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Social Welfare Resources for Patients of Head Injury 頭部外傷病人的社會福利資源


Social Welfare Resources for Patients of Head Injury 頭部外傷病人的社會福利資源


Catastrophic illness

Meeting the criteria for catastrophic illness announced by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and present the national health insurance card with mark during the validity of catastrophic illness to be exempt for the copayment of the treatment related to the injury/illness. 

  1. Application Qualification: Catastrophic illness validated by the physician diagnosis and announced by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
  2. Common Qualification of Catastrophic Illness in Traumatic Brain Injury:
Items of Catastrophic Illness
Catastrophic injury, which level of severity reaching 16 points in the injury severity level.
First Issuance: 1 Year
Renewal: 3 Years
Those with respiratory failure and need to use the respiratory over the long term in conformity with any of the following:
(1) Those using invasive-ventilator for more than 21 days.
(2) Those making improvement after using the invasive ventilator but change to use the non-invasive positive pressure ventilator for treatment over 21 days.
(3) Those using invasive respirator but changing to negative pressure respirator for more than 21 days.
First Issuance: 42 days
Renewal: 3 months
After 3rd renewal: 1 year
  1. Application: The doctor will issue the certificate of diagnosis for catastrophic illness and the hospital will submit the application to the National Health Insurance Bureau for processing. After passing the review, it will be marked in the national health insurance card. The entire process takes about 1 month.

Certificate of Disabilities

The professional team will conduct assessment on the physical function, structure, activities, and limitation in social participation of the case while the Social Work Department shall conduct welfare and service demand evaluation. The team will then issue the certificate of disabilities according to the result of evaluation to provide the relevant welfare measures, promote their independence and development, and thereby maintaining the rights of people with disabilities and protecting their equal participation in society.

  1. Application Qualification: Patients have suffered from injury or chronic psychiatric, neuro system or disease of internal medicine or surgery that lead to the damage on physical structure and function (totaling 8 categories), who undergo active treatment (approximately 3~6 months) but are still apparently disabled or disabled for a long time (1 year or more).
  2. Category of Common Disability Assessment for Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury:
Category 1
Injury on the nervous system structure and the psychological and mental function.
Including the conscious, positioning (orientation), intelligence, overall psychological social, attention, memory emotion, perception, thinking, advanced cognition, language, execution motion, and self and time realization.
Category 7
The injury on the relocated of structure and function related to the nerve, muscles and bones.
Including the head, neck and limb structure as well as the functions of joint, bones, muscles, and motion.
  1. Physical and Mental Disability Welfare Resources (using Taichung City as an example):
Financial resources
Living allowance, caregiver subsidy for hospitalization due to injury and disease, rental aids, exemption of clinical copayment, daycare and accommodation care fees.
Caring resources
Long-term care (home services, daycare, assistive device).
Transportation resources
Rehabilitation bus, parking certificate for physical and mental disability, and senior card.
Taichung City Persons of Physical and Mental Disabilities Community Resource Empowerment and Support Service Center (04-25344678)
Case management, referral counseling, family support, psychological and living restructure, social participation and leisure activities.
  1. Application: The applicant/proxy shall present 3 photos of the 1-inch head shots of the applicant taken within 3 months, the copy of the identification card, seal, and the identification and seal of the proxy, to apply with the Household Registration Office of the application, in addition to bringing the Physical and Mental Disability Assessment Form to the hospital for the assessment personnel to evaluate and fill out the form for review. The entire process takes about 2~3 months.

Barthel Index

An index used by a medical team will evaluate the patient’s functions in daily life, including feeding, relocation, personal hygiene, going up/down stairs, and control of defecation and urination, which is an evaluation scale often used in applying for caregivers of foreign nationality.

1. Application Qualification (The Barthel Index Standards conforming to the application for foreign caregivers are described below):

  1. Age under 80 years old with need for whole-day care (under 35 points).
  2. Age over 80 year or older, with strong need for reliance on the caregiver (under 60 points).

◎ The standards of detailed scoring is still subject to the judgement of physician evaluation.

2. Application

The applicant/proxy shall present 2 photos of 2-inch head shots of the application, the identification card and seal to the medical team members. The physician will assist the evaluation and prescribe the disease and disability diagnosis certificate and Barthel Index, submit the hospital for review and the entire process takes about 1~3 months.

製作單位:社會工作室醫療社工組 編碼:HE-20181-E
電話:(04) 22052121 分機 111416-111431