb capsule,J Int Chin west Med,2001 Dec,3(1):21-26 2001 . 12
46 黃文信、黃春明(Chung-Ming Huang),Group G streptococcal pyomyositis,中華民國風濕病雜誌,2000 Apr,15(1,2):35-43 2000 . 04


研討會論文/Conference Papers
1 Single-operator cholangioscopy-guided lithotripsy in patients with cystic duct stone and cystic duct stump stone- Experience of a medical center,台灣消化醫學週(2023 TDDW),高雄國立中山大學,2023.09.23~2023.09.24, 2023 . 09
2 The connection of gallstone, cholecystitis with/without rupture of gallbladder and liver abscess - A single medical center's experience in Taiwan,中華民國112年消化系聯合學術演講年會,台北榮總,2023.03.25~2023.03.26, 2023 . 03
3 Endoscopic Management of Choledochocele- A Single Center Experience,TDDW 2022 台灣消化醫學週,台大國際會議中心,2022.09.24~2022.09.25, 2022 . 09
4 Concurrent immune checkpoint inhibitor and tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy yields better outcome than immune checkpoint inhibitor monotherapy in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma,2022 Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver Single Topic Conference on Hepatocellular Carcinoma,台大醫院國際會議中心,2022.06.23~2022.06.25, 2022 . 06
5 單人操作經口膽道內視鏡對於不明原因膽道狹窄:一醫學中心之經驗,2022台灣消化系聯合學術演講年會,高雄萬豪酒店,2022.03.26~2022.03.27, 2022 . 03
6 經胰管壺腹切開術應用於困難膽管插入病人的胰臟炎預防及臨床結果: 一醫學中心經驗,2022台灣消化系聯合學術演講年會,高雄萬豪酒店,2022.03.26~2022.03.27, 2022 . 03
7 Concurrent immune checkpoint inhibitor and tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy yields better outcome than immune checkpoint inhibitor monotherapy in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma,2021TDDW台灣消化醫學週,台大醫院國際會議中心,2021.09.25~2021.09.26, 2021 . 09
8 Endoscopic Ultrasonographic and Clinicopathological Features of Brunner’s Gland Hyperplasia and Hamartomas Diagnosed and Removed by Endoscopic Management,消化系聯合學術演講年會,中國醫藥大學,2021.03.27~2021.03.28, 2021 . 03
9 術前使用抗生素能有效降低活體肝臟移植病患接受內視鏡逆行性膽胰管攝影術後發生膽管炎的風險: 一醫學中心之經驗,中華民國一一○年消化系聯合學術演講年會,中國醫藥大學,2021.03.27~2021.03.28, 2021 . 03
10 食道顆粒細胞瘤的診斷與治療:一醫學中心之經驗,中華民國110年消化系聯合學術演講年會,中國醫藥大學,2021.03.27~2021.03.28, 2021 . 03
11 Compare the endoscopic ultrasound with fine needle aspiration and fine needle biopsy for diagnosis of solid pancreatic lesions-A Single Center Experience,2021消化系聯合學術演講年會,中國醫藥大學,2021.03.27~2021.03.28, 2021 . 03
12 Diagnosis and treatment of esophageal granular cell tumors: A single medical center experience,中華民國一一0年消化系聯合學術演講年會,中國醫藥大學英才校區,2021.03.27~2021.03.28, 2021 . 03
13 內鏡括約肌切開術後延遲出血的內視鏡止血治療功效:一個醫療中心的經驗,2021台灣消化系聯合學術演講年會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2021.03.27~2021.03.28, 2021 . 03
14 膽囊切除術後,非預期之總膽管結石,一個醫學中心之十年經驗,2021台灣消化系聯合學術演講年會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院,2021.03.27~2021.03.28, 2021 . 03
