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Screening for Five Major Cancers: Examination of the Oral Mucosa 五大癌篩檢:口腔黏膜檢查說明


Screening for Five Major Cancers: Examination of the Oral Mucosa 五大癌篩檢:口腔黏膜檢查說明


The occurrence of oral cancer is closely associated with the cellular degeneration caused by long-term stimulation of the oral cavity, especially smoking, betel nut chewing and drinking, which are the main risk factors of oral cancer.

Oral mucosa screening for oral cancer is a method by which specialists can detect pre-cancerous lesions as early as possible through inquiry, visual examination and palpation.

To detect oral cancer and precancerous lesions at an early stage, oral mucosal examination should be conducted regularly, and unhealthy habits such as smoking, betel nut chewing and drinking alcohol should be given up, so as to stay away from the threat of oral cancer.

Test requirements

  • Those eligible under the National Health Insurance (NHI) program:
  1. People over the age of 30 who currently smoke or chew betel nut (including those who have quit betel nut) can receive a free oral mucosal examination every 2 years.
  2. Indigenous people aged 18 to 29 years old who chew betel nut (including those who have quit betel nut) can receive a free oral mucosal examination every 2 years.
  • If you make an appointment by telephone or register on the spot on the day (please bring your NHI card with you), you can be screened on that day.
  • Registration at the otolaryngology department or oral surgery department.
  1. For first-time patients, please fill out a first-time visit form at the cashier and registration counter. It is suggested that you register half an hour before the examination time.
  2. On-site registration:
  • Please register with the oral and maxillofacial surgery department or the otolaryngology department.
  • Oral mucosa screening is conducted irregularly in each outpatient building every month. Please contact the cancer screening station at ext. 14821 or 14823 for the date and time of screening.
  • If there is any abnormality that needs to be followed up, please go to the otolaryngology department clinic and follow the general outpatient procedure for consultation and fees.
  1. Screening time:
  • Monday-Friday morning at 08:30-12:00
  • Monday-Friday afternoon at 13:30-17:00
  • 葛應欽(1995).台灣之口腔癌與嚼檳榔、吸菸、酒精消耗間的關聯性.口腔病理學及口腔內科學雜誌,24(1)。
  • 衛生福利部國民健康署(2022,10月12日).口腔癌防治。
製作單位:癌症中心癌登癌篩組 編碼:HE-10133-4-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 14821、14823