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Postpartum Food Preparation 坐月子產後膳食調理


Postpartum Food Preparation 坐月子產後膳食調理


What are the general rules of food?  

  • Cold food is prohibited: ice, pear, pomelo, grapefruit, watermelon, coconut, tangerine, mung beans, lotus roots, cucumber, bitter gourd, loofah, winter gourd, Chinese cabbage, hard persimmon, wax apple, bamboo shoot, turnip, eggplant.
  • Roasted, deep-fried, spicy, and irritating food: Pickled and preserved food, coffee, curry, Chinese BBQ sauce, and chili.
  • Eat less sour food such as dried plum, vinegar, and lemon.
  • Less salt and food should be light seasoned.
  • Cook food well. Do not eat too much fruit even if it is allowed.
  • Warm up the food before serving.
  • Food prepared in sesame oil and rice wine is prohibited if the wound is swelling and hurts. Eat shrimp and crab only after the wound has been recovered.

What is the proper food?

  • Vegetable: carrot, cabbage, water spinach, garland chrysanthemum, spinach, celery, and Gynura's Deux Couleurs.
  • Fruit: Apple, guava, grapes, papaya, strawberry, cherry, and peach.
  • Protein: Lukewarm milk, chicken, egg, fish, pork belly, pork liver, kidney, crab, and oyster.

How to incorporate postpartum food?

Maintain a balanced diet for the three meals during the postpartum period and incorporate with special postpartum food.

  • Postpartum 1 ~10 days: Food should be mildly seasoned and based on chicken soup, fish soup ,and pork rib soup.
  • Postpartum 10 ~ 13 days:  Food prepared in sesame oil is acceptable now. For example, pork liver stir-fried in sesame oil, kidney stir-fried in sesame oil, longan stir-fried in sesame oil, Eucommia kidney soup. Less salt and eat food with light seasoning.
  • Pork liver, pork kidney, and longan stir-fried in sesame oil: Pan-fried old ginger with sesame oil into light brown color, add kidney, liver, and longan to stir well.
  • Eucommia kidney soup:  Cook Eucommia and remove the liquid to set aside. Cut the kidney in half, remove the white tendon and cut the surface in the angular cut. Slice into 3cm length to side aside. Stir-fry the old ginger with sesame oil into light brown color. Add kidney to stir fry before adding some water to cook.  Pour in the Eucommia liquid and cook together. Add some rice wine and season.
  • After postpartum 14 days: Chicken stir-fried with sesame oil can be served now.
  • Chicken soup with sesame oil preparation: Heat the wok and pour in sesame oil. Add ginger to stir fry when the oil becomes hot. Add chicken to stir fry until medium well.  Pour in the water and wine in the ratio of 1:1, cook and turn to low heat immediately to cook for another 20~30 minutes.
  • The doctor will prescribe medicine for Chinese medical preparation during the postpartum period.
製作單位:中醫婦科 編碼:HE-90004-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 11185