15 A 74-year-old man had abdominal pain for one week,台灣消化系內視鏡醫學會 第七十七次電子內視鏡病例暨併發症研討會,奇美醫療財團法人奇美醫院,2017.09.10~2017.09.10, 2017 . 09
16 Endoscopic stenting with self-expandable metal stents in patients with incurable esophageal squamous cell carcinoma,中華民國一○六年消化系聯合學術演講年會,台中榮民總醫院,2017.03.18~2017.03.18, 2017 . 03
17 Novel urine assay for predicting acute pancreatitis severity by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry,第二十屆國際質譜研討會,瑞士 日內瓦,2014.08.24~2014.08.29, 2014 . 08
18 ,第十一屆台灣質譜年會,中興大學,2014.06.29~2014.07.01,Early prediction of severity in acute pancreatitis by urinary MALDI-TOF peak ratios and its proteomic study 2014 . 06
19 ,台灣消化系醫學會暨台灣消化系內視鏡醫學會聯合學術演講年會,高雄醫學大學,2013.03.16~2013.03.17, 2013 . 03
20 EFFECT OF IMPACTED AMPULLARY STONES ON THE SEVERITY OF GALLSTONE DISEASES,中華民國一○○年消化系聯合學術演講年會,國防醫學中心,2011.03.04~2011.03.06, 2011 . 03
21 MIRIZZI徵候群的治療經驗,中華民國一00年消化系聯合學術演講年會,國防醫學中心(台北市民權東路6段161號),2011.03.05~2011.03.06, 2011 . 03
22 RISK FACTORS OF GALLSTONE PANCREATITIS IN PATIENTS WITH NON-ALCOHOLIC LIVER CIRRHOSIS,中華民國一00年消化系聯合學術演講年會,國防醫學中心(台北市民權東路6段161號),2011.03.05~2011.03.06, 2011 . 03
23 腸胃道 BRUNNER/S GLAND增生--台灣一家醫學中心的經驗,中華民國一00年消化系聯合學術演講年會,國防醫學中心(台北市民權東路6段161號),2011.03.05~2011.03.06, 2011 . 03
24 腸道症狀病患小腸憩室疾病盛行率之研究,中華民國一00年消化系聯合學術演講年會,國防醫學中心(台北市民權東路6段161號),2011.03.05~2011.03.06, 2011 . 03
25 使用自膨式金屬支架緩解惡性食道狹窄或廔管:一個醫學中心的經驗,中華民國一00年消化系聯合學術演講年會,國防醫學中心(台北市民權東路6段161號),2011.03.05~2011.03.06, 2011 . 03
26 Peutz-Jegher's syndrome,九十九年中部地區消化系同好會,台中市永豐棧麗緻酒店,2010.11.04~2010.11.04, 2010 . 11
27 EMR for the treatment of mucosal lesions in the upper GI tract: An experience in an academic medical,中華民國九十九年消化系聯合學術演講年會-台灣消化系醫學會暨台灣消化系內視鏡醫學會聯合學術演講年會,國學醫學中心,2010.03.19~2010.03.21, 2010 . 03
28 內視鏡超音波輔助下內視鏡治療乏特氏乳突腫瘤,2010消化系聯合學術演講年會,三軍總醫院,2010.03.20~2010.03.21, 2010 . 03
29 內生性胰臟廔管回溯性臨床分析,2010消化系聯合學術演講年會,三軍總醫院,2010.03.20~2010.03.21, 2010 . 03
30 內視鏡黏膜切除術在上消化道黏膜病變之治療:一教學醫院之經驗,2010消化系聯合學術演講年會,三軍總醫院,2010.03.20~2010.03.21, 2010 . 03
31 以內視鏡支架置放治療胰臟炎引起的總膽管狹窄之療效,2010消化系聯合學術演講年會,三軍總醫院,2010.03.20~2010.03.21, 2010 . 03
33 The Prevalence of Gallbladder Stones is higher among patients with higher degree of liver fibrosis,Asia Pacific digestive Week,Taipei International convention Center Taipei,Taiwan,2009.09.27~2009.09.30, 2009 . 09
34 經內視鏡超音波診斷上之消化道脂肪瘤臨床分析,2009年聯合學術演講年會,台北醫學大學,2009.03.14~2009.03.15, 2009 . 03
35 Evaluation of endoscopic ligation for the treatment of small EUS-suspected gastric gastrointestinal stromal tumors,2009 台灣消化系聯合學術演講年會,台北,2009.03.13~2009.03.15, 2009 . 03
36 Clinical Analysis of Gastric Lymphoma: Experience of a Medical Center in Taiwan,2009 台灣消化系聯合學術演講年會,台北醫學大學,2009.03.13~2009.03.15, 2009 . 03
