期刊論文/Journal Paper (作者群,論文題目,期刊名稱,出版年月,卷號(期別):頁次起迄) |
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1 | 王詩涵(WANG SHIH-HAN)、歐世宸(Shi-Chen Ou)、林亭延(Lin Ting yen)、張東廸(Tung-Ti Chang)*,Alternative therapy for acute appendicitis with appendicolith using traditional Chinese medicine: A case report,Explore-The Journal of Science and Healing,2024 Jan,20(5): | 2024 . 01 |
2 | 林岱穎(LIN DAI-YING)、黃維德(Wei-Te Huang)、林于娟(Ling yu chuan)、洪皓脩(Hao-Hsiu Hung)、歐世宸(Shi-Chen Ou)、張晋維(Chin-Wei Chang)、林宏恩(Lin Hung-En)、林亭延(Lin Ting yen)、張淨文(Ching-Wen Chang)、洪暉鈞(Hui-Chun Hung)、黃升騰(Sheng-Teng Huang)*,Prescription system to calculate precise doses of Chinese herbal medicine to avoid toxic effects,Heliyon,2023 Jun,9(6):e16612 | 2023 . 06 |
3 | 黃廷宇(HUANG TING-YU)、黃維德(Wei-Te Huang)、林于娟(Ling yu chuan)、洪皓脩(Hao-Hsiu Hung)、歐世宸(Shi-Chen Ou)、張晋維(Chin-Wei Chang)、林宏恩(Lin Hung-En)、林亭延(Lin Ting yen)、張淨文(Ching-Wen Chang)、洪暉鈞(Hui-Chun Hung)、黃升騰(Sheng-Teng Huang)*,Chinese Intelligence Prescription System improves prescription accuracy while decreasing labor and drug costs,BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH,2023 May,23(1):514 | 2023 . 05 |
4 | 洪碩(HUNG SHUO-WEN)、廖元敬(Yuan-Ching Liao)、紀奕彰(Chi I Chang)、林亭延(Lin Ting yen)、林于娟(Ling yu chuan)、林宏任(Hung-jen Lin)、黃升騰(Sheng-Teng Huang)*,Integrated Chinese herbal medicine and Western medicine successfully resolves spontaneous subcutaneous emphysema and pneumomediastinum in a patient with severe COVID-19 in Taiwan: A case report,Explore-The Journal of Science and Healing,2021 Dec,(): | 2021 . 12 |
5 | 林亭延(Lin Ting yen)、謝慶良(Ching-Liang Hsieh)*,Clinical Applications of Bee Venom Acupoint Injection,Toxins,2020 Sep,618(12):1-25 | 2020 . 09 |
研討會論文/Conference Papers (發表主題或論文名稱,研討會名稱,演講地點,研討會期間,受邀演講題目) |
日期 | |
1 | 中西醫照護協助呼吸器脫離病例報告,2021中醫家庭暨社區醫學研討會,台中慈濟醫院,2021.03.28~2021.03.28, | 2021 . 03 |
研究計畫/Research Grant (研究類型,研究計畫代號,主持人,補助或委託單位名稱,計畫名稱,計畫期間) |
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1 | 個別型,M09G1036,林聖興(Sheng-Shing Lin)、黃維德(Wei-Te Huang)、林于娟(Ling yu chuan)、洪皓脩(Hao-Hsiu Hung)、歐世宸(Ou Shi Chen)、鄭惟仁(Wei-Zen Cheng)、陳昭憲(Chen Chao-Hsien)、黃鐙儀(HUANG TENG-I)、林宏恩(Lin Hung-En)、林亭延(Lin Ting yen),衛福部,建構智慧中醫及應用模式計畫,2020.1.1~2020.12.15 | 2020 . 01 |