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User Instructions for Handheld Nebulizer (HHN) 手持式袪痰噴霧器(HHN)使用說明


User Instructions for Handheld Nebulizer (HHN) 手持式袪痰噴霧器(HHN)使用說明


Use bronchodilators or expectorants according to the doctor’s advice to dilate the bronchi or dilute sputum to improve Breathing or thick, to facilitate the discharge of sputum.


  • Pour the medicine into a transparent glass image 2. The sprayer blue lid is tightly closed image 1.
  • Connect tube T image 4, as shown in the following image 5.
  • Connect the catheter with the oxygen flow scale on the wall, as shown in image 6. Turn on the switch so the small ball rises to between 6~10 liter/minute until white smoke comes out.
  • Hold Figure 3 with your mouth, and breathe normally, occasionally inhale slowly to maximum vital capacity, and pause for 5-10 seconds at the end of inhalation.
  • When you breathe in, the white smoke will be significantly reduced, and then breathe out, so back and forth for about 15 minutes or until the smoke disappears
  • When the amount of spray is reduced, tap the spray cup gently to make the potion on the wall of the cup fall and spray to avoid insufficient dose.
  • Turn off the switch and dissemble the device to rinse with water. Finally rinse with boiled water that has been cooled down and let dry. Put aside for use next time.
  • Use 4 times a day and increase proper number of use when feeling uncomfortable.
  • Incorporate with back percussion to cough out the sputum: Inhale slowly from the nose, place the hand on the abdomen and you can feel the abdomen tightened when coughing hard.

  • Crater, G. D., Johnson, K., Ward, J., & Backer, J. (2022). Lung deposition of inhaled once-daily long-acting muscarinic antagonists via standard jet nebulizer or dry powder inhaler, measured using functional respiratory imaging, in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Therapeutic advances in respiratory disease16, 17534666221077561.
  • Sivadasan, S., Krishnan, A., Dhayalan, S. V., & Aiyalu, R. (2021). A Systematic Review on KAP of Nebulization Therapy at Home. The Journal of pharmacy technology : jPT : official publication of the Association of Pharmacy Technicians37(5), 254–259.
製作單位:護理部呼吸加護病房(RICU) 編碼:HE-10037-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 12209