37 經内視鏡超音波診斷之上消化道脂肪瘤臨床分析,2009台灣消化系醫學會春季聯合學術演講年會,台北,2009.03.13~2009.03.15, 2009 . 03
38 膽汁漏 之臨床分析:一個醫學中心的經驗 CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF BILE LEAK-AN EXPERIENCE IN A MEDICAL CENTER,中華民國九十七年消化系聯合學術演講年會春季會,國防醫學中心,2008.03.15~2008.03.16, 2008 . 03
39 Clinical Experience of Endoscopic Management of Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Related to Dieulafoy's Lesion,中華民國九十七年消化系聯合學術演講年會台灣消化系醫學會(第三十八屆)台灣消化系內視鏡醫學會(第十七次)聯合學術演講年會,國防醫學中心,2008.03.14~2008.03.16, 2008 . 03
40 不明原因之急性胰臟炎病人膽汁微結晶分析的臨床意義,中華民國九十七年消化系聯合學術演講年會,台北,2008.03.14~2008.03.16, 2008 . 03
42 Afferent loop syndrome,97年1月份中區消化系同好會,台中,2008.01.03~2008.01.03, 2008 . 01
43 Gastric signet ring cell carcinoma with metastasis to rectum- report of a rare case,台灣消化系醫學會九十六年中部地區消化系同好會,中山醫學大學(文心南路99號),2007.12.06~2007.12.06, 2007 . 12
44 IPMN(Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm): report of a case,台灣消化系醫學會第二二二次學術討論月會,財團法人長庚紀念醫院 高雄分院,2007.11.17~2007.11.17, 2007 . 11
45 Accuracy of endoscopic ultrasonography in diagnosing upper gastrointestinal subepithelial tumors: a single center experience,2007年台灣消化系醫學會秋季學術演講年會,台北,2007.09.29~2007.09.30, 2007 . 09
46 上消化道上皮下腫瘤在內視鏡超音波下的表現探討,台灣消化系醫學會2007年春季學術演講會,高雄,2007.03.17~2007.03.18, 2007 . 03
47 比較內視鏡膽管切片、刷拭細胞學檢查及膽汁細胞學檢查以診斷惡性膽管狹窄之前瞻性研究,中華民國九十六年消化系聯合學術演講年會,台灣高雄縣,2007.03~ , 2007 . 03
48 A prospective study of comparing endobiliary biopsies, brush cytology, and bile cytology for diagnosing malignant biliary stricture,中華民國九十六年消化系聯合學術演講年會,台灣高雄,2007.03.16~2007.03.18, 2007 . 03
49 以內視鏡超音波診斷異位性胰臟之臨床分析:一個醫學中心的經驗Clinical Analysis of Ectopic Pancreas with Endoscopic Ultrasound(EUS)-The Experience in a Medical Center,消化系醫學會2007春季會,中華民國高雄/台北,2007.03~ , 2007 . 03
50 Recurrent gastric hyperplastic polyps: a case report with review of association with COX-2 expression,台灣消化系醫學會第二一九次學術討論月會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院第二醫療大樓11樓會議室,2007.01.20~2007.01.20, 2007 . 01
51 Ectopic pancreas: a case report with review of 33 cases,台灣消化系醫學會第二一九次學術討論月會,中國醫藥大學附設醫院第二醫療大樓11樓會議室,2007.01.20~2007.01.20, 2007 . 01
52 CASE REPORT: Mirizzi syndrome,台灣消化系醫學會第二一九次學術討論月會,中國醫藥大學 附設醫院第二醫療大樓,2007.01.20~2007.01.20, 2007 . 01
53 Effect of impacted ampulary stones on the severity of gallstone diseases,21st International Workshop on Therapeutic Endoscopy,中國香港,2006.12.12~2006.12.14, 2006 . 12
54 Budd-Chiari Syndrome,中區消化系同好會,沙鹿光田醫院,2006.12.07~2006.12.07, 2006 . 12
55 70歲男性,上腹不適約1個月,台灣消化系內視鏡醫學會第三十九次電子內視鏡病例討論會,彰化基督教醫院,2006.10.21~2006.10.21, 2006 . 10
56 Predisposing factors of streptococcus bovis bacteremia: the role of chronic liver disease in taiwan,歐洲消化系醫學會,德國柏林,2006.10~ , 2006 . 10
57 Infrared spectroscopic analysis of billary microcrystal in diagnosing composition of choledocholithiasis,World Congress of Gastroenterology,加拿大蒙特婁,2005.09~ , 2005 . 09
58 Infrared spectroscopic analysis of biliary microcrystals in diagnosing composition of choledocholithiasis,Word Congress of Gastroenterology,Montreal, Canada,2005.09.09~2005.09.14, 2005 . 09
59 Analysis of biliary microcrystal in predicting composition of bile duct stones,中華民國九十四年消化系聯合學術演講年會,台北,2005.03.11~2005.03.13, 2005 . 03
60 心膿性肝膿瘍是潛在大腸腺瘤及腺癌的一個警告指標,94年消化系聯合會,台灣台北,2005.03.19~2005.03.19, 2005 . 03
61 Fleet 與 klean prep 對於大腸鏡簡長腸道準備之比較,中華民國93年消化系聯合學術演講年會,台灣台北榮總,2004.03~ , 2004 . 03
62 Spinal Cord Injury Caused by Cervical Spine Metastatic Cholangiocarcinoma,中華民國復健醫學會九十二年度學術研討會,中華民國台北,2003.12~ , 2003 . 12
63 Clinical analysis of hydrothorax complicating cirrhotic ascites and peritoneal dialysis,Annual Meeting of The Gastroenterological Society of Taiwan and T,台北,2003.03.21~2003.03.23, 2003 . 03
64 Hekicobacter pylori infection in patients with stomal polyps after partial gastrectomy,Word Congress of Gastroenterology,Bangkok, Tailand,2002.02.24~2002.03.01, 2002 . 02
65 Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with ulcer recurrence after partial gastrectomy,2000 Autumn Convention & The 12th International Symposium,台北,2000.09.22~2000.09.24, 2000 . 09


1 (Kwok-Hung Lai)、(Lein-Ray Mo)、(Hsiu-Po Wang)、黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang),Biliopancreatic Endoscopy: Practical Application.,Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.,2018.2 2018 . 02


研究計畫/Research Grant
1 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH112-REC1-059,黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、葉俊杰(Yeh, Chun-Chieh)、白禮源(Li-Yuan Bai),,惡性腫瘤合併上消化道出口阻塞的患者接受內視鏡超音波導引下胃腸吻合術或微創腹腔鏡胃腸吻合術的前瞻性隨機分配研究,2024.1.1~2024.12.31 2024 . 01
2 臨床試驗與研究計畫,CMUH112-REC1-059,黃文信(Wen-Hsin Huang)、葉俊杰(Yeh, Chun-Chieh)、白禮源(Li-Yuan Bai),,惡性腫瘤合併上消化道出口阻塞的患者接受內視鏡超音波導引下胃腸吻合術或微創腹腔鏡胃腸吻合術的前瞻性隨機分配研究,2024.1.10~2025.3.31 2024 . 01
3 個別型,DMR-99-017,馮俊龍(Chun-Lung Feng),附醫院內計畫,以窄頻影像檢查及Lugol染色作為早期偵測食道癌高危險族群之評估,2009.8.1~2010.7.31 2009 . 08
4 個別型,DMR-98-012,馮俊龍(Chun-Lung Feng),附醫院內計畫,以內視鏡治療內視鏡超音波診斷之小型胃部胃腸基質瘤之評估,2008.8.1~2009.7.31 2008 . 08
5 個別型,DMR-96-026,余承儒(Cheng-Ju Yu),本校(含附醫),不明原因之急性胰臟炎病人膽汁微結晶分析的臨床意義,2006.7.1~2007.6.30 2006 . 07
6 個別型,DRM-92-035,,本校(含附醫),根除幽門螺旋桿菌以治療部分胃切除病人之胃吻合處息肉Eradication of Helicobacter Pylori in Patients with Stomal Polyps After Partial Gastrectomy,2002.7.1~2003.6.30 2002 . 07




1 2022 APASL-TOP 100 Outstanding Abstract,Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver,2022.6.25 2022 . 06

